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Homelessness Archives - Page 2 of 7 - Pacific Research Institute



Read the latest on California's homeless crisis

Newsom’s Veto a Strange Way to Show Support for “Transparency and Accountability”

Assembly Bill 2570, by Asm. Joe Patterson, R-Rocklin, would have required state officials to prepare an annual audit  evaluating the effectiveness of the state’s primary homeless grant program – the Homeless, Housing, Assistance and Prevention program. The bill would require the audit to be included in an annual report department ...

Read the latest on Project Homekey

Disregard the spin. Project Roomkey is failing

In a blatant attempt to rewrite history, Gov. Gavin Newsom claims that Project Roomkey was a great success, which provides important lessons for other states. The only lesson other states should take from the governor’s program is what not to do. To facilitate this revision, research firm Abt Global was contracted ...

Big victory in U.S. Supreme Court:

Big victory in U.S. Supreme Court: Grants Pass ruling gives cities tools to clean up homeless camps By Kerry Jackson | July 12, 2024 The U.S. Supreme Court’s June 28 Grants Pass v. Johnson ruling set off a round of celebrations and grumbling that typically occur when any court opinion ...

Read about PRI’s big victory in the Supreme Court

PRI Wins Big Victory in Supreme Court in Key Homelessness Case

PRI filed an amicus curiae brief in the case, which you can read by clicking here. The case involves efforts by the city of Grants Pass, Oregon to discourage sleeping and camping in public spaces.  Homeless advocates sued the city, arguing that its methods were cruel and unusual punishment.  The ...

Flawed Project Homekey now immersed in scandal

My Pacific Research Institute colleague Kerry Jackson and I have written extensively about the inherent flaws of Project Homekey. As a refresher, Project Homekey is Gov. Gavin Newsom’s main program for addressing the state’s homelessness problem. It attempts to leverage the current hotel and motel infrastructure to move people from ...

Is government homeless spending really making a difference?

Inconsistencies Plague Sacramento’s Latest Homeless Count

Sometimes, when something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  This can be especially true when it comes to data being touted in government reports. Take China’s government economic data, for example.  The Chinese Communist machine routinely manipulates economic data to please their political superiors. The reported statistics ...

Read the latest on the Sacramento DA's homeless lawsuit

Sac DA’s homeless lawsuit falters, but effort wasn’t in vain

District Attorney Thien Ho tested how much his office directly can affect homeless policy by suing the city for not doing its job to deal with its festering homelessness crisis. Sacramento County Superior Court Judge Jill H. Talley ruled on May 6 that Mayor Darrell Steinberg and the City Council ...

Read the latest on Grants Pass v Johnson

George Will highlights PRI’s work on homelessness in his latest Washington Post column

The homeless right-to-camp issue comes to the Supreme Court By George F. Will An amicus brief from the Pacific Research Institute notes that, in all eras, vagrants have experienced pressures from circumstances. (As have most criminals.) So, is any punishment disproportional for behavior an individual cannot control? What about a ...

Learn what the State Auditor found wrong with CA homelessness spending

Who is left to defend CA homelessness spending?

I received a text out of nowhere from a friend who shares vastly different political opinions than myself: Where is all the money that is supposed to go to the homeless? I had to report the homeless camp on my apartment street. I openly saw someone smoking from a crack ...

Read the latest on California's approach to homelessness

Prop 1 promises more of the same for California’s homeless

Leading up to the March 5 primary, Gov. Gavin Newsom appealed to voters by insisting that Proposition 1 is a just reward for veterans, who “have given everything for our freedom often at extraordinary cost to themselves.” It’s not an unpersuasive argument. It was, however, a cheap, emotional ploy.  The ...

Read the latest on California's homeless crisis

Newsom’s Veto a Strange Way to Show Support for “Transparency and Accountability”

Assembly Bill 2570, by Asm. Joe Patterson, R-Rocklin, would have required state officials to prepare an annual audit  evaluating the effectiveness of the state’s primary homeless grant program – the Homeless, Housing, Assistance and Prevention program. The bill would require the audit to be included in an annual report department ...

Read the latest on Project Homekey

Disregard the spin. Project Roomkey is failing

In a blatant attempt to rewrite history, Gov. Gavin Newsom claims that Project Roomkey was a great success, which provides important lessons for other states. The only lesson other states should take from the governor’s program is what not to do. To facilitate this revision, research firm Abt Global was contracted ...

Big victory in U.S. Supreme Court:

Big victory in U.S. Supreme Court: Grants Pass ruling gives cities tools to clean up homeless camps By Kerry Jackson | July 12, 2024 The U.S. Supreme Court’s June 28 Grants Pass v. Johnson ruling set off a round of celebrations and grumbling that typically occur when any court opinion ...

Read about PRI’s big victory in the Supreme Court

PRI Wins Big Victory in Supreme Court in Key Homelessness Case

PRI filed an amicus curiae brief in the case, which you can read by clicking here. The case involves efforts by the city of Grants Pass, Oregon to discourage sleeping and camping in public spaces.  Homeless advocates sued the city, arguing that its methods were cruel and unusual punishment.  The ...

Flawed Project Homekey now immersed in scandal

My Pacific Research Institute colleague Kerry Jackson and I have written extensively about the inherent flaws of Project Homekey. As a refresher, Project Homekey is Gov. Gavin Newsom’s main program for addressing the state’s homelessness problem. It attempts to leverage the current hotel and motel infrastructure to move people from ...

Is government homeless spending really making a difference?

Inconsistencies Plague Sacramento’s Latest Homeless Count

Sometimes, when something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  This can be especially true when it comes to data being touted in government reports. Take China’s government economic data, for example.  The Chinese Communist machine routinely manipulates economic data to please their political superiors. The reported statistics ...

Read the latest on the Sacramento DA's homeless lawsuit

Sac DA’s homeless lawsuit falters, but effort wasn’t in vain

District Attorney Thien Ho tested how much his office directly can affect homeless policy by suing the city for not doing its job to deal with its festering homelessness crisis. Sacramento County Superior Court Judge Jill H. Talley ruled on May 6 that Mayor Darrell Steinberg and the City Council ...

Read the latest on Grants Pass v Johnson

George Will highlights PRI’s work on homelessness in his latest Washington Post column

The homeless right-to-camp issue comes to the Supreme Court By George F. Will An amicus brief from the Pacific Research Institute notes that, in all eras, vagrants have experienced pressures from circumstances. (As have most criminals.) So, is any punishment disproportional for behavior an individual cannot control? What about a ...

Learn what the State Auditor found wrong with CA homelessness spending

Who is left to defend CA homelessness spending?

I received a text out of nowhere from a friend who shares vastly different political opinions than myself: Where is all the money that is supposed to go to the homeless? I had to report the homeless camp on my apartment street. I openly saw someone smoking from a crack ...

Read the latest on California's approach to homelessness

Prop 1 promises more of the same for California’s homeless

Leading up to the March 5 primary, Gov. Gavin Newsom appealed to voters by insisting that Proposition 1 is a just reward for veterans, who “have given everything for our freedom often at extraordinary cost to themselves.” It’s not an unpersuasive argument. It was, however, a cheap, emotional ploy.  The ...
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