
Business & Economics

Does “Depression Economics” Change the Rules?

Wily competitors have known for ages that if you can’t win the game, you can simply change the rules. Now, during normal economic times, if somebody recommended that the government borrow a trillion dollars and spend it on anything that moves, most economists (as well as common sense) would say, ...
Business & Economics

Serious Goals for California in the New Year

The past year certainly boasted some highlights, including the Olympics and a much-anticipated national election, but with 2008 behind us, the mood is not exactly upbeat in California. The economy has cooled off, and the “Golden State” finds itself staring down the barrel of a two-year deficit of $40 billion, ...
Business & Economics

New Report Touts Benefits of Economic Freedom

New Report Touts Benefits of Economic Freedom San Francisco – The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, today released The Sizzle of Economic Freedom: How Economic Freedom Helps You and Why You Should Demand More, a report that highlights the best scholarly studies measuring the ...
Business & Economics

The Sizzle of Economic Freedom: How Economic Freedom Helps You and Why You Should Demand More

The Sizzle of Economic Freedom: How Economic Freedom Helps You and Why You Should Demand More, highlights the best scholarly studies measuring the benefits of economic freedom. In producing the study, the authors chose the most recent and academically rigorous peer-reviewed studies in top academic journals. “The price of limiting ...

Hawaii Seeking More Money for Health Plan

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), January 1, 2009 A 9 percent jump in enrollment is forcing Hawaii’s state government to consider ways to increase funding for its taxpayer-funded health coverage program. Officials from Hawaii’s Department of Human Services say the enrollment spike in Med-Quest, the state’s Medicaid managed care program, ...
Business & Economics

New Year’s Resolution for California: Let Economic Freedom Ring

SACRAMENTO – The year certainly boasted some highlights, including the Olympics and a much anticipated national election, but as 2008 winds to a close, the mood is not exactly upbeat in California. The economy has cooled off, and the “Golden State” finds itself staring down the barrel of a two-year ...
Business & Economics

Why many Michiganians stay as others flee

Perhaps you can find a time in your life when conditions have been more difficult in Michigan, but I have been unable to do so. The state unemployment rate is approaching double digits. The Big Three automakers continue to announce cutbacks as they try to scale back their business model ...
Business & Economics

Choices hint at move to middle

Many conservative pundits have predicted a radical shift in U.S. economic policy and serious, prolonged economic stagnation under the incoming Obama administration. In many ways their analysis is correct, but things could turn out quite differently if President Obama pulls a Clinton – meaning he shifts quickly to pragmatic, workable ...
Business & Economics

Growth is the only solution to state’s crisis

Most of the proposed solutions for California’s budget problems – spending cuts, tax increases, infrastructure spending – attempt to patch a Band-Aid on a festering wound but do not address the underlying causes of the infection – an economy weakened by improper nutrition and the wrong medications. We cannot cut, ...
Business & Economics

Hayek Tells Bill Buckley That Even Keynes Was Afraid of the Keynesians

Last month Bob Roddis caused a stir when he made available the audio recording of Hayek’s 1975 “Meet the Press” appearance. Well Roddis has done it again. He has provided me with this recording (mp3) of Hayek on Bill Buckley’s Firing Line. Buckley asks Hayek about the popularity of Keynesianism, ...
Business & Economics

Does “Depression Economics” Change the Rules?

Wily competitors have known for ages that if you can’t win the game, you can simply change the rules. Now, during normal economic times, if somebody recommended that the government borrow a trillion dollars and spend it on anything that moves, most economists (as well as common sense) would say, ...
Business & Economics

Serious Goals for California in the New Year

The past year certainly boasted some highlights, including the Olympics and a much-anticipated national election, but with 2008 behind us, the mood is not exactly upbeat in California. The economy has cooled off, and the “Golden State” finds itself staring down the barrel of a two-year deficit of $40 billion, ...
Business & Economics

New Report Touts Benefits of Economic Freedom

New Report Touts Benefits of Economic Freedom San Francisco – The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, today released The Sizzle of Economic Freedom: How Economic Freedom Helps You and Why You Should Demand More, a report that highlights the best scholarly studies measuring the ...
Business & Economics

The Sizzle of Economic Freedom: How Economic Freedom Helps You and Why You Should Demand More

The Sizzle of Economic Freedom: How Economic Freedom Helps You and Why You Should Demand More, highlights the best scholarly studies measuring the benefits of economic freedom. In producing the study, the authors chose the most recent and academically rigorous peer-reviewed studies in top academic journals. “The price of limiting ...

Hawaii Seeking More Money for Health Plan

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), January 1, 2009 A 9 percent jump in enrollment is forcing Hawaii’s state government to consider ways to increase funding for its taxpayer-funded health coverage program. Officials from Hawaii’s Department of Human Services say the enrollment spike in Med-Quest, the state’s Medicaid managed care program, ...
Business & Economics

New Year’s Resolution for California: Let Economic Freedom Ring

SACRAMENTO – The year certainly boasted some highlights, including the Olympics and a much anticipated national election, but as 2008 winds to a close, the mood is not exactly upbeat in California. The economy has cooled off, and the “Golden State” finds itself staring down the barrel of a two-year ...
Business & Economics

Why many Michiganians stay as others flee

Perhaps you can find a time in your life when conditions have been more difficult in Michigan, but I have been unable to do so. The state unemployment rate is approaching double digits. The Big Three automakers continue to announce cutbacks as they try to scale back their business model ...
Business & Economics

Choices hint at move to middle

Many conservative pundits have predicted a radical shift in U.S. economic policy and serious, prolonged economic stagnation under the incoming Obama administration. In many ways their analysis is correct, but things could turn out quite differently if President Obama pulls a Clinton – meaning he shifts quickly to pragmatic, workable ...
Business & Economics

Growth is the only solution to state’s crisis

Most of the proposed solutions for California’s budget problems – spending cuts, tax increases, infrastructure spending – attempt to patch a Band-Aid on a festering wound but do not address the underlying causes of the infection – an economy weakened by improper nutrition and the wrong medications. We cannot cut, ...
Business & Economics

Hayek Tells Bill Buckley That Even Keynes Was Afraid of the Keynesians

Last month Bob Roddis caused a stir when he made available the audio recording of Hayek’s 1975 “Meet the Press” appearance. Well Roddis has done it again. He has provided me with this recording (mp3) of Hayek on Bill Buckley’s Firing Line. Buckley asks Hayek about the popularity of Keynesianism, ...
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