
Health Care

Medicare July2024 F cover
NEW BRIEF: Washington Must End Physician Price Controls, Reform Medicare Payment System to Prevent Doctor Shortages
Biosimilars June2024 rFCover
NEW ISSUE BRIEF: Biosimilar Competition Lowers Patient Drug Costs, New Competition Will Bring Even More Savings
IssueBriefDebukingBarber cover
NEW BRIEF: JAMA Study Justifying Drug Price Controls Deeply Flawed, Patient Health Jeopardized if Findings Implemented
CMEI mAbs Cover
NEW BRIEF: Regulatory Roadblocks Hinder Development of New COVID-19 Treatments for the Immuno­compromised
PBM IssueBrief CMEI Feb24 F
NEW BRIEF: End Anti-Market Distortions in Current PBM System Would Lower Patient Costs, Increase Access to Life-Saving Drugs
CapIdeasWebImagePortrait PipesAgenda
CAPITAL IDEAS: A 2024 Healthcare Reform Agenda for Achieving Affordable, Accessible, High Quality Care
NEW BRIEF: COVID-19 Restrictions Led to Small Health Benefits Negated by Tradeoff of Huge Economic, Education Losses
NEW BRIEF: Cash-Based Support Would Empower Vulnerable to Buy Private Health Insurance, Create More Effective Safety Net
NEW BRIEF: Empowering Providers to Promote Healthcare Innovation
340B Policy2022 F
NEW STUDY: 340B Providers Reap Big Profits, Should Be Reformed to Ensure At-Risk Patients Receive Affordable Care
NEW BRIEF: Promoting Transparency and Competition in the Drug Market
Policy To-Do Lists
BiosimilarsCompetition F Cover 2
NEW BRIEF: Biosimilars Save Patients Over $11 Billion Annually, Fixing Broken System Would Help Patients Save More
NEW BRIEF: Establishing An Efficient Health Insurance Market
VapingStudy Finalweb cover
NEW STUDY: U.K. Vaping Regulations Based on Risks of Vaping Relative to Smoking Provide Lessons for U.S.
CoverageDeniedCoversforWeb 05
NEW BRIEF: Broken System Imposes Higher Out-of-Pocket Costs on Patients, Puts Interests of Government and Insurers First
CoverageDeniedCoversforWeb 03
The Flawed Third-Party Payer System Drives the Drug Affordability Problem
QuantifyingWrong Paper2 F Cover
NEW STUDY: Creating Two-Part Drug Pricing System Would Ensure Prices More Accurately Reflect How Patients
CoverageDeniedCoversforWeb 01
The Fundamental Flaws of the Third-Party Payer System
340B Study F Cover
NEW BRIEF: 340B Hospitals More Profitable, Provide Less Charity Care, Receive Unwarranted Subsidies
DrugSavings Humira Cover
NEW BRIEF: U.S. Patients Could Save Up to $5.8 Billion Through Competition from Humira and Enbrel Biosimilars
CoverageDeniedCoversforWeb 02
New PRI Series to Show How Flawed U.S. Health Insurance System Inflates Costs, Decreases Quality and Reduces Health Outcomes
DrugPricingTest F
NEW BRIEF: Focus Groups Overwhelmingly Disapprove of Government “Negotiated” Drug Pricing
ISSUE BRIEF: ICER Analyses Are Flawed, Undervalue Life-Saving Medicines, and Are Biased Toward Price Controls
NEW BRIEF: Tearing Down Drug ‘Rebate Walls’ Would Save Patients, Improve Health Care Outcomes
NEW BRIEF: Counterfeit Drugs Harm Patients, Economy, Innovation
NEW BRIEF: Mandating that Drug Rebates Benefit Consumers Will Help Patients with High Out-of-Pocket Drug Costs
New Brief Shows Impact of California’s Surprise Medical Billing Law: Lower Quality Care, Reduced Access, Higher System Costs
NEW STUDY: Future Medical Innovation Will Be Hindered Unless Elected Officials Embrace Health Care Entrepreneurship
NEW BRIEF: Expanding “Buy America” Rules Would Hurt U.S. Patients and Economy, Hinder Development of Coronavirus Vaccine
NEW ISSUE BRIEF: Expanding Biosimilars Use Could Save Patients, Reduce Out-of-Pocket Costs By 17 Percent
PRI Single-Payer Poll Watch
NEW STUDY shows that Reforming Supply Chain & Drug Pricing System Will Lower Health Care Costs
PRI Single-Payer Poll Watch
NEW ISSUE BRIEF: Biosimilars Study Shows Massive State and Taxpayer Savings Possible by Expanding Biosimilars Market
ISSUE BRIEF: Increased Use of Biosimilars Could Bring Billions in Savings for Patients, Providers, Taxpayers
Much-Publicized Report on Financial Returns on Cancer Treatments Contains Significant Flaws and Biases, Finds New PRI Brief
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Recent History of Manipulative Taxation
New PRI Study: Congress Has Some Unfinished Business – Acting to Repeal the Medical Device Tax
Dr. Henry Miller Publishes New Federalist Society White Paper on Regulation of Food & Ag Biotech
NEW STUDY: Medicare Competitive Bidding Process Should Be Reformed
New Study: Patients, Employers and Taxpayers Could Save Significantly if Barriers to Biosimilars Removed
New Study: Patients Could Save Time and Money if Neighborhood Pharmacies Can Administer More Vaccines
Sally Pipes Releases New Book The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care
Trump Is Right: The UK’s NHS Is Failing And More Money Won’t Save It
CAPITAL IDEAS:The Next Step on the Slippery Slope Toward Single-Payer in California
Well-Meaning Drug Discount Program Encourages Hospitals to Profit Rather than Effectively Serve Poor
CAPITAL IDEAS: Majority Party’s War on Trump Is Really War on California’s Middle Class
New Study Finds High Prescription Drug Costs Are Not Driving Up U.S. Healthcare Costs
New Brief Highlights The Economic Costs Of Pharmacy Benefit Managers
New PRI Study Finds That High Prescription Drug Costs Are Not Driving Up U.S. Health Care Costs
ISSUE BRIEF: Nevada Proposal To Regulate Excess Costs Are Price Controls By Another Name
ISSUE BRIEF: Oregon Proposal To Regulate Excess Costs Is Price Controls By Another Name
Who Has The Best Plan?
New PRI Study: Free Market Policies Needed To Stop Drug-Resistant Diseases, Encourage New Life-Saving Treatments
Who Has the Best Health Care Plan – Hillary or Donald?
csm Impact Spring2016 Finalwebcover d1d5d1c31f
Impact Magazine — Summer 2016
Improving the Incentive to Innovate
Why Pharmaceutical Prices Drop Once Drugs Are Off-Patent
The Broken State of American Health Insurance Prior to the Affordable Care Act
India’s War On Intellectual Property Rights May Bring With It A Body Count
The Cure for Obamacare
New Study Finds Startup Business Increases Growth of Real SGP
Myths and Realities of Obamacare
New Report on Controlling Rising Government Compensation Costs
Dental Service Organizations Disproportionately Benefit Low-Income Communities
Economist Finds Dental Service Organizations (DSOs) More Cost-Effective Than Average Independent Dentists
Obamacare’s tax on medical devices
Skin in the Game: Governor Brown is Right and Secretary Sebelius Is Wrong About Medicaid Co-Pays
Chart Focus: Will Americans Ever Control As Many Of Our Own Health Dollars as the Swiss, the Swedes, or the Canadians?
Feed the Beast: Renewing the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA)
The Pacific Research Institute, Benjamin Rush Society, Docs 4 Patient Care, Galen Institute and Angel Raich File Amicus Brief Against ObamaCare
If Health Spending is Increasing Slower, Why Are Premiums Rising Faster?
The Pipes Plan: The Top Ten Ways to Dismantle and Replace ObamaCare
