Rent Control
Rent Control – Temporary or Not – Won’t Bring Down Sacramento’s Housing Costs
Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg is trying to have his cake and eat it too. He announced in June that he opposed a local ballot measure being pushed by labor unions and activist groups to impose new rent control restrictions in Sacramento. That measure, according to the Sacramento Bee, would “cap ...
Tim Anaya
September 19, 2018
Sacramento Rent Fund Just Another Name for Basic Income
Last week, I wrote about a controversial plan in the City of Stockton to essentially hand a selected group of people wads of cash each month to do nothing. Under this universal basic income scheme, they wouldn’t have to work or adhere to some milestone to be eligible for the ...
Tim Anaya
July 25, 2018
Would Politics as Usual Change Under “Cal 3” Plan?
More than one observer has argued that California is too big population-wise, and the problems too-complex to effectively govern and should be broken up. Recently, it was announced that after years of debate, California is finally going to have a chance to vote on one of these proposals this November. ...
Tim Anaya
June 19, 2018
The June Primary is Over. So, What Now?
Now that the June primary is behind us, pundits and political observers are on overdrive telling us what it all means and what we can expect from the fall campaign. Perhaps we should all pause before writing the June primary’s eulogy as hundreds of thousands of votes remain to be ...
Tim Anaya
June 11, 2018
Steve Maviglio – The Broken Clock is Right Twice Hour
Democratic powerhouse Steve Maviglio joins for what we’re calling the “Broken Clock is Right Twice Hour”. He joins us to discuss two issues where he and many Democrats are finding common ground with free marketeers – expanding rent control in California, and a proposed “online privacy” measure.
Pacific Research Institute
May 7, 2018
Rent Control Measure Would Make California’s Housing Woes Worse
One of the factors driving California’s housing crisis is the upward pressure rent-controls laws place on home prices. Everyone except those enjoying the dividends of rent-controlled housing would be better off without the laws. Yet a measure that will allow them to spread will be on the ballot this fall. ...
Kerry Jackson
May 1, 2018
Yes, It’s True. California Must Build A Lot More Housing to Close Gap
Finally, a state ranking where California isn’t last. In per capita housing supply, California is 49th. Only Utah has fewer housing units per 1,000 population, with 347. The Golden State: 358. The data are from McKinsey Global Institute’s 2016 report “A Tool Kit to Close California’s Housing Gap: 3.5 Million ...
Kerry Jackson
March 27, 2018
Latest Evidence Shows Rent Control Increases Costs, Reduces Housing Supply
As we have noted so many times before, rent control laws are one of the many flawed public policies that are driving California’s steep housing costs. Look here, here and here. Of course, we’re not alone in making this assertion. There is an extensive library of scholarly literature that has ...
Kerry Jackson
January 22, 2018
Kerry Jackson Cited in Mises Wire: Why California Has the Nation’s Worst Poverty Rate
Earlier this week, the LA Times reminded its readers that California has the highest poverty rate in the nation. Specifically, when using the Census Bureau’s most recent” Supplemental Poverty Measure” (SPM), California clocks in with a poverty rate of 20 percent, which places it as worst in the nation. To be sure, California ...
Ryan McMaken
January 17, 2018
What California Should Do To Ease Housing Crisis
In September, Sacramento lawmakers passed more than a dozen bills aiming to begin healing the state’s housing sore. It was, to their thinking, “Housing Day” in California. Two weeks later, legislators joined Gov. Jerry Brown in San Francisco as he signed what he called “15 good bills.” “Today, California begins ...
Kerry Jackson
December 20, 2017
Rent Control – Temporary or Not – Won’t Bring Down Sacramento’s Housing Costs
Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg is trying to have his cake and eat it too. He announced in June that he opposed a local ballot measure being pushed by labor unions and activist groups to impose new rent control restrictions in Sacramento. That measure, according to the Sacramento Bee, would “cap ...
Sacramento Rent Fund Just Another Name for Basic Income
Last week, I wrote about a controversial plan in the City of Stockton to essentially hand a selected group of people wads of cash each month to do nothing. Under this universal basic income scheme, they wouldn’t have to work or adhere to some milestone to be eligible for the ...
Would Politics as Usual Change Under “Cal 3” Plan?
More than one observer has argued that California is too big population-wise, and the problems too-complex to effectively govern and should be broken up. Recently, it was announced that after years of debate, California is finally going to have a chance to vote on one of these proposals this November. ...
The June Primary is Over. So, What Now?
Now that the June primary is behind us, pundits and political observers are on overdrive telling us what it all means and what we can expect from the fall campaign. Perhaps we should all pause before writing the June primary’s eulogy as hundreds of thousands of votes remain to be ...
Steve Maviglio – The Broken Clock is Right Twice Hour
Democratic powerhouse Steve Maviglio joins for what we’re calling the “Broken Clock is Right Twice Hour”. He joins us to discuss two issues where he and many Democrats are finding common ground with free marketeers – expanding rent control in California, and a proposed “online privacy” measure.
Rent Control Measure Would Make California’s Housing Woes Worse
One of the factors driving California’s housing crisis is the upward pressure rent-controls laws place on home prices. Everyone except those enjoying the dividends of rent-controlled housing would be better off without the laws. Yet a measure that will allow them to spread will be on the ballot this fall. ...
Yes, It’s True. California Must Build A Lot More Housing to Close Gap
Finally, a state ranking where California isn’t last. In per capita housing supply, California is 49th. Only Utah has fewer housing units per 1,000 population, with 347. The Golden State: 358. The data are from McKinsey Global Institute’s 2016 report “A Tool Kit to Close California’s Housing Gap: 3.5 Million ...
Latest Evidence Shows Rent Control Increases Costs, Reduces Housing Supply
As we have noted so many times before, rent control laws are one of the many flawed public policies that are driving California’s steep housing costs. Look here, here and here. Of course, we’re not alone in making this assertion. There is an extensive library of scholarly literature that has ...
Kerry Jackson Cited in Mises Wire: Why California Has the Nation’s Worst Poverty Rate
Earlier this week, the LA Times reminded its readers that California has the highest poverty rate in the nation. Specifically, when using the Census Bureau’s most recent” Supplemental Poverty Measure” (SPM), California clocks in with a poverty rate of 20 percent, which places it as worst in the nation. To be sure, California ...
What California Should Do To Ease Housing Crisis
In September, Sacramento lawmakers passed more than a dozen bills aiming to begin healing the state’s housing sore. It was, to their thinking, “Housing Day” in California. Two weeks later, legislators joined Gov. Jerry Brown in San Francisco as he signed what he called “15 good bills.” “Today, California begins ...