What We’re Watching – Remembering 41

Rowena Itchon – Highlights from a Tribute to an American Hero

For those of us who spend much of our day behind a desk and not able to watch Pres. George H.W. Bush’s funeral, here are some highlights.

Tim Anaya – A 38 Year Old Interviews Shows What True Leader George H.W. Bush Really Was

This weekend, when we learned that George H.W. Bush had passed, I watched some archive clips on YouTube of his past speeches and interviews. The most interesting was a “60 Minutes” interview with – ironically – Dan Rather just a few days before the 1980 Iowa Caucuses. Watching the interview, you really see what a principled conservative leader he truly was. The interview is strangely relevant for our politically polarizing times. Asked about his leadership style, he said, “Is tough being nasty or is tough being a leader that people respect? Is toughness shouting and being ugly and trying to stick a knife in somebody or is it principle and you look over your shoulder and you see that people are following?” Amen. RIP.

Kerry Jackson – 10 times George H.W. Bush’s humor brought laughter to his loved ones in mourning

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