Over Regulation Reduces Choice in Health Insurance: An Update Health Policy Prescription
The Medicare Auction Design and Incentives for Research and Development
Rick Perry’s Texas: It’s Better to Create More Jobs Than More Medicaid Dependents
Why Health Exchanges Don’t Work
Why the Utah Health Exchange is No Model for Health Reform
Health Insurance Exchanges: What If They Issued 347 Pages of Regulations and Nobody Cared?
Comparative Effectiveness Reviews: Quantitative Analysis of Research and Development Investment Effects
Bust or Bailout? The Future of Private Health Plans Under ObamaCare
Lesson for California: Washington State’s Bipartisan Medicaid Reform Will Benefit Taxpayers and Patients
Federal Health Reform and Stock Market Returns of Health Insurers
Medicare Auctions for Durable Medical Equipment: Price Suppression and Research and Development Investment
Why Medicaid Should Be Easier to Fix than Entitlement Programs
The Ryan Republican Medicare Reforms: What They Are, What They’re Not, and What They Might Become
Replacing Employer-Monopoly Health Benefits: Tax Deduction or Tax Credit?
Has the Fight Against Obamacare Morphed into a Fight Against Government-Run Health Care?
There Is No Real Difference Between an “Individual Mandate” to Buy Health Insurance and the Health Benefits We Have Today
In the Nick of Time: Rhode Island’s Medicaid Waiver Shows How States Can Save Their Budgets from Obamacare’s Assault
Why Retiring Baby Boomers Will find Medi-Cal a Bust on Long-Term Care
Medi-Cal Long-Term Care: Safety Net or Hammock?
The End of the “Individual Mandate” Is Not the End of Obamacare
Medi-Cal Long-Term Care
Should Your State Establish an Obamacare Health Insurance Exchange?
Beyond ObamaCare: The Ninth and Tenth Amendments and the “Right to Health Care”
Costs and Consequences: Rate-of-Return Biases, Rate Suppression, and Market Incentives for Quality in Property/Casualty Insurance Regulation
Governor Schwarzenegger: Don’t Build This Wall!
ObamaCare Will Dramatically Reduce Choice in Private Insurance
Which is More Obese, San Francisco’s Kids, or Its Government?
Leviathan’s Drug Problem
Medical Tort: Ranking the 50 States
Should The State Decide How Many Nurses a Hospital Must Hire?
The Federal Government Can Never “Fix” the “Doc Fix”
Honest Talk About California’s Uninsured
Repeal and Replace, But With What?
Double Jeopardy? Californians Are Already Protected from Health Insurance Cancellations
What the Congressional Budget Office Doesn’t Score: More Than $6.5 Billion Annual State Revenue at Risk from Federal Health “Reform”
Taxing Health Insurance: How Much Do States Earn?
New PRI Sudy Shows that Increased Federal Control of Health Insurance Plans Will Reduce States’ Tax Revenue
Did You Hear About Anthem Blue Cross Cutting Premiums 20 Percent?
Popular but Pointless: Subjecting Health Insurers to Federal Antitrust Laws Would Avoid, Not Achieve, Reform
The Rich Get Richer: The Senate’s Medicaid Proposal Gives a Bigger Bailout to Wealthier States
Entrepreneurs’ Coverage: An Alternative Health Policy Reform
Study Finds that Insurance Coverage Free of Benefit Mandates Would Enroll Nearly 17 million Individuals
The Federal Government’s Regulatory Burden on American Health Care Has Increased By More Than Half in a Decade
Medicare Advantage or Medicare Monopoly: Protecting Seniors’ Choices and Taxpayers’ Wallets in the Federal Government’s Largest Entitlement Program
New Study Finds that Medicare Advantage Relieves the “Hidden Tax” On Privately Insured Americans
The Advantage of Medicare Advantage: Why Reducing Seniors’ Choices Won’t Protect Taxpayers
Why California’s “Two-Plan” Does Not Support the “Public Option”
The Facts about Medical Malpractice Liability Costs
San Francisco’s Employer Health Tax: Change We Can Do Without
Meet the New Boss, Same As the Old Boss: President Obama’s Best Health “Insurance” Reforms Were Passed In 1997
Governor Schwarzenegger Misunderstands California’s Lessons for Federal Health Reform
The Health Care Crisis Ain’t What It Used to Be: Personal Spending on Non-Health Goods and Services Has Increased by One-Third Since 1995
U.S. Index of Health Ownership: 3rd Edition
Americans Beware: “Healthy” San Francisco’s Tax Hikes May Be Coming Your Way
Medicaid’s Costs, Like Medicare’s, Have Risen Far More Than the Costs of Private Health Care
California Feminist Seeking Young, Healthy Man to Subsidize Health Care Costs: Must Enjoy Higher Premiums
Time to Sunset California’s “Relic” Stem Cell Institute
Health Care’s Future: Mexican Medical Tourism for Californians?
Medicare Costs Have Risen Far More than the Costs of Private Health Care
Does California Need a Commission on the Status of Women?
Testimony of John R. Graham, Director of Health Care Studies, Pacific Research Institute to Arizona House Health & Human Services
Statement by Pacific Research Institute Health Care Studies Director on the Arizona Health Care Freedom Act
Deciphering the Polls: How to Win Health Reform
Is the CIRM Good Medicine for California?
Is Health Care A “Right”? Not According to Governments Who Run Health Care
Government Health Care Competition: The Audacity of Hope Against Experience
Union Bosses, Corporate Lobbyists, and Maybe Even A Secretary of Health
Testimony to the U.S. Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Health
The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide
Health Reform in California: Three Simple Steps
John R. Graham Invited to Testify on Health Reform at the California State Senate Standing Health Committee
If Eight Is Enough, Why Isn’t $60 Billion?
Cajun Care: Medicaid Reform in Louisiana
Election 2008: An Unhealthy Outcome
It’s a Lock: Governor’s veto traps California in obsolete medical research
The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide-1
Presidential Prescriptions: Diagnosing the Candidates’ Health Reforms
2008 U.S. Index of Health Ownership
Ranking Health Care in the States: The Most Important Input is the Patient
Unbalanced Billing In California Hospitals: Is This A Problem the State Can Solve By Getting Out of the Way?
State Health Benefit Mandates Increase the Number of Uninsured
From Heart Transplants to Hairpieces: The Questionable Benefits of State Benefit Mandates for Health Insurance
From Heart Transplants to Hairpieces: The Questionable Benefits of State Benefit Mandates
Medicare Means Testing: Test the Deductible, Not the Premium
Escaping From Unhealthy Health Care Dependency: Lessons from Down Under
California Can Learn Health Care Lessons From Down Under
Why Consumer-Driven Health Care is Crashing on the Shoals of Medicare
More Scrutiny for CIRM and Big-Government Health Care
California Health Care Deforminator Model ABX1 1: A Requiem
What Now for California Health Care?
Is Dr. Robert Jarvik Public Health Enemy Number 1? Pharmaceutical Promotion in a Free Society
New PRI Report Exposes True Cost of Governor Schwarzenegger’s Health Care Proposal
Amicus Brief Against ObamaCare

