

Still Not Free to Choose in California

SACRAMENTO—Yesterday was Milton Friedman Day, and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger may at last be taking a first step toward putting into action the ideas of the late Nobel Laureate and “Father of Modern School Reform.” One in three California public school students is now in a public school district that ...
Classroom Ideology

Pell Grants for Kids a Good Idea

As someone who strongly believes that *ALL* parents (not just wealthy ones) should have true school choice in this country, I’m glad to see President Bush call for the creation of a “Pell Grants for Kids” program in his final State of the Union address. While the details of the ...

School choice can halt high tide of mediocrity

“The educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a nation and a people.” Sound like the education section of a current presidential candidate’s stump speech? It’s actually from the landmark 1983 Department of Education study, “A ...

Need Deficit Solutions? Think School Choice

California, January 18, 2008 Eureka Reporter, January 18, 2008 Sacramento Union, February 1, 2008 According to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, California faces a combined $14 billion budget deficit for this fiscal year and the next. In response, the governor has resorted to conventional remedies such as a 10-percent across-the-board spending ...

Need Deficit Solutions? Think School Choices

SACRAMENTO – According to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, California faces a combined $14 billion budget deficit for this fiscal year and the next. In response, the governor has resorted to conventional remedies such as a 10-percent across-the-board spending cut. He should have remembered his original “blow-up-the-boxes” battle cry and proposed reforms ...

PRI’s Lance Izumi Named President of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges

San Francisco – On Tuesday, January 15, Pacific Research Institute’s director of Education Studies Lance T. Izumi succeeded Kay Albiani as president of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges. The Board sets policy and provides guidance for the 72 districts and 109 colleges within the system. It ...

Texas Public Schools: Top in the Class, a Few Rotten Apples, or Mired in Mediocrity?

PRI’s Vicki Murray participated in this policy orientation event sponsored by the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Other presenters included Texas Rep. Scott Hochberg, The Honorable Ron Wilson, and Dr. Bruce Shortt. The moderator was Jamie Story. From school finance reform in Texas to No Child Left Behind at the federal ...

California’s Affluent Schools Ooze Corruption

UGotNerve, August 14, 2008 Human Events, January 8, 2008 When middle-class parents in California opened their newspapers recently and read that the leviathan Los Angeles Unified School District had overpaid their employees by $53 million, many likely took comfort in the belief that at least the school districts in their ...

Ethnicity-Obsessed UC Ignores Law

In 2008 the University of California will increase the number of officially recognized Asian categories from eight to 23, nearly a three-fold increase. UC administrators and various student groups hail the move as a milestone of diversity and aid to outreach. That remains dubious but the plan confirms that the ...

Leap Year for UC Categorical Imperative

In 2008 the University of California will increase the number of officially recognized Asian categories from eight to 23, nearly a three-fold increase. UC administrators and various student groups hail the move as a milestone of diversity and aid to outreach. That remains dubious but the plan confirms that the ...

Still Not Free to Choose in California

SACRAMENTO—Yesterday was Milton Friedman Day, and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger may at last be taking a first step toward putting into action the ideas of the late Nobel Laureate and “Father of Modern School Reform.” One in three California public school students is now in a public school district that ...
Classroom Ideology

Pell Grants for Kids a Good Idea

As someone who strongly believes that *ALL* parents (not just wealthy ones) should have true school choice in this country, I’m glad to see President Bush call for the creation of a “Pell Grants for Kids” program in his final State of the Union address. While the details of the ...

School choice can halt high tide of mediocrity

“The educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a nation and a people.” Sound like the education section of a current presidential candidate’s stump speech? It’s actually from the landmark 1983 Department of Education study, “A ...

Need Deficit Solutions? Think School Choice

California, January 18, 2008 Eureka Reporter, January 18, 2008 Sacramento Union, February 1, 2008 According to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, California faces a combined $14 billion budget deficit for this fiscal year and the next. In response, the governor has resorted to conventional remedies such as a 10-percent across-the-board spending ...

Need Deficit Solutions? Think School Choices

SACRAMENTO – According to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, California faces a combined $14 billion budget deficit for this fiscal year and the next. In response, the governor has resorted to conventional remedies such as a 10-percent across-the-board spending cut. He should have remembered his original “blow-up-the-boxes” battle cry and proposed reforms ...

PRI’s Lance Izumi Named President of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges

San Francisco – On Tuesday, January 15, Pacific Research Institute’s director of Education Studies Lance T. Izumi succeeded Kay Albiani as president of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges. The Board sets policy and provides guidance for the 72 districts and 109 colleges within the system. It ...

Texas Public Schools: Top in the Class, a Few Rotten Apples, or Mired in Mediocrity?

PRI’s Vicki Murray participated in this policy orientation event sponsored by the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Other presenters included Texas Rep. Scott Hochberg, The Honorable Ron Wilson, and Dr. Bruce Shortt. The moderator was Jamie Story. From school finance reform in Texas to No Child Left Behind at the federal ...

California’s Affluent Schools Ooze Corruption

UGotNerve, August 14, 2008 Human Events, January 8, 2008 When middle-class parents in California opened their newspapers recently and read that the leviathan Los Angeles Unified School District had overpaid their employees by $53 million, many likely took comfort in the belief that at least the school districts in their ...

Ethnicity-Obsessed UC Ignores Law

In 2008 the University of California will increase the number of officially recognized Asian categories from eight to 23, nearly a three-fold increase. UC administrators and various student groups hail the move as a milestone of diversity and aid to outreach. That remains dubious but the plan confirms that the ...

Leap Year for UC Categorical Imperative

In 2008 the University of California will increase the number of officially recognized Asian categories from eight to 23, nearly a three-fold increase. UC administrators and various student groups hail the move as a milestone of diversity and aid to outreach. That remains dubious but the plan confirms that the ...
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