Health Care


Gov’t Control of Health Care Unravelling? CVS Gives Cash Discounts for Generic Drugs

While state and federal governments flail around trying to unbreak the health care “system” that they’ve been breaking for decades, entrepreneurs are addressing patients’ needs in innovative ways. CVS, a leading chain of pharmacies has now cut prices for 400 generic drugs to $9.99 for a 90-day supply. A key ...
Business & Economics

Impact – October 2008

PRI Ideas in Action – October 2008 Policy Update and Monthly Impact Report PRI continues to impact public policy in California, the nation, and abroad. Click below to view PRI’s recent contributions. Read PDF

Measure establishes rights

On November 4, Arizonans have the opportunity to make a key decision about their rights. Proposition 101, the Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act, secures your right to spend your money on the health care of your choice. It comes as no surprise that some people, notably government types, ...

Newsflash! Women Have Different Health Costs Than Men!

Surely, Robert Pear’s article in today’s New York Times, “Women buying health policies pay a penalty”, falls under the category of “old news”. (So old, indeed, that my former colleague Diana Ernst addressed it last year.) Calling it a “penalty”, rather than an actuarially fair premium, is also an old ...

Bay State Health Mandates Threaten Expanded Insurance Coverage

In its first year, the Bay State’s subsidized insurance plan — Commonwealth Care — was supposed to cost $472 million. The bill came in at $630 million. The $158 million overrun hasn’t phased state lawmakers, however. If anything, they seem hellbent on making the plan even more expensive. They’re interested ...
Business & Economics

It’s a Lock: Governor’s veto traps California in obsolete medical research

SACRAMENTO – Last month Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proclaimed September 25 “Stem Cell Awareness Day.” That news got by many Californians, who remain unaware of how California is locked into paying for obsolete research, certain to consume billions of dollars but unlikely to come up with any of the cures Californians ...

California’s High-Risk Pool Is Not Working

California’s high-risk pool for medically uninsured residents, MRMIP, is in trouble – poorly funded and lots of eligible folks are on the waiting list to enrol – according to the Los Angeles Times. The article notes that other states, with more successful progams, assess levies on health plans to fund ...
Business & Economics

Product-Liability Law: Is “Pre-emption” the Right Question?

The media are (justifiably) interested in the Bush administration’s (or, if you prefer, the “Bush regime’s”) rushing a bunch of new rules into the Code of Federal Regulations that would “pre-empt” states’ product-liability laws. According to the Wall Street Journal, these rules “could block product-safety lawsuits by consumers and states.” ...

SCHIP: Big Pharma Falls Into Line with Big Government

The Wall Street Journal confirms the depressing news that the brand-name pharmaceutical industry has been “collaborating” with advocates of a government take-over of health care. Apparently, it has given $13.2 million to an “astroturf” outfit, “America’s Agenda: Health Care for Kids”, to produce and run advertisements stroking 28 Congressmen (of ...
Business & Economics

Medical Lawsuits Put Health At Risk

On Nov. 3, a day before the election, the U.S. Supreme Court hears Wyeth v. Levine, a case with profound implications for the health of all Americans. In 2000, plaintiff Diane Levine was given Wyeth’s anti-nausea drug Phenergan, then on the market for 45 years. In rare instances, as the ...

Gov’t Control of Health Care Unravelling? CVS Gives Cash Discounts for Generic Drugs

While state and federal governments flail around trying to unbreak the health care “system” that they’ve been breaking for decades, entrepreneurs are addressing patients’ needs in innovative ways. CVS, a leading chain of pharmacies has now cut prices for 400 generic drugs to $9.99 for a 90-day supply. A key ...
Business & Economics

Impact – October 2008

PRI Ideas in Action – October 2008 Policy Update and Monthly Impact Report PRI continues to impact public policy in California, the nation, and abroad. Click below to view PRI’s recent contributions. Read PDF

Measure establishes rights

On November 4, Arizonans have the opportunity to make a key decision about their rights. Proposition 101, the Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act, secures your right to spend your money on the health care of your choice. It comes as no surprise that some people, notably government types, ...

Newsflash! Women Have Different Health Costs Than Men!

Surely, Robert Pear’s article in today’s New York Times, “Women buying health policies pay a penalty”, falls under the category of “old news”. (So old, indeed, that my former colleague Diana Ernst addressed it last year.) Calling it a “penalty”, rather than an actuarially fair premium, is also an old ...

Bay State Health Mandates Threaten Expanded Insurance Coverage

In its first year, the Bay State’s subsidized insurance plan — Commonwealth Care — was supposed to cost $472 million. The bill came in at $630 million. The $158 million overrun hasn’t phased state lawmakers, however. If anything, they seem hellbent on making the plan even more expensive. They’re interested ...
Business & Economics

It’s a Lock: Governor’s veto traps California in obsolete medical research

SACRAMENTO – Last month Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proclaimed September 25 “Stem Cell Awareness Day.” That news got by many Californians, who remain unaware of how California is locked into paying for obsolete research, certain to consume billions of dollars but unlikely to come up with any of the cures Californians ...

California’s High-Risk Pool Is Not Working

California’s high-risk pool for medically uninsured residents, MRMIP, is in trouble – poorly funded and lots of eligible folks are on the waiting list to enrol – according to the Los Angeles Times. The article notes that other states, with more successful progams, assess levies on health plans to fund ...
Business & Economics

Product-Liability Law: Is “Pre-emption” the Right Question?

The media are (justifiably) interested in the Bush administration’s (or, if you prefer, the “Bush regime’s”) rushing a bunch of new rules into the Code of Federal Regulations that would “pre-empt” states’ product-liability laws. According to the Wall Street Journal, these rules “could block product-safety lawsuits by consumers and states.” ...

SCHIP: Big Pharma Falls Into Line with Big Government

The Wall Street Journal confirms the depressing news that the brand-name pharmaceutical industry has been “collaborating” with advocates of a government take-over of health care. Apparently, it has given $13.2 million to an “astroturf” outfit, “America’s Agenda: Health Care for Kids”, to produce and run advertisements stroking 28 Congressmen (of ...
Business & Economics

Medical Lawsuits Put Health At Risk

On Nov. 3, a day before the election, the U.S. Supreme Court hears Wyeth v. Levine, a case with profound implications for the health of all Americans. In 2000, plaintiff Diane Levine was given Wyeth’s anti-nausea drug Phenergan, then on the market for 45 years. In rare instances, as the ...
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