Business & Economics


Spending Watch

Californians Have Little to Show for All That Government Spending
TortReform F Cover


Americans Pay $1,300 ‘Tort Tax,’ Fixing Legal System Would Grow Economy by 2 Percent
Homekey Final cover
NEW STUDY: Despite Billions Spent, Project Homekey Providing No Way Home for State’s Homeless
VapingStudy Finalweb cover
NEW STUDY: U.K. Vaping Regulations Based on Risks of Vaping Relative to Smoking Provide Lessons for U.S.
LitigationBrief Cover
NEW BRIEF: City and State Climate Change Lawsuits Drive Up Gas Prices, Discourage Clean Energy Innovation
Barriers EconomicEntrepreneurship Cover
NEW STUDY: Pandemic Response Grew Government ‘Barriers to Opportunity’ for Entrepreneurs
ERR EnergyCompetition F Cover
NEW STUDY: Competitive Markets Reduce Electricity Costs, Improve Reliability, Lower Emissions
NEW STUDY: Rejecting Push to Restrict Gig Entrepreneurship Key to Driving Innovation, Economic Growth, Higher Incomes
NEW STUDY: Bad Policy Choices Zap Californians with $1450 Average Electricity Bills
NickelDimed F cover
NEW STUDY: Government Fees ‘Nickel and Dime’ Californians Out of Hundreds of Dollars Per Year
New study analyzes how federal relief efforts impact small business, innovation amid Covid pandemic
CA Migration F Cover
NEW STUDY: Harmful Policy Choices Driving Employers, Every Age Group and Income Level Away from California
CapIdeasWebImage July21
CAPITAL IDEAS: More of California’s Big Cities on the Way to Becoming Next Detroit
CapIdeasWebImage June21
CAPITAL IDEAS: Is This How California is Solving Its Housing Crisis?
CapIdeasWebImage 12 21
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Past, Even if Not Perfect, Set Up Its Prosperous Future
NEW STUDY: Future Medical Innovation Will Be Hindered Unless Elected Officials Embrace Health Care Entrepreneurship
NEW STUDY finds Overregulation Hurts Immigrant and Low-Income Entrepreneurs Trying to Achieve the American Dream
NEW ISSUE BRIEF: Biosimilars Study Shows Massive State and Taxpayer Savings Possible by Expanding Biosimilars Market
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Electric Car Future to Nowhere
ISSUE BRIEF: Damon Dunn Shares Stories from His Rise from Poverty, Makes the Case for Why Socialism Doesn’t Work
NEW STUDY: State and Local Tax Deduction “Makes it Rain” in California, Paid for by Taxpayers in Low Tax States
Colorado Low Emission Vehicle Standard Would Increase Energy Poverty Without Major Emission Reductions
New Study Finds ESG Funds Underperform Broader Investment Funds Over Long-Term
NEW STUDY: Costly Regulations Hurt Entrepreneurship, Reform Needed to ‘Break Down Barriers’ for Jobs, Innovation
Facing $22 Trillion National Debt, New PRI Report Shows How “15 Percent Solution” Can Cut Debt, Grow Economy
New Study Shows California/New York Approach to Fighting Global Warming Hurts Working Class and Minority Communities
New PRI Chartbook Shows California’s Public Pension Monster Has Grown to Nearly $1 Trillion
CAPITAL IDEAS – Choice Robbers: California Nannies Won’t Give Up
CAPITAL IDEAS: A Futuristic and Cheaper Alternative to High-Speed Rail
New Study: Patients, Employers and Taxpayers Could Save Significantly if Barriers to Biosimilars Removed
How Much Should We Spend? New PRI Report Offers the 15% Solution
CAPITAL IDEAS: What Executives in High-Demand Industries are Saying About Moving to California
New PRI Survey: Housing, Education, Business Climate Top Reasons Why Industries Aren’t Moving to California
Government Electric Car Subsidies Are ‘Costly Subsidies for the Rich’, Finds New Study
CAPITAL IDEAS: Governor Brown Ignores State’s Poverty Crisis
New PRI Study: Breaking Down Barriers in Insurance Markets Would Benefit Consumers, Expand Job Opportunities
New Issue Brief: State Anti-Poverty Programs Are Well-Intended, Yet Not Very Successful in Reducing Poverty
Well-Meaning Drug Discount Program Encourages Hospitals to Profit Rather than Effectively Serve Poor
NEW STUDY: Californians Would Pay $1.9 Billion More For Insurance If Congress Passes Border Adjustment Tax
New PRI Issue Brief Finds Government Policies Have Strangled State’s Housing Market, Made Housing Unaffordable
CAPITAL IDEAS: Time for Return to Reasonableness in Federal Land Grabs
New Study Finds High Prescription Drug Costs Are Not Driving Up U.S. Healthcare Costs
CAPITAL IDEAS: Will Largest Gas Tax Increase In State History Bring Traffic Relief?
New PRI Study Finds That High Prescription Drug Costs Are Not Driving Up U.S. Health Care Costs
New Study – Beyond the New Normal Part 4: Policy Mix Theory and Historical Evidence
The “Golden Skirts,” Norway’s New Quota Queens
CAPITAL IDEAS: Rent Control Would Put Housing Out of Reach for More Californians
Beyond The New Normal – Part 3: Measuring Economic Growth
CAPITAL IDEAS: Latest California Climate Change Plan Doubles Down On Job-Killing Policies
Beyond The New Normal – Part 2: Accounting For Government
Beyond the New Normal – New Study: Slow Economic Growth Is Not “The New Normal” For U.S. Economy
Beyond the New Normal – New Study: Slow Economic Growth Is Not “The New Normal” For U.S. Economy
CAPITAL IDEAS: Different Thinking Needed to Meet Demand of California’s Clean Energy Future
New PRI Study Finds Clean Power Plan Will Raise Electricity Costs, Worsen Problem Of Energy Poverty
CAPITAL IDEAS: Reforming California’s Pension System
Improving the Incentive to Innovate
CAPITAL IDEAS: Market-Driven Solutions to Relieve Drought
Regulating the Upstream Energy Industry: Getting the Balance Right
Corporate Inversions Are the Symptoms; Poor Tax Policies Are the Disease
California Pension Crisis
Prospective Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Entrepreneurship
The 50-State Small Business Regulation Index
The Regressive Impact on Ohio’s Families from EPA’s Proposed Regulations
Devaluation in a Free Trade World
The Seven Lean Years: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences from California’s Prop. 30
Plan Bay Area: The Mayor’s Transportation Task Force Report
50 State Index Of Energy Regulation
Going Broke One City at a Time: Municipal Bankruptcies in America
New Pacific Research Institute Study Finds that “Plan Bay Area” Will Drive Housing Prices Higher, Intensify Traffic, and Increase Air Pollution
