This Policy Helped Make COVID Vaccines Possible. It Could Soon Disappear.


If you’re among the 81% of Americans who have been vaccinated against COVID-19, you probably remember your first dose. Perhaps you snapped a selfie on your way out of the vaccine clinic. California Sen. Alex Padilla took things a step further and shared a video on Facebook encouraging his constituents to get the jab.

Regardless of which vaccine you got or how long you waited, you no doubt felt relief when you looked at your newly bandaged arm and realized, after months of lockdown, that things were beginning to return to normal.

Those vaccines arrived in Americans’ arms in record time because their creators knew they’d retain the rights to their inventions through the pandemic and beyond—and would have a chance to earn a return on the countless hours and billions of dollars they invested in developing them.

Click to read the full article in Forbes.

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