Public Schools – Page 47 – Pacific Research Institute

Public Schools


March 6 rally can stop ‘Monopoly’ players from passing ‘Go’

ABC’s John Stossel in a “20/20” report examined America’s education system in a segment called “Stupid in America.” It wasn’t pretty. Teacher unions and bought-and-sold politicians don’t look so good when a reporter of Stossel’s ilk tells the unvarnished truth about public schools. The unions moaned, and one in New ...

Survey: Va. Parents Support All Forms of School Choice

Voters throughout Virginia’s lowest-income neighborhoods are strong supporters of school choice, a new poll reports. In mid-January the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy and the Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO) announced the results of their Parental Choice Survey, given to residents throughout Norfolk, Petersburg, and Richmond, Virginia. At ...
Charter Schools

Oakland Charter Schools “Do What Works,” and Outperform Their Peers

Charter School Business – Providence Financial, Inc., March 1, 2009 President Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan have stated their support for strong, successful charter schools in the United States. In fact, the new motto for the U.S. Department of Education is “Do what works.” The president and his ...

Public sector should manage health costs

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee, WI), February 28, 2009 For an eye opener, go to the Web site of the state Department of Employee Trust Funds and check out the premium for a single state employee. It comes to $896 a month, or $10,752 a year. Then go to a recent ...

The Obama Stimulus, Education, and California

Now that President Obama has signed the three-quarter-of-a-trillion-dollar stimulus package, which contains $100 billion for public schools, many observers on the left and the right are concluding that the package won’t change very much in America’s underperforming government education system. The stimulus package contains various pots of money for public ...

California Students Should be Free to Choose

Two years ago Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proclaimed January 29 Milton Friedman Day to honor the late Nobel laureate, his “intellectual hero,” whose Free to Choose book and documentary proved “life changing.” The governor and the legislature, unfortunately, have not allowed Milton Friedman’s ideas to change the lives of California parents ...

KFMB-TV 8: Are We Already Spending Too Much On Education?

California’s budget mess is taking a toll on many programs and education is no exception. But some say we may be spending more than enough for students to learn. Right now, the state is spending nearly $70 billion on public education. That’s an average of $12,000 per student kindergarten through ...

The Weekly Education Round-Up: Lessons on Liberal Education Policies

American Issues Project, January 29, 2009 Editor’s note: AIP’s weekly feature is back. If you have suggestions for education news that should be included in this weekly update, please post a comment to the post below or send us a message via Twitter (@AmericanIssues). From court rulings to overspending, the ...

Honor Friedman by allowing students to be ‘free to choose’

Orange County Register – California Focus, January 29, 2009 William E. Simon Foundation, February 11, 2009 The late economist believed in schools competing for students. On this date two years ago, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proclaimed Milton Friedman Day in California to honor the late Nobel Prize-winning economist and the governor’s ...

Lessons from Virginia to California

Sacramento Union, January 28, 2009 Last week, the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy, along with the Black Alliance for Education Options, released a new survey on parents’ views about educational choice. The survey was given to residents throughout Petersburg, Norfolk and Richmond, Va., but the results speak volumes to ...

March 6 rally can stop ‘Monopoly’ players from passing ‘Go’

ABC’s John Stossel in a “20/20” report examined America’s education system in a segment called “Stupid in America.” It wasn’t pretty. Teacher unions and bought-and-sold politicians don’t look so good when a reporter of Stossel’s ilk tells the unvarnished truth about public schools. The unions moaned, and one in New ...

Survey: Va. Parents Support All Forms of School Choice

Voters throughout Virginia’s lowest-income neighborhoods are strong supporters of school choice, a new poll reports. In mid-January the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy and the Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO) announced the results of their Parental Choice Survey, given to residents throughout Norfolk, Petersburg, and Richmond, Virginia. At ...
Charter Schools

Oakland Charter Schools “Do What Works,” and Outperform Their Peers

Charter School Business – Providence Financial, Inc., March 1, 2009 President Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan have stated their support for strong, successful charter schools in the United States. In fact, the new motto for the U.S. Department of Education is “Do what works.” The president and his ...

Public sector should manage health costs

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee, WI), February 28, 2009 For an eye opener, go to the Web site of the state Department of Employee Trust Funds and check out the premium for a single state employee. It comes to $896 a month, or $10,752 a year. Then go to a recent ...

The Obama Stimulus, Education, and California

Now that President Obama has signed the three-quarter-of-a-trillion-dollar stimulus package, which contains $100 billion for public schools, many observers on the left and the right are concluding that the package won’t change very much in America’s underperforming government education system. The stimulus package contains various pots of money for public ...

California Students Should be Free to Choose

Two years ago Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proclaimed January 29 Milton Friedman Day to honor the late Nobel laureate, his “intellectual hero,” whose Free to Choose book and documentary proved “life changing.” The governor and the legislature, unfortunately, have not allowed Milton Friedman’s ideas to change the lives of California parents ...

KFMB-TV 8: Are We Already Spending Too Much On Education?

California’s budget mess is taking a toll on many programs and education is no exception. But some say we may be spending more than enough for students to learn. Right now, the state is spending nearly $70 billion on public education. That’s an average of $12,000 per student kindergarten through ...

The Weekly Education Round-Up: Lessons on Liberal Education Policies

American Issues Project, January 29, 2009 Editor’s note: AIP’s weekly feature is back. If you have suggestions for education news that should be included in this weekly update, please post a comment to the post below or send us a message via Twitter (@AmericanIssues). From court rulings to overspending, the ...

Honor Friedman by allowing students to be ‘free to choose’

Orange County Register – California Focus, January 29, 2009 William E. Simon Foundation, February 11, 2009 The late economist believed in schools competing for students. On this date two years ago, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proclaimed Milton Friedman Day in California to honor the late Nobel Prize-winning economist and the governor’s ...

Lessons from Virginia to California

Sacramento Union, January 28, 2009 Last week, the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy, along with the Black Alliance for Education Options, released a new survey on parents’ views about educational choice. The survey was given to residents throughout Petersburg, Norfolk and Richmond, Va., but the results speak volumes to ...
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