Obama’s Green Team
New Study Finds Startup Business Increases Growth of Real SGP
The U.S. Corporate Tax Code: Ripe for Bipartisan Reform
An Economic Assessment of New York’s Smoking Policies
New Analysis of Orange County Toll Roads
Municipal Bankruptcy: An Overview for Local Officials
California’s 33% Renewable Portfolio Standard Will Raise Power Rates by 13 Percent
Corporate Income Tax Elasticity: How Republicans Can Have Lower Tax Rates and Democrats Can Collect More Tax Revenue!
Deep Reform, Not Window Dressing, for a Cooler, Cleaner California
The Crusade Against Plastic Bags
New Report on Controlling Rising Government Compensation Costs
Economist Finds Dental Service Organizations (DSOs) More Cost-Effective Than Average Independent Dentists
Rick Perry’s Texas: It’s Better to Create More Jobs Than More Medicaid Dependents
Educated Legislators, Bad Economy
Brown Busts the Budget
Federal Health Reform and Stock Market Returns of Health Insurers
A Case for Affirmative Disclosure of Public Pensions
Medicare Auctions for Durable Medical Equipment: Price Suppression and Research and Development Investment
Recession and Recovery in California
Bringing More Sunshine to California
National Sunshine Week: New Report Shows How to Bring More Open Government to California
Bye-Bye Secret Ballot?
Analyze This: Unelected Regulatory Zealots Don’t Need More Power
Redevelopment is Redistribution
Why California Should Not Follow New York’s Internet Tax Plan
A War That Has Ended
Going Down Swinging in 2010
Costs and Consequences: Rate-of-Return Biases, Rate Suppression, and Market Incentives for Quality in Property/Casualty Insurance Regulation
California Tax Facts 2011
No Bang for the Taxpayer’s Buck: Why California Must Reform Spending and Trim Government
PRI Study: Californians Deserve Better Value for Tax Dollars
Can We Fix the California Crackup?
The Whole 209 Yards: California’s Proposition for the Nation
The Prospective Effects of Proposition 23 on Employment in California
Does California’s Budget Crisis Discriminate Against Women?
20 years later: Self esteem movement was utopian hucksterism
Government by State Employees is Not Government by the People
Taxifornia by Jason Clemens
Tech Titans or Political Pinatas: How Global Antitrust Laws String Up, Beat Down, and Hold Back America’s Leading Innovators
State IT Plan Should Help Silicon Valley and Respect Taxpayers
California’s State IT Overhaul Plan Lacks Critical Safeguards for Taxpayers and Transparency, Concludes New PRI Study
California Ranks Last in Combination Measure of Tax Burden and Tax Structure
Court Routes Internet Around Government Regulations
Margaret, Cristina, and Hillary
Pacific Research Institute Releases New Study on Government to Government Lobbying
Sacramento takes aim at free parking
The War Against Free Parking
2010 Tort Liability Index Ranks States’ Tort Climate
Why the Market and Old-fashioned Meritocracy are Better for Women than Big Government
California’s Corporate Exodus
A Woman’s Nation?
Plunder! Dissects Government Unions
An Empire Disaster: Why New York’s Tort System is Broken and How to Fix It
Why Feminists Make No Allowance for Women’s Choices
California and Canada Provide Guidance on Card-Check Legislation
California’s E-Waste Waste
Pacific Research Institute Releases New Study on California’s E-Waste Waste
Is the Recession Harder on Women than Men?
Is San Francisco’s “Open Season” on Data a Model for State Government?
Tort Tally 2009
Why the Silver State Mines the Golden State for Business
Assessing the State of the Golden State
Governor Schwarzenegger Misunderstands California’s Lessons for Federal Health Reform
Will a California-Style Texting Ban Make the Nation Safer?
The Gender Gap in Happiness
“The Spending-Industrial Complex” and the Future of California
The Pacific Research Institute Introduces the California Enterprise Value Index
California Enterprise Value Index
Governor Schwarzenegger Takes a Stand for Tech
The Pacific Research Institute Releases Primer on Internet Privacy
Click Confidential: A Privacy Primer for the Social Web
Digital Dialogues
Time to Sunset California’s “Relic” Stem Cell Institute
Does California Need a Commission on the Status of Women?
Is the CIRM Good Medicine for California?
Nanny Government Plays from the Rough
Tort Law Tally
That Voodoo That You Do So Well
Union Bosses, Corporate Lobbyists, and Maybe Even A Secretary of Health
New Report Touts Benefits of Economic Freedom
The Sizzle of Economic Freedom: How Economic Freedom Helps You and Why You Should Demand More
Why Margaret Thatcher Matters
New Year’s Resolution for California: Let Economic Freedom Ring
Study ranks Idaho highly in economic freedom
Broadband Summit: Connecting America
Governor Arnold’s Regendering Plan
It’s a Lock: Governor’s veto traps California in obsolete medical research
Lessons from the $388-Million Hyatt Case: How current tax policy hurts California, and how the state can fix its revenue problem
New Report Reveals Which States Have Most Economic Freedom
Will a lawsuit today keep Apple away?
How Water, Oil, and Government Mix in California
Ranking Health Care in the States: The Most Important Input is the Patient
Letter to Senators Feinstein and Boxer regarding (S. Amdt. 4983) amendment to H.R. 3221
Bye Bye Nerdy! Congress Slams the Door on California’s Scientists and Engineers
Burdening Foundations: Economic Costs of Assembly Bill 624
Ending the Revenue Rollercoaster – The Benefits of a Three Percent Flat Income Tax for California
PRI Introduces a 3% Flat Income Tax Rate Plan for Californians
California Lawmaker Says Speech Should be Free on the Internet … After Taxes?
Male-Female Facts and Fallacies
Pacific Research Institute Releases Study on Wireless “Net Neutrality”
Wireless with Strings Attached: Net Neutrality and the Grounding of Wireless Innovation
U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2008 Report
Pacific Research Institute Releases 2008 State-By-State Ranking of the Best and Worst Tort Systems in America
Big Brother Targets Foundations and Nonprofits
New PRI Report Exposes True Cost of Governor Schwarzenegger’s Health Care Proposal


