Annual Reports - Pacific Research Institute

Annual Reports

PRI 2022AR F cover

2022 Annual Report

The year 2022 was a year of many challenges for America and, in particular, California.  At the federal level,
we saw inflation ravage Americans’ pocketbooks and an economy at the brink of recession due to bad government policy.  In California, more people were struggling to make ends meet with very high energy and food costs – and some were even forced to move out of state – due to costly state mandates limiting our freedoms.  Some wealthy families and corporations left because they were tired of the ever-increasing tax bills and a loss of freedom.

In these dark times, PRI stood tall as a beacon of freedom, offering a positive vision to turn around our decaying cities, reduce high rates of homelessness and crime and get the economy back on track, by providing relief from rising costs of living through the power of free market ideas.

Download our 2022 Annual Report.
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