Daniel R. Ballon

Business & Economics

Sacramento Sell-Out: Even the Laws Have a Price

Only two weeks after lawmakers in Sacramento passed a budget, the state is already in the red. As Governor Schwarzenegger and the legislature debate more spending cuts and accounting tricks, another solution may be right in front of them: more laws. In California, government owns the laws and forces people ...
Business & Economics

Will a lawsuit today keep Apple away?

Last week Psystar, an obscure Miami-based company, launched a legal attack on Apple that could cripple one of California’s key high-tech innovators. The case offers lessons for entrepreneurs and gives the courts an opportunity to end a legal scam that hurts consumers. In April, Psystar began selling inexpensive Mac knock-offs ...
Business & Economics

High-Tech Lessons for Sacto from SF

Sacramento Union, August 21, 2008 For nine days last month, San Francisco’s state-of-the-art new computer network was held hostage by a convicted felon. Even a team of Silicon Valley’s best and brightest engineers working around the clock could not crack his code. Finally, in a secret midnight meeting at the ...
Business & Economics

The Internet – Should Feds Be Involved?

Net neutrality and regulating the internet. The Fairness Doctrine for bloggers. PRI’s Dr. Daniel Ballon discusses the implications of these issues on the Andrea Shea King Radio show. (Please wait for interview to load. Click on left arrow to start.)
Business & Economics

Lessons for Sacramento from San Francisco’s high-tech heist

For nine days last month, San Francisco’s state-of-the-art new computer network was held hostage by a convicted felon. Even a team of Silicon Valley’s best and brightest engineers working around the clock could not crack his code. Finally, in a secret midnight meeting at the Hall of Justice, the mayor ...
Business & Economics

New Chinese Antitrust Law Threatens America’s High-Tech Leadership

As athletes from around the world gather in Beijing for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, the Chinese government has its eyes on the gold. The gold that China wins on the field of play, however, will pale in comparison to the riches it plunders from America’s most successful innovators. Armed ...
Business & Economics

Google/Yahoo deal debris

Is what’s good for the goose also good for the Google? The Senate Antitrust Subcommittee just investigated a proposed partnership between Google and Yahoo, the two most visited properties on the Internet. Though the deal could consolidate more than 90 percent of an $11-billion search and advertising industry, Google insisted ...
Business & Economics

Congress aims to rob consumers and reward major retailers

The Herald (Bourbonnais, IL), July 22, 2008 A recent survey found Americans rank skyrocketing gas prices as their most serious economic concern. The House Judiciary Committee will soon consider a proposal to put more money in the pockets of gas station owners and major retailers, while raising the interest rates ...
Business & Economics

Fined if You Do, Fined if You Don’t

The European Union recently slapped Microsoft with a penalty of $1.3 billion, the largest fine ever levied against a single company. The timing is curious because the penalty was issued just a week after Microsoft posted on the Internet over 30,000 pages of its most closely held trade secrets. This ...
Business & Economics

Big Brother Online

The bipartisan housing bill currently being debated in the Senate contains an unrelated amendment that will burden innovative Internet companies and threaten the civil liberties of every American. Without any discussion, Senators added a provision to H.R. 3221 (The American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008) requiring electronic ...
Business & Economics

Sacramento Sell-Out: Even the Laws Have a Price

Only two weeks after lawmakers in Sacramento passed a budget, the state is already in the red. As Governor Schwarzenegger and the legislature debate more spending cuts and accounting tricks, another solution may be right in front of them: more laws. In California, government owns the laws and forces people ...
Business & Economics

Will a lawsuit today keep Apple away?

Last week Psystar, an obscure Miami-based company, launched a legal attack on Apple that could cripple one of California’s key high-tech innovators. The case offers lessons for entrepreneurs and gives the courts an opportunity to end a legal scam that hurts consumers. In April, Psystar began selling inexpensive Mac knock-offs ...
Business & Economics

High-Tech Lessons for Sacto from SF

Sacramento Union, August 21, 2008 For nine days last month, San Francisco’s state-of-the-art new computer network was held hostage by a convicted felon. Even a team of Silicon Valley’s best and brightest engineers working around the clock could not crack his code. Finally, in a secret midnight meeting at the ...
Business & Economics

The Internet – Should Feds Be Involved?

Net neutrality and regulating the internet. The Fairness Doctrine for bloggers. PRI’s Dr. Daniel Ballon discusses the implications of these issues on the Andrea Shea King Radio show. (Please wait for interview to load. Click on left arrow to start.)
Business & Economics

Lessons for Sacramento from San Francisco’s high-tech heist

For nine days last month, San Francisco’s state-of-the-art new computer network was held hostage by a convicted felon. Even a team of Silicon Valley’s best and brightest engineers working around the clock could not crack his code. Finally, in a secret midnight meeting at the Hall of Justice, the mayor ...
Business & Economics

New Chinese Antitrust Law Threatens America’s High-Tech Leadership

As athletes from around the world gather in Beijing for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, the Chinese government has its eyes on the gold. The gold that China wins on the field of play, however, will pale in comparison to the riches it plunders from America’s most successful innovators. Armed ...
Business & Economics

Google/Yahoo deal debris

Is what’s good for the goose also good for the Google? The Senate Antitrust Subcommittee just investigated a proposed partnership between Google and Yahoo, the two most visited properties on the Internet. Though the deal could consolidate more than 90 percent of an $11-billion search and advertising industry, Google insisted ...
Business & Economics

Congress aims to rob consumers and reward major retailers

The Herald (Bourbonnais, IL), July 22, 2008 A recent survey found Americans rank skyrocketing gas prices as their most serious economic concern. The House Judiciary Committee will soon consider a proposal to put more money in the pockets of gas station owners and major retailers, while raising the interest rates ...
Business & Economics

Fined if You Do, Fined if You Don’t

The European Union recently slapped Microsoft with a penalty of $1.3 billion, the largest fine ever levied against a single company. The timing is curious because the penalty was issued just a week after Microsoft posted on the Internet over 30,000 pages of its most closely held trade secrets. This ...
Business & Economics

Big Brother Online

The bipartisan housing bill currently being debated in the Senate contains an unrelated amendment that will burden innovative Internet companies and threaten the civil liberties of every American. Without any discussion, Senators added a provision to H.R. 3221 (The American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008) requiring electronic ...
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