Sally C. Pipes


Read about the bill in Congress that would ban the use of "quality-adjusted life years"

Congress needs to cut QALYs

The House of Representatives last week approved a bill that would ban the use of “quality-adjusted life years,” or QALYs, as well as other measures for determining the purported value of a medical intervention, in all federal health programs. Now the Senate will consider the measure. QALYs should have no place in federal decision-making about whether ...

Read the latest on Medicare's prescription drug price-setting scheme

Can Constitution Save Us from Drug Price Controls?

AstraZeneca made its case against Medicare’s prescription drug price-setting scheme before a federal judge in Delaware last week. It’s one of several drugmakers challenging the program on constitutional grounds, among them Johnson & Johnson, Merck and Bristol Myers Squibb. Defenders of the price control plan have portrayed these cases as the machinations of money-grubbing ...

Read the latest on Florida's drug importation plan

Is the FDA opening a door for counterfeit drug trade?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave the go-ahead last month for Florida to import prescription drugs in bulk from Canada. If all goes according to plan, the state government will be able to dispense certain Canadian-sourced drugs to people who receive care through the state Department of Corrections, the ...

Sally Pipes’ comments on the return of CA universal healthcare proposal in The Center Square

California proposal for universal healthcare bans private care, doubles spending By Kenneth Schrupp Healthcare experts say this measure would increase doctor wait times, shortages and strikes in a state public healthcare system already suffering from too few doctors. In Canada, where private coverage is outlawed, the average wait time from ...

Americans Want Value for Healthcare, Not Another Welfare Plan

Obamacare’s insurance marketplaces are doing a brisk business. According to federal data released last month, a record 21.3 million Americans signed up for an exchange plan during the 2024 open enrollment season. Nearly 5 million were new customers. “Numbers do not lie,” said Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid ...

This Policy Helped Make COVID Vaccines Possible. It Could Soon Disappear.

If you’re among the 81% of Americans who have been vaccinated against COVID-19, you probably remember your first dose. Perhaps you snapped a selfie on your way out of the vaccine clinic. California Sen. Alex Padilla took things a step further and shared a video on Facebook encouraging his constituents to get the jab. ...

Read the latest on prescription drug pricing

Bernie’s Anti-Pharma Crusade Is Not In Patients’ Interests

Next week, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee will convene to hear testimony from the CEOs of Johnson & Johnson, Merck, and Bristol Myers Squibb on the prices of their drugs. The executives agreed to testify after the committee’s chair, Vermont socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., threatened to ...

Read the latest on Florida's drug importation plan

Fla’s Drug Importation Plan Only Creates More Problems

The logic behind Florida’s new drug-importation program, which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration formally approved earlier this month, might seem straightforward. Since prescription drugs cost less in Canada, purchasing medicines in bulk from across our northern border should deliver significant savings. As Florida will soon discover, however, the devil is ...

Read the latest on short-term health plans

If he’s elected, short-term health plans belong on Trump’s to-do list

It appears that former President Donald Trump has all but locked up the Republican presidential nomination after winning the New Hampshire primary. He has long vowed that, if elected, he will scrap and replace the Affordable Care Act. “We’re going to fight for much better healthcare than Obamacare,” he pledged while campaigning in Iowa earlier ...

Read the latest on uninsured Americans

There’s more to the uninsured rate than meets the eye

That may seem alarming. But a closer look at the data reveals that many are uninsured by choice. Affordable coverage is available to them. They’ve opted not to take it. And that’s largely the result of bad healthcare policy. Roughly two-thirds of uninsured Americans went without coverage in 2022 because ...

Read about the bill in Congress that would ban the use of "quality-adjusted life years"

Congress needs to cut QALYs

The House of Representatives last week approved a bill that would ban the use of “quality-adjusted life years,” or QALYs, as well as other measures for determining the purported value of a medical intervention, in all federal health programs. Now the Senate will consider the measure. QALYs should have no place in federal decision-making about whether ...

Read the latest on Medicare's prescription drug price-setting scheme

Can Constitution Save Us from Drug Price Controls?

AstraZeneca made its case against Medicare’s prescription drug price-setting scheme before a federal judge in Delaware last week. It’s one of several drugmakers challenging the program on constitutional grounds, among them Johnson & Johnson, Merck and Bristol Myers Squibb. Defenders of the price control plan have portrayed these cases as the machinations of money-grubbing ...

Read the latest on Florida's drug importation plan

Is the FDA opening a door for counterfeit drug trade?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave the go-ahead last month for Florida to import prescription drugs in bulk from Canada. If all goes according to plan, the state government will be able to dispense certain Canadian-sourced drugs to people who receive care through the state Department of Corrections, the ...

Sally Pipes’ comments on the return of CA universal healthcare proposal in The Center Square

California proposal for universal healthcare bans private care, doubles spending By Kenneth Schrupp Healthcare experts say this measure would increase doctor wait times, shortages and strikes in a state public healthcare system already suffering from too few doctors. In Canada, where private coverage is outlawed, the average wait time from ...

Americans Want Value for Healthcare, Not Another Welfare Plan

Obamacare’s insurance marketplaces are doing a brisk business. According to federal data released last month, a record 21.3 million Americans signed up for an exchange plan during the 2024 open enrollment season. Nearly 5 million were new customers. “Numbers do not lie,” said Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid ...

This Policy Helped Make COVID Vaccines Possible. It Could Soon Disappear.

If you’re among the 81% of Americans who have been vaccinated against COVID-19, you probably remember your first dose. Perhaps you snapped a selfie on your way out of the vaccine clinic. California Sen. Alex Padilla took things a step further and shared a video on Facebook encouraging his constituents to get the jab. ...

Read the latest on prescription drug pricing

Bernie’s Anti-Pharma Crusade Is Not In Patients’ Interests

Next week, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee will convene to hear testimony from the CEOs of Johnson & Johnson, Merck, and Bristol Myers Squibb on the prices of their drugs. The executives agreed to testify after the committee’s chair, Vermont socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., threatened to ...

Read the latest on Florida's drug importation plan

Fla’s Drug Importation Plan Only Creates More Problems

The logic behind Florida’s new drug-importation program, which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration formally approved earlier this month, might seem straightforward. Since prescription drugs cost less in Canada, purchasing medicines in bulk from across our northern border should deliver significant savings. As Florida will soon discover, however, the devil is ...

Read the latest on short-term health plans

If he’s elected, short-term health plans belong on Trump’s to-do list

It appears that former President Donald Trump has all but locked up the Republican presidential nomination after winning the New Hampshire primary. He has long vowed that, if elected, he will scrap and replace the Affordable Care Act. “We’re going to fight for much better healthcare than Obamacare,” he pledged while campaigning in Iowa earlier ...

Read the latest on uninsured Americans

There’s more to the uninsured rate than meets the eye

That may seem alarming. But a closer look at the data reveals that many are uninsured by choice. Affordable coverage is available to them. They’ve opted not to take it. And that’s largely the result of bad healthcare policy. Roughly two-thirds of uninsured Americans went without coverage in 2022 because ...
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