Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., wants “Medicare for All,” as does Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., her self-described “Democratic socialist” rival. Unlike Sanders, however, Warren claims she can finance her plan by raising taxes only on the superrich. . .
. . .Democrats, of course, quickly employed their fallback position on rising costs: blame Republicans. Sally Pipes of the Pacific Research Institute, a conservative think tank, said last year:
“Despite the fact that premiums rose throughout President Barack Obama’s second term, Democrats claim that the most recent rate increases are President Donald Trump’s fault. In August, four liberal cities — Baltimore, Chicago, Columbus and Cincinnati — filed a lawsuit alleging that Trump is ‘waging a relentless campaign to sabotage and, ultimately, to nullify the law.’ That’s nonsense. Obamacare is imploding under the weight of its own regulations.”