PRI’s History
Over 40 Years of History
The roots of Pacific Research Institute (PRI) go back to 1957, when Sir Antony Fisher founded the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) in London to spread the influence of leading free-market thinkers such as F.A. Hayek and Milton Friedman, both of whom became Nobel laureates. In 1979, Sir Antony teamed with San Francisco businessman James North to establish the Pacific Research Institute. Sally Pipes became president of PRI in 1991.
PRI began by publishing groundbreaking books, leading the way for dramatic policy reforms in education, the environment, and health care. PRI is still recognized as a premier publisher, but we expanded to pioneer innovative methods of public outreach that empower individuals and communities nationwide.
PRI established five research centers to provide compelling policy analysis and solutions: Education Studies, Business and Economic Studies, Environmental Studies, Health Care Studies and Center For California’s Future. The center directors and policy fellows respond to current policy challenges with rigorous, cutting-edge research and thought-provoking public commentary.
PRI strives to change the perception of lawmakers and the public so that the starting point for any policy solution is a private, voluntary action, rather than unnecessary, and even harmful, government intervention. The Institute fills a critical role in the public debate because of California’s influence as a national trendsetter and the economic and demographic importance of the state.
Our “outside the beltway” independence enables PRI to address important issues before they reach national prominence, and to lead the way in anticipating future threats to liberty.
PRI’s staff is often invited to give testimony to state legislatures and Congress, and lawmakers across the political spectrum have praised the Institute’s work. PRI policy staff has appeared on NBC’s “The Today Show”, CNBC, CNN, MSNBC, and the Fox News Channel. PRI’s work has been cited and published in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Newsweek, Time, USA Today, The Economist, The Atlantic Monthly, Investor’s Business Daily, Washington Times, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, and many other leading publications throughout the world.
In 2024, the Pacific Research Institute is celebrating its 45th Annivesrary. Since its founding in 1979, PRI has become California’s premier free market think tank. Thanks to your continued support, we continue to be a beacon of freedom on the West Coast – inspiring Californians to advocate for free-market policy changes and market-based reforms to put the gold back in the Golden State.

History Timeline
Webinar Series
During Covid-19 pandemic, PRI launches popular webinar series featuring at-home conversations with Heather Mac Donald, Stephen Moore, Michael Anton, and others.
False Premise, False Promise Released
Encounter Books publishes False Premise, False Promise: The Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All by Sally C. Pipes, which becomes a Number 1 bestseller for health law books.
First California Ideas in Action Conference
PRI hosts first annual “California Ideas in Action” policy conference in Sacramento.
First California Ideas in Action Conference
PRI releases mini-documentary “Welcome to Change” on Life Learning Academy, a charter school serving at risk youth on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay.
Pension Chart Book Released
PRI puts out a Pension Chart Book to support the research study “Reforming Public-Sector Pensions to Improve California’s Fiscal Outlook” by Wayne Winegarden
Annual Thatcher Gala
PRI celebrates Pete Wilson at the Annual Thatcher Gala dinner. Mark Steyn speaks at Annual Gala in San Francisco.
Good Intentions Released
Good Intentions brief on poverty in California, which garners national media attention.
The Corrupt Classroom Released
PRI releases The Corrupt Classroom: Bias, Indoctrination, Violence and Social Engineering Show Why America Needs School Choice.
California Housing Panel
PRI hosts housing panel at the Capital building in Sacramento to discuss California Housing issues.
PRI Redesign
PRI redesigns website — launches weekly Podcast and daily blog.
PRI adds Powtoon videos to help explain content in research studies.
2017 Annual Gala
Peter Thiel speaks at Annual Gala in San Francisco.
PRI Young Leaders Circle Launch
PRI launches a Young Leaders Circle for people under the age of 40 to get involved with current events and California policy.
2016 Annual Thatcher Gala
Jonah Goldberg speaks at Annual Thatcher Gala in Southern California.
2016 Annual Sir Antony Fisher Gala
Charles Krauthammer speaks at Annual Sir Antony Fisher Gala in San Francisco.
Andrew McCarthy Luncheon
PRI hosts a sold out luncheon for Bestselling Author Andrew C. McCarthy.
PRI Rebrand
PRI updates logo, branding, and website.
2015 Annual Gala
Ayaan Hirsi Ali speaks at the Annual Gala in San Francisco.
Fighting Obamacare
PRI fights Obamacare in the courts.
