
Business & Economics

Time to Sunset California’s “Relic” Stem Cell Institute

SACRAMENTO – The governance of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), the state stem cell institute, is inadequate to protect the interests of taxpayers and CIRM’s own goals, according to Stem Cell Research: Strengthening Governance to Further the Voters’ Mandate, a June 25 report from the Little Hoover Commission, ...

The Albany-Trenton-Sacramento Disease

How three liberal states got into deep trouble with ‘progressive’ ideas. President Obama has bet the economy on his program to grow the government and finance it with a more progressive tax system. It’s hard to miss the irony that he’s pitching this change in Washington even as the same ...

Medicare: The Problem and the Solution?

What has the most potential to mire the United States in long-term debt? According to White House Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag, the answer is Medicare and Medicaid. Orszag writes that every other federal program’s effect on future deficits and debt is “swamped” by the effects of ...

Robert Reich on Public Option

Robert Reich, Bill Clinton’s Labor Secretary, has the answer in today’s Wall Street Journal. According to Mr. Reich, a “public option” (actually a swamp of new government bureaucracies, ready from “day one” for perpetual taxpayer bailouts), would “squeeze” the profits of private health providers. It is dead easy for government ...

Myths, Lies and Stupidity About Health Care

President Barack Obama’s health care plan, we are told, will spend $1 trillion over the next 10 years. But since trillion is the new billion, Americans aren’t supposed to worry about that. Obama’s health care plan will cause employers to stop providing private health insurance for millions of employees and ...

Health-Care Myths

Fox Business News, June 23, 2009 The Obama administration is now attempting the biggest overhaul of healthcare since Lyndon B. Johnson pushed through Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. But the health care reform debate is riddled with misleading myths taken as fact, myths that are torquing the debate beyond recognition, ...

Healthcare, part 1

What to look for in the Obamacare informercial on ABC this week 1. Why do we need healthcare reform? Why is it absolutely necessary to offer a public healthcare option? And why should the government be responsible (using taxpayer money) for organizing it? Proponents of the democrats’ quest to provide ...

Energy Pathways? Let’s Take A Closer Look

Not surprisingly, the study asserts that continuing on a “business-as-usual” energy path risks greater economic insecurity, while aggressive acceleration of clean energy assures faster and more sustained economic growth. Relying on renewable sources for 50 percent of California’s electric power, combined with increasing energy efficiency by 1.5 percent a year, ...
Health Care

PRI’s John R. Graham visits the Paddock

Healthcare Horserace (American Liberty Alliance), June 15, 2009 As the debate on Capitol Hill continues to focus on just how much government is too much government in the healthcare industry, we thought you might like to hear an alternative point of view. So, we enlisted John R. Graham, Director of ...

Despite our efforts, it’s hard to keep nature down

The Laotian rock rat isn’t a rat at all. It’s a squirrel that walks upright on its hind legs and lives in limestone crevices rather than in trees. Based on the rock rat’s fossil record, scientists concluded that it went extinct 11 million years ago, more or less. Thus it ...
Business & Economics

Time to Sunset California’s “Relic” Stem Cell Institute

SACRAMENTO – The governance of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), the state stem cell institute, is inadequate to protect the interests of taxpayers and CIRM’s own goals, according to Stem Cell Research: Strengthening Governance to Further the Voters’ Mandate, a June 25 report from the Little Hoover Commission, ...

The Albany-Trenton-Sacramento Disease

How three liberal states got into deep trouble with ‘progressive’ ideas. President Obama has bet the economy on his program to grow the government and finance it with a more progressive tax system. It’s hard to miss the irony that he’s pitching this change in Washington even as the same ...

Medicare: The Problem and the Solution?

What has the most potential to mire the United States in long-term debt? According to White House Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag, the answer is Medicare and Medicaid. Orszag writes that every other federal program’s effect on future deficits and debt is “swamped” by the effects of ...

Robert Reich on Public Option

Robert Reich, Bill Clinton’s Labor Secretary, has the answer in today’s Wall Street Journal. According to Mr. Reich, a “public option” (actually a swamp of new government bureaucracies, ready from “day one” for perpetual taxpayer bailouts), would “squeeze” the profits of private health providers. It is dead easy for government ...

Myths, Lies and Stupidity About Health Care

President Barack Obama’s health care plan, we are told, will spend $1 trillion over the next 10 years. But since trillion is the new billion, Americans aren’t supposed to worry about that. Obama’s health care plan will cause employers to stop providing private health insurance for millions of employees and ...

Health-Care Myths

Fox Business News, June 23, 2009 The Obama administration is now attempting the biggest overhaul of healthcare since Lyndon B. Johnson pushed through Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. But the health care reform debate is riddled with misleading myths taken as fact, myths that are torquing the debate beyond recognition, ...

Healthcare, part 1

What to look for in the Obamacare informercial on ABC this week 1. Why do we need healthcare reform? Why is it absolutely necessary to offer a public healthcare option? And why should the government be responsible (using taxpayer money) for organizing it? Proponents of the democrats’ quest to provide ...

Energy Pathways? Let’s Take A Closer Look

Not surprisingly, the study asserts that continuing on a “business-as-usual” energy path risks greater economic insecurity, while aggressive acceleration of clean energy assures faster and more sustained economic growth. Relying on renewable sources for 50 percent of California’s electric power, combined with increasing energy efficiency by 1.5 percent a year, ...
Health Care

PRI’s John R. Graham visits the Paddock

Healthcare Horserace (American Liberty Alliance), June 15, 2009 As the debate on Capitol Hill continues to focus on just how much government is too much government in the healthcare industry, we thought you might like to hear an alternative point of view. So, we enlisted John R. Graham, Director of ...

Despite our efforts, it’s hard to keep nature down

The Laotian rock rat isn’t a rat at all. It’s a squirrel that walks upright on its hind legs and lives in limestone crevices rather than in trees. Based on the rock rat’s fossil record, scientists concluded that it went extinct 11 million years ago, more or less. Thus it ...
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