What We’re Watching – June 26

Rowena Itchon – “Project Home: 3D Printing the Future”

I ran across this teaser on the upcoming documentary “Project Home: 3D Printing the Future” by the Moving Picture Institute.  The first 3D printed homes are located in a neighborhood in southern Mexico.  A way to solve California’s homeless problem?

Ben Smithwick – Veterans Need the Freedom to Choose Schools

This video from the Veterans Education Project highlights the unique challenges student veterans face and the reasons why they should be allowed to attend their school of choice using the GI Bill.

Kerry Jackson – Build Up or Build Out? Solving the Housing Crisis

Here’s a lively libertarian discussion and debate that helps us understand more about the housing crisis in California.

Tim Anaya – Empowering Entrepreneurs to Address America’s Health Care Challenges

As documented in the latest study in PRI’s “Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity” series, future medical advances will be stymied unless policymakers remove road blocks that make it difficult for entrepreneurs to develop new technology and for patients to access them. Watch this video to learn more.

Evan Harris – Liverpool Win the EPL After 30 Years

I’m a huge soccer fan, particularly English Premier League soccer. Although I am a Chelsea fan (a club in London), Liverpool Football Club made history this week by winning their first league championship in 30 years. Liverpool are a historic soccer club in England and Europe, and their championship season reminds me of the importance and power of sports to bring us together, to celebrate, and cheer for our favorite teams. P.S. Chelsea, the team I support, beat one of Liverpool’s rivals to ensure Liverpool won the title, too!

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