What We’re Watching – August 23


Tim Anaya – What Would Have Happened if the US Bought Greenland in 1946?
This week brought the unusual dispute between the Trump Administration and Denmark after being rebuffed over a proposal to purchase Greenland.  In the coverage of the issue, it was reported that Harry Truman offered to buy Greenland in 1946 during the Cold War.  This begs the question – what would things have been like had the US offer been accepted back then.  This alternative history video from a few years back explores the possibilities.

Rowena Itchon – Check out the latest from Reason’s Remy: A Parody on Occupational Licensing

Ben Smithwick – Sen. Tim Scott on Achieving Common Ground in Policymaking
Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina recently addressed the Oxford Union and engaged in a discussion covering a wide-range of issues, including tax reform, separation of powers, and the importance of achieving common ground in policymaking.

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