What We’re Watching – August 10, 2018

Rowena Itchon – George Gilder Sneak Peek

For a sneak preview of George Gilder’s talk “Life After Google” at the PRI luncheon on August 23 in San Francisco, I recommend that you check out his speech at the Blockstack conference in Berlin. I’m going to buy his new book and get him to sign my old copy of Wealth and Poverty.

Tim Anaya – What is Sacramento Doing to Reduce DMV Wait Times?

This week on Right by the Bay, I wrote about the hearings at the State Capitol this week on astronomical wait times at the DMV approaching 8 hours in some locations. Thanks to the magic of the Internet, you can watch the hearings for yourself and see what the DMV and lawmakers propose to do about inefficiency and malfeasance at the beleaguered agency.

Ben Smithwick – How Digital Learning Helps Students Succeed

Esther Wojcicki does a terrific job discussing the importance of digital learning in the classroom and how to help students succeed.

Kerry Jackson – Untie the Platform Economy from Government Regulation

In light of his recent work on state government picking winners and losers in the sharing economy in California, Kerry Jackson’s choice this week is a short video from our friends at the Competitive Enterprise Institute on how government should resist the temptation to over-regulate the “platform” economy (think Uber, Lyft, Thumbtack, Postmates, etc.)

Nothing contained in this blog is to be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of the Pacific Research Institute or as an attempt to thwart or aid the passage of any legislation.

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