New PRI Book Explores The Great Classroom Collapse Leaving Students Unprepared for College and the Workforce

Read new survey on public education

New PRI Poll: As New School Year Begins, Voters See Room for Improvement with Local Schools
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SCOTUS Harvard-UNC Case: Higher Ed’s Discrimination Against Asians
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CAPITAL IDEAS: Time for an Alternative to Common Core Testing
Policy To-Do Lists
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CAPITAL IDEAS—Not April Fool’s Day: Newsom Gets Education Award as California Students Suffer and Fail
CapIdeasWebImage April22
CAPITAL IDEAS: The 2022 Education Landscape and the Coming Homeschool Tsunami
HomeschoolBoom scaled 1
With Number of Homeschoolers Surpassing Eight Million, New PRI Book Explores The Homeschool Boom
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CAPITAL IDEAS: The Education Landscape: Where We Are and What the Future Holds
CapIdeasWebImage March21
CAPITAL IDEAS – The Road to Reopening: Where we are and where we need to go to open up our schools and meet the needs of children
CharterSchoolBrief f Cover
NEW BRIEF: New Obstacles Hinder Students Trapped in Failing Schools From Escaping to Charter Schools
ChoosingDiversityBook 2Cover
Just Released: New Book Shows Parents and Students are Choosing Diversity When Enrolling in Charter Schools
CAPITAL IDEAS: What Executives in High-Demand Industries are Saying About Moving to California
Capital Ideas: Lots Of Reasons To Celebrate National School Choice Week
#ChartersWork School Profile: Renaissance Arts Academy
Not As Good As You Think: New Jersey
Rebecca Friedrichs: Challenging Compulsory Union Dues and Standing Up for Freedom
Not As Good As You Think: Colorado
csm Impact Summer2015 webcover 4792002116
Impact Magazine — Summer 2015
Moonshots in Education
Not as Good as You Think: Michigan
Short-Circuited: The Challenge Facing the Online Learning Revolution in California
Not as Good as You Think
Co-Sponsored Study Says Common Core National Education Standards are Expensive and Undermine State and Local Control
Educational Impact of the Khan Academy and Provides Recommendations for Greater Adoption in California
Next-Gen Education
Obama’s Education Takeover
Short-Circuited: The Challenges Facing the Online Learning Revolution in California
NEW BOOK! Short-Circuited: The Challenges Facing the Online Learning Revolution in California
Lessons for California from National School Choice Week
Demography Is Still Not Destiny
Lessons from Florida for California’s New Legislators
Back Stories to Waiting for Superman
New Study Finds GI Junior Scholarships Would Expand Education Options for CA Military Children
Back-to-School Lessons from LAUSD
Fostering Opportunity and Improving Achievement: The Benefits of a Foster-Care Scholarship Program in California
Fair to Middling: A National Standards Progress Report
Why Race to the Middle?
Why Race to the Middle?
New Study Finds that Medicare Advantage Relieves the “Hidden Tax” On Privately Insured Americans
Still Not As Good As You Think: 2009 Update on Why the Middle Class Needs School Choice
Not As Safe As You Think
Choice Could Help Children “Write Their Own Destiny”
Will “Race to the Top” Money Talk Loud Enough to Drown Out Union Complaints?
Down but Not Out in D.C.: Bi-Partisan, Bi-Cameral Efforts to Continue the Opportunity Scholarship Program
Politicians’ Broken Promises Shatter Hopes for DC Families
Citizen’s Guide to California Public School Finance
Choice and Good Schools—Swedish Style
Do the Math – Or Let Parents Pick a School That Will
Court Re-Connects with Reality in Homeschool Reversal
Demography Is Not Destiny: Reform Lessons from Florida on Overcoming Achievement Gaps
The High Price of Failure in California: How Inadequate Education Costs Schools, Students, and Society
How California Can Graduate More Students: The Arizona Example
The “Title Nining” of Academic Science
English Immersion or Law Evasion?
10 Years After Prop. 227: Bilingual Education Still Hanging On
National Report Card Confirms That Most California Kids Still Can’t Write
More Scrutiny for CIRM and Big-Government Health Care
Court Out of Touch with Reality in Homeschool Decision
Need Deficit Solutions? Think School Choices


CAPITAL IDEAS: A Bad Idea for California’s Housing Woes: Commandeering Your Spare Bedroom

Spending Watch

Californians Have Little to Show for All That Government Spending
CapIdeasWebImage CLEAR
CAPITAL IDEAS: Sacramento Wants to ‘CLEAR’ Out Private Sector Convenience for Millions of Travelers
CapIdeasWebImagePortrait PipesAgenda
CAPITAL IDEAS: A 2024 Healthcare Reform Agenda for Achieving Affordable, Accessible, High Quality Care
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CAPITAL IDEAS: Autonomous Vehicles Continue to Drive in California Fast Lane Despite Union Opposition
CapIdeasWebHollywoodStrike Sept23 01
CAPITAL IDEAS: Here’s Not How to End the Hollywood Strikes: Granting Unemployment to Strikers
CapIdeasWeb June23 Fentanyl
The Fentanyl Resurgimiento— A Drug Like No Other
CaliforniaSappedStudy F Cover


State Will Fall 21.1 Percent Short of Power Needed to Meet 2045 EV Mandate
Transportation Cover copy

