Government Spending

Business & Economics

Obama’s Big Spending Fallacy Could Ruin the US Economy: A History Lesson

I’m inclined to the view that the Great Depression was a seminal turning point in the history of economic thought. Thanks to that politically-induced tragedy something like 150 years of sound economic reasoning was overturned by two mercantilist fallacies that we now call Keynesianism, the first of which was the ...

Opponents of Obama Health Plan Hit Street

Opponents of runaway government spending have staged Boston Tea Party-inspired protests across the country since April to show their displeasure with what they see as an out-of-touch presidential administration. On June 11, protestors hit the streets of Green Bay, Wisconsin, where more than 1,000 rallied to express their dissatisfaction with ...

Sally C. Pipes: Texas-style health care reform is bigger and better

President Obama’s campaign for healthcare reform has run into an unexpected roadblock — other Democrats. And, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV, said yesterday that the Senate would not be voting on a bill prior to the August recess. The president wanted to get a bill passed before the recess ...
Business & Economics

Obama fast becoming Canada’s best friend

Canada has a new secret weapon. His name is Barack Obama. At least, that’s one interpretation of negative fiscal consequences likely to flow from the Democratic president’s ambitious, big-ticket government agenda and not a far-fetched one at that. According to an analysis offered last week by economist Jason Clemens, research ...
Business & Economics

Labor Day in California: Not Much to Celebrate

Californians work hard and Labor Day will provide them with a much needed break. The festivities, however, should not overshadow a disturbing reality. Nowhere are California’s economic problems more serious than in our labor market. The best known and perhaps most watched labor statistic is the unemployment rate. California’s unemployment ...
Business & Economics

When Economic Stimulus Does Not Stimulate

A majority of Americans now give President Obama’s handling of the economy a negative rating and many economists and city officials are concerned that Obama’s gargantuan stimulus effort has not given the expected quick boost to the economy. Some argue this is because funds have been slow in coming due ...
Business & Economics

Christina Romer’s Faulty Depression History

Romer on the “Mistakes of 1937” Romer worries that President Obama will cave in to political pressures, and cut stimulus efforts before the economy has sufficiently healed. She alleges that this was the same mistake Roosevelt made after his initial (apparent) success in battling the Depression: [T]he recovery in the ...
Business & Economics

California: The National Petri Dish

Supposedly, trends start in California and then spread to the rest of the country, a notion that seems to be confirmed by the latest economic news. In May, California’s unemployment rate hit 11.5 percent—the highest it has been since 1941. This morning we learn that unemployment for the entire country ...

The Albany-Trenton-Sacramento Disease

How three liberal states got into deep trouble with ‘progressive’ ideas. President Obama has bet the economy on his program to grow the government and finance it with a more progressive tax system. It’s hard to miss the irony that he’s pitching this change in Washington even as the same ...

How to Bankrupt a Country

What if you found that your personal income this year will be $55,000, but you will spend $100,000 — even though you had no prior savings? And what if next year’s picture looked similar, and the year after that, and so on? If President Obama were your personal financial advisor, ...
Business & Economics

Obama’s Big Spending Fallacy Could Ruin the US Economy: A History Lesson

I’m inclined to the view that the Great Depression was a seminal turning point in the history of economic thought. Thanks to that politically-induced tragedy something like 150 years of sound economic reasoning was overturned by two mercantilist fallacies that we now call Keynesianism, the first of which was the ...

Opponents of Obama Health Plan Hit Street

Opponents of runaway government spending have staged Boston Tea Party-inspired protests across the country since April to show their displeasure with what they see as an out-of-touch presidential administration. On June 11, protestors hit the streets of Green Bay, Wisconsin, where more than 1,000 rallied to express their dissatisfaction with ...

Sally C. Pipes: Texas-style health care reform is bigger and better

President Obama’s campaign for healthcare reform has run into an unexpected roadblock — other Democrats. And, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV, said yesterday that the Senate would not be voting on a bill prior to the August recess. The president wanted to get a bill passed before the recess ...
Business & Economics

Obama fast becoming Canada’s best friend

Canada has a new secret weapon. His name is Barack Obama. At least, that’s one interpretation of negative fiscal consequences likely to flow from the Democratic president’s ambitious, big-ticket government agenda and not a far-fetched one at that. According to an analysis offered last week by economist Jason Clemens, research ...
Business & Economics

Labor Day in California: Not Much to Celebrate

Californians work hard and Labor Day will provide them with a much needed break. The festivities, however, should not overshadow a disturbing reality. Nowhere are California’s economic problems more serious than in our labor market. The best known and perhaps most watched labor statistic is the unemployment rate. California’s unemployment ...
Business & Economics

When Economic Stimulus Does Not Stimulate

A majority of Americans now give President Obama’s handling of the economy a negative rating and many economists and city officials are concerned that Obama’s gargantuan stimulus effort has not given the expected quick boost to the economy. Some argue this is because funds have been slow in coming due ...
Business & Economics

Christina Romer’s Faulty Depression History

Romer on the “Mistakes of 1937” Romer worries that President Obama will cave in to political pressures, and cut stimulus efforts before the economy has sufficiently healed. She alleges that this was the same mistake Roosevelt made after his initial (apparent) success in battling the Depression: [T]he recovery in the ...
Business & Economics

California: The National Petri Dish

Supposedly, trends start in California and then spread to the rest of the country, a notion that seems to be confirmed by the latest economic news. In May, California’s unemployment rate hit 11.5 percent—the highest it has been since 1941. This morning we learn that unemployment for the entire country ...

The Albany-Trenton-Sacramento Disease

How three liberal states got into deep trouble with ‘progressive’ ideas. President Obama has bet the economy on his program to grow the government and finance it with a more progressive tax system. It’s hard to miss the irony that he’s pitching this change in Washington even as the same ...

How to Bankrupt a Country

What if you found that your personal income this year will be $55,000, but you will spend $100,000 — even though you had no prior savings? And what if next year’s picture looked similar, and the year after that, and so on? If President Obama were your personal financial advisor, ...
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