
Public policy is too important to be left just to the experts.

PRI’s work encompasses countless studies, commentary, books, podcasts, blog posts, and events surrounding our mission to promote the principles of individual freedom and personal responsibility. Our areas of research include health care, education, environment, innovation, California reform, and business economics. Explore our topics below.

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Health Care

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Learn more about how price controls hurt patients

Harris’s Home Care Promises Unworkable, Unwise

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris’s new proposal to provide subsidized at-home care for seniors through Medicare has received a warm reception from many academics and advocates for the elderly. But the likely cost of this new plan — not just to taxpayers but to the health of ...
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Learn more about LNG exports

The High Costs Of Obstructing LNG Exports

Thanks to plentiful natural gas, consumers have access to affordable and reliable electricity, an often preferred heating/cooking fuel, and an energy source that has helped reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. Greater use of natural gas is also consistent with the strong preference of “American voters across demographics and ...
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California Reform

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Judge Glock – On California’s Housing and Homelessness Problems

With housing – including rent control and development policies – and homelessness key issues for voters across California this election year, we present an expanded version of our recent conversation between the Manhattan Institute’s Judge Glock and our Steven Greenhut of PRI’s Free Cities Center.  ...
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Read about California's latest move against Elon Musk

SpaceX Delaunched In California

The California Coastal Commission voted 6-4 last week to oppose Musk’s plans to launch as many as 50 SpaceX rockets a year from Vandenberg Air Force Base in Santa Barbara County. Musk’s response was to take the agency to court, which he did Tuesday, claiming ...
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