New PRI Book Release

State Planners Focus Too Much on Social Engineering Rather Than Transportation Engineering
CapIdeas May23 WJ
CAPITAL IDEAS: California Diesel Ban: Another Uneconomical Mandate
CapIdeasWebImage March23
CAPITAL IDEAS–California’s Green Energy Transition: Is the State Getting Ahead of Itself?
ParadiseLost CrimeStudy2022 FinalToPrint
New PRI Report Shows State Experiencing ‘Mass Victimization’ After Decade of Sweeping Criminal Justice Policy Changes
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CAPITAL IDEAS: The ‘Nuclear Option’ To Get Rid of Cars
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CAPITAL IDEAS—Not April Fool’s Day: Newsom Gets Education Award as California Students Suffer and Fail
Homekey Final cover
NEW STUDY: Despite Billions Spent, Project Homekey Providing No Way Home for State’s Homeless
CapIdeasWebImage July22
CAPITAL IDEAS: New Lithium Tax Latest Battle in California’s War on Cars
CapIdeasWebImage June22
CAPITAL IDEAS: When June Gloom Lasts All Year
CapIdeasWebImage April22
CAPITAL IDEAS: The 2022 Education Landscape and the Coming Homeschool Tsunami
California Should Embrace Nuclear in Race to Meet All Renewables Mandate
CEQA Report CoverF
New Report Shows How “CEQA Gauntlet” Hinders Housing, School, Infrastructure, Climate Projects
NEW STUDY: Rejecting Push to Restrict Gig Entrepreneurship Key to Driving Innovation, Economic Growth, Higher Incomes
NEW STUDY: Bad Policy Choices Zap Californians with $1450 Average Electricity Bills
California Not Meeting Emission Reduction Goals by Doubling Down on Policy Mistakes
NickelDimed F cover
NEW STUDY: Government Fees ‘Nickel and Dime’ Californians Out of Hundreds of Dollars Per Year
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CAPITAL IDEAS: California Gets Kicked by Drought 66
New study analyzes how federal relief efforts impact small business, innovation amid Covid pandemic
CA Migration F Cover
NEW STUDY: Harmful Policy Choices Driving Employers, Every Age Group and Income Level Away from California
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CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Slow-Built Rail
CapIdeasWebImage July21
CAPITAL IDEAS: More of California’s Big Cities on the Way to Becoming Next Detroit
CapIdeasWebImage June21
CAPITAL IDEAS: Is This How California is Solving Its Housing Crisis?
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CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Past, Even if Not Perfect, Set Up Its Prosperous Future
CapIdeasWebImage March21
CAPITAL IDEAS – The Road to Reopening: Where we are and where we need to go to open up our schools and meet the needs of children
CAPITAL IDEAS: Is California’s Economy on the Brink Due to Climate Change?
CAPITAL IDEAS: The War on Plastics: The Narrative Must Be Fed
CAPITAL IDEAS – Defending Equity: Newsom Defunds Students So Students Sue
New Brief Shows Impact of California’s Surprise Medical Billing Law: Lower Quality Care, Reduced Access, Higher System Costs
CAPITAL IDEAS: Defund AB5 Enforcement
NEW STUDY: Californians Could Save More Than $2,000 Annually if Lawmakers Enacted Free-Market Energy Policies
CAPITAL IDEAS: The Old City Dumps Aren’t What They Used To Be
CAPITAL IDEAS – California’s Blackouts: How Did We Get Here and What Can We Do to Keep the Lights On?
NEW STUDY finds Overregulation Hurts Immigrant and Low-Income Entrepreneurs Trying to Achieve the American Dream
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Electric Car Future to Nowhere
ISSUE BRIEF: Damon Dunn Shares Stories from His Rise from Poverty, Makes the Case for Why Socialism Doesn’t Work
CAPITAL IDEAS: The Ugly Side of the Pursuit for ‘Sustainability’
NEW STUDY: State and Local Tax Deduction “Makes it Rain” in California, Paid for by Taxpayers in Low Tax States
Colorado Low Emission Vehicle Standard Would Increase Energy Poverty Without Major Emission Reductions
CAPITAL IDEAS: California Fun For A Few, A Hardship For Many
CAPITAL IDEAS: Lease-Purchase Model May Provide Solution for Home Affordability Problem
NEW STUDY: Free-Market Reforms, Private Charities Key to Addressing San Francisco’s Growing Homeless Crisis
CAPITAL IDEAS: Cracking Down on Fracking in California—Is it The Smart Thing to Do?
CAPITAL IDEAS: Don’t Confuse Private Prisons with The Bastille
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Plastic Police Always on The Job
CAPITAL IDEAS – CEQA: How To Mend It Since You Can’t End It
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Recent History of Manipulative Taxation
New Study Shows California/New York Approach to Fighting Global Warming Hurts Working Class and Minority Communities
CAPITAL IDEAS: California Ranked Last Again – Do Lawmakers Even Care?
CAPITAL IDEAS: California Plays Fast and Loose with Food Stamp Work Requirements
New PRI Chartbook Shows California’s Public Pension Monster Has Grown to Nearly $1 Trillion
CAPITAL IDEAS: Is Blue State California’s Agenda America’s Future?
CAPITAL IDEAS: More Competition Will Help Consumers Needing Quick Cash
CAPITAL IDEAS – Choice Robbers: California Nannies Won’t Give Up
CAPITAL IDEAS: A Futuristic and Cheaper Alternative to High-Speed Rail
CAPITAL IDEAS: Will We Ever Build More Water Storage in California?
CAPITAL IDEAS: What Executives in High-Demand Industries are Saying About Moving to California
New PRI Survey: Housing, Education, Business Climate Top Reasons Why Industries Aren’t Moving to California
CAPITAL IDEAS: Governor Brown Ignores State’s Poverty Crisis
CAPITAL IDEAS:The Next Step on the Slippery Slope Toward Single-Payer in California
New Issue Brief: State Anti-Poverty Programs Are Well-Intended, Yet Not Very Successful in Reducing Poverty
CAPITAL IDEAS: Court Should Pave Way for State to Plan for Next Drought
Government Policy, Not Hurricanes, Main Contributor to High California Gas Prices
CAPITAL IDEAS: Embracing A New California Vision That Isn’t So New
CAPITAL IDEAS: Thriving Middle Class Essential to California Comeback
CAPITAL IDEAS: Brown Plays on World Stage While Ignoring State’s Many Other Challenges
NEW STUDY: Californians Would Pay $1.9 Billion More For Insurance If Congress Passes Border Adjustment Tax
CAPITAL IDEAS: Majority Party’s War on Trump Is Really War on California’s Middle Class
New PRI Issue Brief Finds Government Policies Have Strangled State’s Housing Market, Made Housing Unaffordable
CAPITAL IDEAS: Time for Return to Reasonableness in Federal Land Grabs
CAPITAL IDEAS: Will Largest Gas Tax Increase In State History Bring Traffic Relief?
Join PRI For A Panel Discussion On California’s Housing Crisis On April 11
CAPITAL IDEAS: Rent Control Would Put Housing Out of Reach for More Californians
ISSUE BRIEF: Oregon Proposal To Regulate Excess Costs Is Price Controls By Another Name
