Lawmakers Can’t Let Single-Payer Health Care Cross The Border—Or The Pond

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A major federal agency recently took an important step to stop drugs from crossing the U.S. border.

Late last month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration “identified several deficiencies” in Florida’s plan to import prescription drugs from Canada. It’s the latest volley in an ongoing war between the FDA and the Sunshine State, the latter of which has spent years trying to skirt federal safety standards to buy drugs from our neighbors to the north. Several other states, including most recently Texas, are following Florida’s example.

Unfortunately, many progressives are determined to import something even more dangerous from Canada—single-payer health care. For decades, Canadians have shouldered burdensome taxes for the privilege of waiting weeks to receive subpar care. Things are just as bad in England’s government-run healthcare system.

Read full article at Forbes

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