Research Expansion
Lance Izumi takes research of middle class schools to 5 states. PRI also establishes first 50-State Index of Energy Regulation.
2013 Annual Gala
Dr. Charles Krauthammer is the speaker at PRI’s Annual Gala.
The Cure for Obamacare Releases
Sally Pipes releases The Cure for Obamacare.
1st Annual Margaret Thatcher Dinner
PRI hosts the First Annual Margaret Thatcher Dinner, featuring Steve Forbes.
Khan Academy Study Released
PRI releases study on Sal Khan and the Khan academy.
The Pipes Plan Released
Sally Pipes releases The Pipes Plan.
The Laffer Center Launches
PRI establishes The Laffer Center at PRI.
2012 Annual Gala
George Will speaks at PRI’s Annual Gala.
Friedman Legacy for Freedom Day
PRI sponsors the Friedman Legacy for Freedom Day, celebrating Milton Friedman.
Short Circuited Released
PRI publishes the first edition of Short Circuited: The Challenges Facing the Online Learning Revolution in California.
Not as Good as you Think Released
PRI releases its second documentary film, Not as Good as You Think: The Myth of the Middle Class School, directed by filmmaker Nick Tucker. The film premieres to packed audiences.
PRI Recognized by The Economist
The Economist magazine recognizes PRI’s legal reform work as changing the national debate on tort reform.
California Prosperity Project
PRI launches the California Prosperity Project, a series of studies aimed at moving California’s economy toward greater and lasting prosperity.
Cal Watchdog Launches
PRI launches an online investigative journalism site.
The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care Releases
PRI releases Sally C. Pipes’s second book, The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide.
Not as Good as You Think Response
In response to the findings of Not as Good as You Think in the fall of 2007, more school choice legislation is introduced in 2008 than in any point in California history.
Not as Good as you think released
PRI publishes Not As Good As You Think: Why the Middle Class Needs School Choice.
An Inconvenient Truth or Convenient Fiction Released
PRI releases the environmental documentary film, An Inconvenient Truth or Convenient Fiction?
U.S. Tort Reliability Index Released
In December, PRI releases the U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2006 Report – a ranking of each state’s tort system.
Free to Learn Released
PRI publishes Free to Learn, by co-authors Lance Izumi and Xiaochin Yan. The book is used as the blueprint for rebuilding the New Orleans public and charter school systems after Hurricane Katrina.
Miracle Cure Released
PRI releases Sally C. Pipes’s first book, Miracle Cure: How to Solve America’s Health Care Crisis and Why Canada Isn’t the Answer
2002 Gala Dinner
Lou Dobbs, television host and founding member of CNN speaks at PRI’s gala dinner.
Caspar Weinberger Speech
Caspar Weinberger, former U.S. Defense Secretary, speaks at a PRI event.
2001 Gala Dinner
Dr. Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State, speaks at PRI’s Gala Dinner in November.
PRI Celebrates 20 Years
PRI celebrates its 20th anniversary, hosting former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as keynote speaker.
Prop 227 Launches
After studying PRI education materials, Ron Unz launches Prop 227, an initiative to eliminate bilingual education in California. PRI plays a role in its passage.
Index of Leading Environmental Indicators Report
PRI releases the first Index of Leading Environmental Indicators: 1996 Report, which becomes one of PRI’s flagship publications.
Ideas in Action
PRI adopts the motto, “Ideas in Action.“ PRI health care experts – headed by President Sally C. Pipes – play a key role in defeating California’s Proposition 186, the single-payer health care initiative.
Prop 186
PRI health care experts – headed by President Sally C. Pipes – play a key role in defeating California’s Proposition 186, the single-payer health care initiative.
Free Market Environmentalism Released
PRI publishes Free Market Environmentalism which gained widespread popularity.
Friedman at 2nd Annual Dinner
Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman is honored at PRI’s second annual dinner.
Hayek Honored at 1st Annual Dinner
PRI hosts its first annual dinner honoring economist Freidrich Hayek for his contribution to freedom and liberty.
Humble Beginnings
The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) founded by Sir Antony Fisher, opens its doors in San Francisco, California.
The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) founded by Sir Antony Fisher, opens its doors in San Francisco, California.
PRI hosts its first annual dinner honoring economist Freidrich Hayek for his contribution to freedom and liberty.
Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman is honored at PRI’s second annual dinner.
PRI publishes Free Market Environmentalism which gained widespread popularity.
PRI health care experts – headed by President Sally C. Pipes – play a key role in defeating California’s Proposition 186, the single-payer health care initiative.
