

Lance Izumi discusses Homeschool Boom on Bill Bunkley Show

Listen to Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discuss his new book The Homeschool Boom on “The Bill Bunkley Show” on WTBN Radio in Tampa-St. Petersburg, FL. The interview begins at the 1:35:00 mark.

Dr. Henry Miller Talks Omnicron on the John Batchelor Show

Dr. Henry Miller and John Batchelor breakdown the latest developments of Omnicron, a new variant of the coronavirus that was recently detected in South Africa. Miller talks about the latest information regarding infections, vaccine efficacy, and how countries are responding to the news.
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden talks entrepreneurship series on Live from Seattle

Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics, discusses the Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity series on entrepreneurship on “Live from Seattle” with host Tim Gaydos on KGNW Radio in Seattle.

Lance Izumi discusses Homeschool Boom on Live from Seattle

Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discusses his new book The Homeschool Boom with host Tim Gaydos on “Live from Seattle” on KGNW Radio in Seattle.
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Talks Entrepreneurship on Jimmy Barrett Show

Listen to PRI’s Dr. Wayne Winegarden discuss inflation and how the government’s pandemic spending may have hurt lower-income Americans, and the latest paper in PRI’s Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity series on “The Jimmy Barrett Show” on KTRH Radio in Houston.

Lance Izumi Discusses Homeschool Boom on David Webb Show

Listen to Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discuss his new book The Homeschool Boom on The David Webb Show on Sirius XM Patriot, Channel 125.
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Discusses Infrastructure Bill on Insight with Vicki Gonzalez

Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics, discuss the federal infrastructure bill and the impact of higher spending on future entrepreneurship on “Insight with Vicki Gonzalez” on Capital Public Radio in Sacramento.  The interview begins at the 15:45 mark.
Business & Economics

Listen: How pandemic “relief” hurt entrepreneurs

Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, author of PRI’s Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity series on entrepreneurship, discuss how government pandemic “relief” policies actually hurt entrepreneurs on “Mornings on Main Street” with host Bill Main on WDUN Radio in North Georgia.
Business & Economics

Lars Larson and Dr. Wayne Winegarden Break Down the $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Deal

Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D., talks about the $1.2 trillion federal infrastructure package impacts American debt and government spending. Winegarden also explains the impact of the U.S. Federal Reserve buying up American debt during the pandemic and how monetary policy is impacting inflation. Larson and Winegarden also talk about the politics around ...

Lance Izumi discusses Homeschool Boom on Lars Larson Show

Listen to PRI’s Lance Izumi discuss his new book The Homeschool Boom on the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. TheLarsLarsonShow · Lance Izumi – Parents pull kids from public school over demand to teach CRT

Lance Izumi discusses Homeschool Boom on Bill Bunkley Show

Listen to Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discuss his new book The Homeschool Boom on “The Bill Bunkley Show” on WTBN Radio in Tampa-St. Petersburg, FL. The interview begins at the 1:35:00 mark.

Dr. Henry Miller Talks Omnicron on the John Batchelor Show

Dr. Henry Miller and John Batchelor breakdown the latest developments of Omnicron, a new variant of the coronavirus that was recently detected in South Africa. Miller talks about the latest information regarding infections, vaccine efficacy, and how countries are responding to the news.
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden talks entrepreneurship series on Live from Seattle

Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics, discusses the Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity series on entrepreneurship on “Live from Seattle” with host Tim Gaydos on KGNW Radio in Seattle.

Lance Izumi discusses Homeschool Boom on Live from Seattle

Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discusses his new book The Homeschool Boom with host Tim Gaydos on “Live from Seattle” on KGNW Radio in Seattle.
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Talks Entrepreneurship on Jimmy Barrett Show

Listen to PRI’s Dr. Wayne Winegarden discuss inflation and how the government’s pandemic spending may have hurt lower-income Americans, and the latest paper in PRI’s Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity series on “The Jimmy Barrett Show” on KTRH Radio in Houston.

Lance Izumi Discusses Homeschool Boom on David Webb Show

Listen to Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discuss his new book The Homeschool Boom on The David Webb Show on Sirius XM Patriot, Channel 125.
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Discusses Infrastructure Bill on Insight with Vicki Gonzalez

Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics, discuss the federal infrastructure bill and the impact of higher spending on future entrepreneurship on “Insight with Vicki Gonzalez” on Capital Public Radio in Sacramento.  The interview begins at the 15:45 mark.
Business & Economics

Listen: How pandemic “relief” hurt entrepreneurs

Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, author of PRI’s Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity series on entrepreneurship, discuss how government pandemic “relief” policies actually hurt entrepreneurs on “Mornings on Main Street” with host Bill Main on WDUN Radio in North Georgia.
Business & Economics

Lars Larson and Dr. Wayne Winegarden Break Down the $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Deal

Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D., talks about the $1.2 trillion federal infrastructure package impacts American debt and government spending. Winegarden also explains the impact of the U.S. Federal Reserve buying up American debt during the pandemic and how monetary policy is impacting inflation. Larson and Winegarden also talk about the politics around ...

Lance Izumi discusses Homeschool Boom on Lars Larson Show

Listen to PRI’s Lance Izumi discuss his new book The Homeschool Boom on the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. TheLarsLarsonShow · Lance Izumi – Parents pull kids from public school over demand to teach CRT
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