Lack of Trust Sparks Motor Voter Fears

There’s some concern that the 2015 motor voter law will automatically register illegal immigrants to vote in California when they renew their driver’s license after April 1.

The Department of Motor Vehicles is bound by a January court ruling to send information about drivers to the secretary of state’s office for voter registration. Because illegal immigrants can obtain driver’s licenses in California, some are uneasy about the possibility that they will be automatically registered the same way citizens are. Some state officials say that won’t happen, though.

“Undocumented Californians are not eligible to register to vote at the DMV,” DMV spokesperson Jessica Gonzalez told PolitiFact California, and there are “measures in place to prevent that from occurring.”

The critics’ response is understandable. California’s sanctuary state status — which it bestowed upon itself — and its hysterical “resistance” to the Trump presidency, deep Blue State agenda, and position as an outlier state make the charge all too believable.

Kerry Jackson is a fellow with the Center for California Reform at the Pacific Research Institute.

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