PRI adopts the motto, “Ideas in Action.“ PRI health care experts – headed by President Sally C. Pipes – play a key role in defeating California’s Proposition 186, the single-payer health care initiative.
PRI releases the first Index of Leading Environmental Indicators: 1996 Report, which becomes one of PRI’s flagship publications.
After studying PRI education materials, Ron Unz launches Prop 227, an initiative to eliminate bilingual education in California. PRI plays a role in its passage.
PRI celebrates its 20th anniversary, hosting former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as keynote speaker.
Dr. Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State, speaks at PRI’s Gala Dinner in November.
Caspar Weinberger, former U.S. Defense Secretary, speaks at a PRI event.
Lou Dobbs, television host and founding member of CNN speaks at PRI’s gala dinner.
PRI releases Sally C. Pipes’s first book, Miracle Cure: How to Solve America’s Health Care Crisis and Why Canada Isn’t the Answer
PRI publishes Free to Learn, by co-authors Lance Izumi and Xiaochin Yan. The book is used as the blueprint for rebuilding the New Orleans public and charter school systems after Hurricane Katrina.
In December, PRI releases the U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2006 Report – a ranking of each state’s tort system.
PRI releases the environmental documentary film, An Inconvenient Truth or Convenient Fiction?
PRI publishes Not As Good As You Think Why the Middle Class Needs School Choice.
PRI releases Sally C. Pipes’s second book, The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide.
In response to the findings of Not as Good as You Think in the fall of 2007, more school choice legislation is introduced in 2008 than in any point in California history.
PRI releases its second documentary film, Not as Good as You Think: The Myth of the Middle Class School, directed by filmmaker Nick Tucker. The film premieres to packed audiences.
The Economist magazine recognizes PRI’s legal reform work as changing the national debate on tort reform.
PRI launches the California Prosperity Project, a series of studies aimed at moving California’s economy toward greater and lasting prosperity.
PRI launches an online investigative journalism site.
PRI publishes the first edition of Short Circuited: The Challenges Facing the Online Learning Revolution in California.
George Will speaks at PRI’s Annual Gala.
PRI sponsors the Friedman Legacy for Freedom Day, celebrating Milton Friedman.
Sally Pipes releases The Pipes Plan.
PRI establishes The Laffer Center at PRI.
PRI hosts the First Annual Margaret Thatcher Dinner, featuring Steve Forbes.
PRI releases study on Sal Khan and the Khan academy.
Dr. Charles Krauthammer is the speaker at PRI’s Annual Gala.
Sally Pipes releases The Cure for Obamacare.
PRI fights Obamacare in the courts.
Lance Izumi takes research of middle class schools to 5 states.
PRI establishes first 50-State Index of Energy Regulation.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali speaks at the Annual Gala in San Francisco.
PRI updates logo, branding, and website.
PRI hosts a sold out luncheon for Bestselling Author Andrew C. McCarthy.
Jonah Goldberg speaks at Annual Thatcher Gala in Southern California.
Charles Krauthammer speaks at Annual Sir Antony Fisher Gala in San Francisco.
PRI launches a Young Leaders Circle for people under the age of 40 to get involved with current events and California policy.
Peter Thiel speaks at Annual Gala in San Francisco.
PRI redesigns website — launches weekly Podcast and daily blog.
PRI adds Powtoon videos to help explain content in research studies.
PRI hosts housing panel at the Capital building in Sacramento to discuss California Housing issues.
PRI releases The Corrupt Classroom: Bias, Indoctrination, Violence and Social Engineering Show Why America Needs School Choice.
Good Intentions brief on poverty in California, which garners national media attention.
PRI celebrates Pete Wilson at the Annual Thatcher Gala dinner.
Mark Steyn speaks at Annual Gala in San Francisco.
PRI puts out a Pension Chart Book to support the research study “Reforming Public-Sector Pensions to Improve California’s Fiscal Outlook” by Wayne Winegarden
PRI hosts first annual “California Ideas in Action” policy conference in Sacramento.
PRI releases mini-documentary “Welcome to Change” on Life Learning Academy, a charter school serving at risk youth on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay.
Encounter Books publishes False Premise, False Promise: The Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All by Sally C. Pipes, which becomes a Number 1 bestseller for health law books.
During Covid-19 pandemic, PRI launches popular webinar series featuring at-home conversations with Heather Mac Donald, Stephen Moore, Michael Anton, and others.