CAPITAL IDEAS: Latest California Climate Change Plan Doubles Down On Job-Killing Policies
Beyond The New Normal – Part 2: Accounting For Government
Capital Ideas: Lots Of Reasons To Celebrate National School Choice Week
Beyond the New Normal – New Study: Slow Economic Growth Is Not “The New Normal” For U.S. Economy
Beyond the New Normal – New Study: Slow Economic Growth Is Not “The New Normal” For U.S. Economy
CAPITAL IDEAS: Different Thinking Needed to Meet Demand of California’s Clean Energy Future
CAPITAL IDEAS:Public Employee Unions Must Accept Reality on State Pensions, Work Toward Reform
New PRI Study Finds Clean Power Plan Will Raise Electricity Costs, Worsen Problem Of Energy Poverty
CAPITAL IDEAS: State Shouldn’t Export “Only in California” Bad Laws
CAPITAL IDEAS: Climate Change Bill Will Cost California Hundreds of Millions
CAPITAL IDEAS: Reforming California’s Environmental Policies
CAPITAL IDEAS: California Following Dangerous Energy Path
Readings from the PRI Water Conference
CAPITAL IDEAS: Minimizing the Economic Costs from California’s Drought
California Pension Crisis
Rebecca Friedrichs: Challenging Compulsory Union Dues and Standing Up for Freedom
CAPITAL IDEAS: Teacher Shortages, Union Contracts and the Supreme Court
csm Impact Summer2015 webcover 4792002116
Impact Magazine — Summer 2015
PRI’s California Prosperity Agenda
The Seven Lean Years: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences from California’s Prop. 30
Short-Circuited: The Challenge Facing the Online Learning Revolution in California
Plan Bay Area: The Mayor’s Transportation Task Force Report
Going Broke One City at a Time: Municipal Bankruptcies in America
California’s Efficient Energy: Doing More Harm than Good?
Co-Sponsored Study Says Common Core National Education Standards are Expensive and Undermine State and Local Control
New Pacific Research Institute Study Finds that “Plan Bay Area” Will Drive Housing Prices Higher, Intensify Traffic, and Increase Air Pollution
2013 Supplement to the 2011 Environmental Almanac
New Analysis of Orange County Toll Roads
Municipal Bankruptcy: An Overview for Local Officials
Myths and Realities of Obamacare
New Report Provides Recommendations to Improve CA’s Agriculture Industry
Educational Impact of the Khan Academy and Provides Recommendations for Greater Adoption in California
California’s 33% Renewable Portfolio Standard Will Raise Power Rates by 13 Percent
Corporate Income Tax Elasticity: How Republicans Can Have Lower Tax Rates and Democrats Can Collect More Tax Revenue!
Deep Reform, Not Window Dressing, for a Cooler, Cleaner California
The Crusade Against Plastic Bags
New Report on Controlling Rising Government Compensation Costs
Skin in the Game: Governor Brown is Right and Secretary Sebelius Is Wrong About Medicaid Co-Pays
New Book by Art Laffer on How to Fix California
Short-Circuited: The Challenges Facing the Online Learning Revolution in California
It’s Time to Neuter California’s Legislature
Lesson for California: Washington State’s Bipartisan Medicaid Reform Will Benefit Taxpayers and Patients
Brown Busts the Budget
A Case for Affirmative Disclosure of Public Pensions
Why Medicaid Should Be Easier to Fix than Entitlement Programs
California’s Cover Story
Card-Check Tricks in the Capitol
Recession and Recovery in California
Bringing More Sunshine to California
Analyze This: Unelected Regulatory Zealots Don’t Need More Power
Redevelopment is Redistribution
NEW BOOK! Short-Circuited: The Challenges Facing the Online Learning Revolution in California
In the Nick of Time: Rhode Island’s Medicaid Waiver Shows How States Can Save Their Budgets from Obamacare’s Assault
Medi-Cal Long-Term Care: Safety Net or Hammock?
Medi-Cal Long-Term Care
California Tax Facts 2011
No Bang for the Taxpayer’s Buck: Why California Must Reform Spending and Trim Government
PRI Study: Californians Deserve Better Value for Tax Dollars
Can We Fix the California Crackup?
Does California’s Budget Crisis Discriminate Against Women?
Governor Schwarzenegger: Don’t Build This Wall!
Should The State Decide How Many Nurses a Hospital Must Hire?
Government by State Employees is Not Government by the People
Taxifornia by Jason Clemens
State IT Plan Should Help Silicon Valley and Respect Taxpayers
Honest Talk About California’s Uninsured
California’s State IT Overhaul Plan Lacks Critical Safeguards for Taxpayers and Transparency, Concludes New PRI Study
California Disconnect
California Ranks Last in Combination Measure of Tax Burden and Tax Structure
Repeal and Replace, But With What?
Double Jeopardy? Californians Are Already Protected from Health Insurance Cancellations
What the Congressional Budget Office Doesn’t Score: More Than $6.5 Billion Annual State Revenue at Risk from Federal Health “Reform”
Sacramento takes aim at free parking
The War Against Free Parking
California’s Corporate Exodus
California State News and Investigative Reporting Website
Plunder! Dissects Government Unions
Why California’s “Two-Plan” Does Not Support the “Public Option”
California and Canada Provide Guidance on Card-Check Legislation
California’s E-Waste Waste
Is San Francisco’s “Open Season” on Data a Model for State Government?
Why the Silver State Mines the Golden State for Business
Assessing the State of the Golden State
Governor Schwarzenegger Misunderstands California’s Lessons for Federal Health Reform
Americans Beware: “Healthy” San Francisco’s Tax Hikes May Be Coming Your Way
Time to Sunset California’s “Relic” Stem Cell Institute
Is the CIRM Good Medicine for California?
Nanny Government Plays from the Rough
Index of Leading Environmental Indicators: 2009 Report
New Report Touts Benefits of Economic Freedom
The Sizzle of Economic Freedom: How Economic Freedom Helps You and Why You Should Demand More
Election 2008: An Unhealthy Outcome
Governor Arnold’s Regendering Plan
Presidential Prescriptions: Diagnosing the Candidates’ Health Reforms
How Water, Oil, and Government Mix in California
Letter to Senators Feinstein and Boxer regarding (S. Amdt. 4983) amendment to H.R. 3221
10 Years After Prop. 227: Bilingual Education Still Hanging On
Burdening Foundations: Economic Costs of Assembly Bill 624
Ending the Revenue Rollercoaster – The Benefits of a Three Percent Flat Income Tax for California
PRI Introduces a 3% Flat Income Tax Rate Plan for Californians
California Can Learn Health Care Lessons From Down Under
National Report Card Confirms That Most California Kids Still Can’t Write
More Scrutiny for CIRM and Big-Government Health Care
California Health Care Deforminator Model ABX1 1: A Requiem
What Now for California Health Care?
New PRI Report Exposes True Cost of Governor Schwarzenegger’s Health Care Proposal


