

Read the latest on the 340B Drug Pricing Program

Reforming 340B to Serve the Interests of Patients, Not Institutions

By Anthony M. DiGiorgio, DO, MHA and Wayne Winegarden, PhD Enacted by the US Congress in 1992 to help entities serving lower-income and uninsured patients stretch their resources, the 340B Drug Pricing Program mandated drug companies give large discounts to covered entities (CEs). Judging the program on its outcomes, not its intentions, ...

Read about Kamala Harris' California crime record

Kamala Harris played a key role in California’s crime catastrophe — voters should be very worried

If what Kamala Harris helped do to California is an indication of what she’d do the nation, voters should be very, very worried. As state attorney general from 2011 to 2017, Harris refused to take a position on two ballot initiatives that have come to define modern California — but her office ...

Read about Biden's plan to extend health insurance to DACA

Biden’s Healthcare Amnesty Solves Nothing — and at a Staggering Cost

The Biden administration recently finalized a rule extending subsidized health coverage to approximately 100,000 people without health insurance who entered the United States illegally. These folks are part of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program — a group sometimes known as “dreamers.” The new rule effectively rewrites ...

Fauci Has Only Himself to Blame for His COVID Legacy

“We have seen complete fabrications become some people’s accepted reality,” Dr. Anthony Fauci laments in his new memoir “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service.” Surely the good doctor means to speak about his ideological foes, who have long decried the heavy-handed response to COVID-19 that Dr. Fauci symbolizes. But today, ...

We’re Closer Than Ever To Beating Alzheimer’s. Price Controls Could Change That.

Earlier this month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved donanemab, a novel treatment for Alzheimer’s disease that Eli Lilly will sell under the brand name Kisunla. The drug targets amyloid, a type of protein that builds up in the brains of people with the disease. It was shown to slow the ...
Business & Economics

Biden’s rent-control plan will only make America’s housing crisis worse

President Joe Biden is suggesting that a federal limit on annual rent increases in residential units will ease housing costs. This is what happens when economist Milton Friedman isn’t “running the show”: Policymakers follow ideas that make the problem they say they’re solving infinitely worse. “While the prior administration gave special ...

Read the latest on CA outmigration

Is Atlas shrugging in California?

The working title for the Ayn Rand classic “Atlas Shrugged” was “The Strike.” Rand wanted to show what the world would be like if the competent, the rational, the men and women of excellence walked away from their work. It was a “rebellion of the unrecognized and often persecuted creative ...

U.S. Left Take Note: UK’s Healthcare an Unending Nightmare

Great Britain has new leadership. The Labour Party rode dissatisfaction with the Conservative Party, and in particular its stewardship of the country’s National Health Service, to victory in this month’s elections. Democrats in the United States may hope they can follow their left-wing brethren to victory this fall by campaigning ...

Read the latest on Project Homekey

Disregard the spin. Project Roomkey is failing

In a blatant attempt to rewrite history, Gov. Gavin Newsom claims that Project Roomkey was a great success, which provides important lessons for other states. The only lesson other states should take from the governor’s program is what not to do. To facilitate this revision, research firm Abt Global was contracted ...

Biden has given us worse healthcare

President Joe Biden proudly touted his record on healthcare during last month’s disastrous presidential debate. “The American public has greater healthcare coverage today than ever before,” he proclaimed. That’s debatable, to say the least. His administration’s policies have caused health insurance costs to surge. Biden began his presidency by increasing public subsidies for coverage through the exchanges. ...

Read the latest on the 340B Drug Pricing Program

Reforming 340B to Serve the Interests of Patients, Not Institutions

By Anthony M. DiGiorgio, DO, MHA and Wayne Winegarden, PhD Enacted by the US Congress in 1992 to help entities serving lower-income and uninsured patients stretch their resources, the 340B Drug Pricing Program mandated drug companies give large discounts to covered entities (CEs). Judging the program on its outcomes, not its intentions, ...

Read about Kamala Harris' California crime record

Kamala Harris played a key role in California’s crime catastrophe — voters should be very worried

If what Kamala Harris helped do to California is an indication of what she’d do the nation, voters should be very, very worried. As state attorney general from 2011 to 2017, Harris refused to take a position on two ballot initiatives that have come to define modern California — but her office ...

Read about Biden's plan to extend health insurance to DACA

Biden’s Healthcare Amnesty Solves Nothing — and at a Staggering Cost

The Biden administration recently finalized a rule extending subsidized health coverage to approximately 100,000 people without health insurance who entered the United States illegally. These folks are part of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program — a group sometimes known as “dreamers.” The new rule effectively rewrites ...

Fauci Has Only Himself to Blame for His COVID Legacy

“We have seen complete fabrications become some people’s accepted reality,” Dr. Anthony Fauci laments in his new memoir “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service.” Surely the good doctor means to speak about his ideological foes, who have long decried the heavy-handed response to COVID-19 that Dr. Fauci symbolizes. But today, ...

We’re Closer Than Ever To Beating Alzheimer’s. Price Controls Could Change That.

Earlier this month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved donanemab, a novel treatment for Alzheimer’s disease that Eli Lilly will sell under the brand name Kisunla. The drug targets amyloid, a type of protein that builds up in the brains of people with the disease. It was shown to slow the ...
Business & Economics

Biden’s rent-control plan will only make America’s housing crisis worse

President Joe Biden is suggesting that a federal limit on annual rent increases in residential units will ease housing costs. This is what happens when economist Milton Friedman isn’t “running the show”: Policymakers follow ideas that make the problem they say they’re solving infinitely worse. “While the prior administration gave special ...

Read the latest on CA outmigration

Is Atlas shrugging in California?

The working title for the Ayn Rand classic “Atlas Shrugged” was “The Strike.” Rand wanted to show what the world would be like if the competent, the rational, the men and women of excellence walked away from their work. It was a “rebellion of the unrecognized and often persecuted creative ...

U.S. Left Take Note: UK’s Healthcare an Unending Nightmare

Great Britain has new leadership. The Labour Party rode dissatisfaction with the Conservative Party, and in particular its stewardship of the country’s National Health Service, to victory in this month’s elections. Democrats in the United States may hope they can follow their left-wing brethren to victory this fall by campaigning ...

Read the latest on Project Homekey

Disregard the spin. Project Roomkey is failing

In a blatant attempt to rewrite history, Gov. Gavin Newsom claims that Project Roomkey was a great success, which provides important lessons for other states. The only lesson other states should take from the governor’s program is what not to do. To facilitate this revision, research firm Abt Global was contracted ...

Biden has given us worse healthcare

President Joe Biden proudly touted his record on healthcare during last month’s disastrous presidential debate. “The American public has greater healthcare coverage today than ever before,” he proclaimed. That’s debatable, to say the least. His administration’s policies have caused health insurance costs to surge. Biden began his presidency by increasing public subsidies for coverage through the exchanges. ...
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