‘Government involvement’ never leads to lowered prices

After almost a month of repairs, the K.R. Har­ring­ton Water Treat­ment Plant is back in oper­a­tion. Nashville res­i­dents can bathe and wash dishes nor­mally. Now that the cri­sis has passed, it is use­ful to reflect on the eco­nomic lessons of gov­ern­ment pric­ing and rationing. Let’s start with the basic facts.

After the flood­ing in early May, the Har­ring­ton treat­ment plant was knocked out of ser­vice. This left only the Omo­hun­dro plant in oper­a­tion.
This meant that the city could pro­duce only 81 mil­lion gal­lons of fresh water per day, which it sup­ple­mented with five mil­lion gal­lons pur­chased from neigh­bor­ing regions.

But Nashville con­sumers nor­mally use some 100 mil­lion gal­lons per day. This con­sump­tion drew down the city’s reserves to a pre­car­i­ous 37 per­cent by Tues­day of the flood week. This is why Nashville res­i­dents were told to restrict water use by 50 per­cent. If the city’s reserves had been depleted, Nashvil­lians would have faced the absurd com­bi­na­tion of a dev­as­tat­ing flood and a severe dis­rup­tion in water service.

The com­mu­nity surged into action. Radio announc­ers urged the pub­lic to con­serve, while peo­ple posted help­ful tips on Face­book and other sites. A hot­line was estab­lished for res­i­dents to report neigh­bors or busi­nesses using water inappropriately.

The free mar­ket is the most depend­able system

Basic eco­nom­ics teaches that all this energy was unnec­es­sary. When a good or ser­vice is pro­vided by the pri­vate sec­tor, the mar­ket price bal­ances sup­ply and demand. The gov­ern­ment doesn’t need to micro­man­age its use, and cit­i­zens don’t have to spy on each other.

In a free mar­ket, a sud­den dis­rup­tion in sup­ply leads to a spike in the price. For exam­ple, a cold snap might ruin a large part of the tomato crop. This leads to a much higher price for toma­toes. Con­sumers are still free to buy as many toma­toes as they want, but because of the higher price they nat­u­rally cut back their pur­chases. The avail­able toma­toes are rationed among those who really want them.

Many peo­ple think that com­pet­i­tive mar­kets work well for nonessen­tials, but government-regulated monop­o­lies must pro­vide neces­si­ties such as water and elec­tric­ity. Yet this has things back­wards: We should entrust the most impor­tant ser­vices to the most depend­able sys­tem, namely the free market.

In hot sum­mer months, government-supported util­i­ties rou­tinely fail to deliver power to their pay­ing cus­tomers. “Brownouts” are com­mon in large cities, espe­cially in Cal­i­for­nia, forc­ing peo­ple to go with­out air con­di­tion­ing on the hottest days. Res­i­dents are often asked to refrain from water­ing lawns on cer­tain days.

But when has any­one heard of hot dog com­pa­nies or beer dis­trib­u­tors run­ning into sim­i­lar prob­lems? Indeed, they look for­ward to the sea­sonal spike in the demand for their prod­ucts. Their men­tal­ity is com­pletely dif­fer­ent because, unlike government-regulated monop­o­lies, they do not have a cap­tive mar­ket. This insti­tu­tional dif­fer­ence largely explains the dif­fer­ent out­comes, in which house­holds may have no power or water, but plenty of hot dogs and beer.

Defend­ers of government-regulated monop­o­lies object that a free mar­ket in water would make this essen­tial ser­vice too expen­sive for the poor. Yet it is a curi­ous argu­ment to sup­pose that gov­ern­ment involve­ment will make some­thing cheaper. Our nation is about to test this the­ory with the new health-care leg­is­la­tion. I pre­dict that the qual­ity of care will decline while costs rise.

The recent water short­age in Nashville wasn’t merely about post­poned show­ers and loads of laun­dry. The city ordered car washes to shut down and these busi­nesses lost mil­lions of dol­lars. It’s true, even in a free mar­ket, the car wash own­ers might have shut down vol­un­tar­ily if the flood­ing had caused the mar­ket price of clean water to skyrocket.

But that is the point: We don’t know what would have hap­pened, since the gov­ern­ment dic­tated which uses of water were per­mis­si­ble and which were not.

Most peo­ple under­stand that it would be folly to allow politi­cians to run restau­rants, and they would be hor­ri­fied at the thought of bureau­crats select­ing their babysit­ters. Why do we con­sider it per­fectly nor­mal to let gov­ern­ment remain in charge of our drink­ing water?

Robert P. Mur­phy, a res­i­dent of Nashville, earned a Ph.D. in eco­nom­ics from New York Uni­ver­sity and is a senior fel­low in busi­ness and eco­nomic stud­ies at the California-based Pacific Research Insti­tute. He is the co-author with Jason Clemens of Tax­i­for­nia, avail­able on PRI’s web­site. Con­tact him at [email protected].

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