Read new study from Washington Policy Center and PRI

Policy Brief: The impact of California’s Proposition 12 in increasing national production costs and food prices
CaliforniaSappedStudy F Cover


State Will Fall 21.1 Percent Short of Power Needed to Meet 2045 EV Mandate
CapIdeas May23 WJ
CAPITAL IDEAS: California Diesel Ban: Another Uneconomical Mandate
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CAPITAL IDEAS: The ‘Nuclear Option’ To Get Rid of Cars
Policy To-Do Lists
CapIdeasWebImage June22
CAPITAL IDEAS: When June Gloom Lasts All Year
LitigationBrief Cover
NEW BRIEF: City and State Climate Change Lawsuits Drive Up Gas Prices, Discourage Clean Energy Innovation
ERR EnergyCompetition F Cover
NEW STUDY: Competitive Markets Reduce Electricity Costs, Improve Reliability, Lower Emissions
California Should Embrace Nuclear in Race to Meet All Renewables Mandate
CEQA Report CoverF
New Report Shows How “CEQA Gauntlet” Hinders Housing, School, Infrastructure, Climate Projects
NEW STUDY: Bad Policy Choices Zap Californians with $1450 Average Electricity Bills
California Not Meeting Emission Reduction Goals by Doubling Down on Policy Mistakes
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CAPITAL IDEAS: California Gets Kicked by Drought 66
PRI Launches “Electricity Reality Report” Website to Make Case for Increased Energy Competition
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CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Past, Even if Not Perfect, Set Up Its Prosperous Future
In New Book, Veteran Journalist Shows How to End California’s Water Wars, Protect Habitats and Meet State’s Water Needs
CAPITAL IDEAS: The War on Plastics: The Narrative Must Be Fed
PRI Comments on Pending Department of Labor Regulations on Proxy Measures, ESG
CAPITAL IDEAS – Suing Oil Companies: It’s Not About the Environment
NEW STUDY: Californians Could Save More Than $2,000 Annually if Lawmakers Enacted Free-Market Energy Policies
CAPITAL IDEAS – California’s Blackouts: How Did We Get Here and What Can We Do to Keep the Lights On?
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Electric Car Future to Nowhere
Colorado Low Emission Vehicle Standard Would Increase Energy Poverty Without Major Emission Reductions
CAPITAL IDEAS: California Fun For A Few, A Hardship For Many
Issue Brief: Dishonest Propaganda Sprouts from Organic Agriculture
CAPITAL IDEAS: Cracking Down on Fracking in California—Is it The Smart Thing to Do?
CAPITAL IDEAS: The Ripple Effects of Scientific Illiteracy Can Have Dire Consequences
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Recent History of Manipulative Taxation
New Study Shows California/New York Approach to Fighting Global Warming Hurts Working Class and Minority Communities
Dr. Henry Miller Publishes New Federalist Society White Paper on Regulation of Food & Ag Biotech
CAPITAL IDEAS – Choice Robbers: California Nannies Won’t Give Up
CAPITAL IDEAS: A Futuristic and Cheaper Alternative to High-Speed Rail
CAPITAL IDEAS: Will We Ever Build More Water Storage in California?
Recent Writings on California’s Water Future
New PRI Survey: Housing, Education, Business Climate Top Reasons Why Industries Aren’t Moving to California
Government Electric Car Subsidies Are ‘Costly Subsidies for the Rich’, Finds New Study
CAPITAL IDEAS: Court Should Pave Way for State to Plan for Next Drought
Government Policy, Not Hurricanes, Main Contributor to High California Gas Prices
CAPITAL IDEAS: Embracing A New California Vision That Isn’t So New
New PRI Issue Brief Finds Government Policies Have Strangled State’s Housing Market, Made Housing Unaffordable
CAPITAL IDEAS: Will Largest Gas Tax Increase In State History Bring Traffic Relief?
CAPITAL IDEAS: Latest California Climate Change Plan Doubles Down On Job-Killing Policies
CAPITAL IDEAS: Different Thinking Needed to Meet Demand of California’s Clean Energy Future
New PRI Study Finds Clean Power Plan Will Raise Electricity Costs, Worsen Problem Of Energy Poverty
CAPITAL IDEAS: Reforming California’s Environmental Policies
Readings from the PRI Water Conference
CAPITAL IDEAS: Market-Driven Solutions to Relieve Drought
Regulating the Upstream Energy Industry: Getting the Balance Right
csm Impact Summer2015 webcover 4792002116
Impact Magazine — Summer 2015
PRI’s California Prosperity Agenda
The Regressive Impact on Ohio’s Families from EPA’s Proposed Regulations
Quarterly Impact 2014: PRI on the Environment
Plan Bay Area: The Mayor’s Transportation Task Force Report
50 State Index Of Energy Regulation
California’s Efficient Energy: Doing More Harm than Good?
Obama’s Green Team
2013 Supplement to the 2011 Environmental Almanac
New Report Provides Recommendations to Improve CA’s Agriculture Industry
Next-Gen Education
Deep Reform, Not Window Dressing, for a Cooler, Cleaner California
The Crusade Against Plastic Bags
Feed the Beast: Renewing the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA)
Health Insurance Exchanges: What If They Issued 347 Pages of Regulations and Nobody Cared?
Has the Fight Against Obamacare Morphed into a Fight Against Government-Run Health Care?
Car-tastrophe: How federal policy can help, not hinder, the greening of the automobile
Demography Is Still Not Destiny
Lessons from Florida for California’s New Legislators
Is Your Food Making the Planet Sick?
The Prospective Effects of Proposition 23 on Employment in California
Should The State Decide How Many Nurses a Hospital Must Hire?
The Federal Government Can Never “Fix” the “Doc Fix”
The Rich Get Richer: The Senate’s Medicaid Proposal Gives a Bigger Bailout to Wealthier States
Plunder! Dissects Government Unions
The Way in Which We Produce Our Food
California and Canada Provide Guidance on Card-Check Legislation
Pacific Research Institute Releases New Study on California’s E-Waste Waste
Big Brother Wants Your Compost – Or Else
Climate Modeling is Far From a Precise Science
Testimony of John R. Graham, Director of Health Care Studies, Pacific Research Institute to Arizona House Health & Human Services
Index of Leading Environmental Indicators: 2009 Report
Go with the Flow: Why water markets can solve California’s water crisis
How Water, Oil, and Government Mix in California
Index of Leading Environmental Indicators: 2008 Report
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