Single Payer
Intelligence Squared U.S. Moves to Rockefeller University to Accommodate Sold Out Audiences
Marketwire, June 16, 2008 NEW YORK, NY–(Marketwire – June 16, 2008) – Intelligence Squared U.S., the Oxford style debate series sponsored by The Rosenkranz Foundation, today announced that its third year of sold out public debates will move to Rockefeller University’s Caspary Auditorium beginning with the fall season in September ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 16, 2008
Russia’s Failed Universal Health Care Program Exposes the Perils of Single-Payer Systems
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2008 Despite doubling government spending, Russian system remains a model of what not to do Despite outgoing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s doubling of state spending on health care over the past two years, complaints about crumbling infrastructure, poor quality of medical services, and ...
Rina Shah
June 1, 2008
Study Doubts Benefits of Insurance Regulation
Although the number of state initiatives intended to improve access to affordable health care has been rising, it is not clear what effect the proposed programs will have on the health status of the newly insured population or the population in general, says a report from the American Enterprise Institute. ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 1, 2008
Massachusetts proves the folly of universal health insurance
Universal health care recently celebrated its second — and perhaps final — birthday in Massachusetts. There’s not a lot of cause for celebration. Although a success in the media and a blueprint for other politicians seeking solutions to health care — including Democratic presidential hopefuls Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton ...
Sally C. Pipes
May 25, 2008
CNN – The Glenn Beck Show
Transcript Aired May 21, 2008 – 19:00:00 ET … Up next, as Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy begins his battle, he is lucky to have one of the best health-care plans available. Reality is, not a lot of people in that state are as fortunate. I`ll explain in tonight`s “Real Story.” ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 21, 2008
Health Care
Escaping From Unhealthy Health Care Dependency: Lessons from Down Under
Many politicos advocate more government as the “solution” du jour for American health care – as if we don’t have enough already. But government interference could come at the expense of new medical technology and competitive ventures that promise to improve quality, reduce costs, and increase choices for individuals. Americans ...
Diana M. Ernst
May 13, 2008
Health-care system needs more caring (LA), April 29, 2008 Daily Comet, (Lafourche Parish, LA), April 29, 2008 Presidential candidates condemn Americans for not providing health insurance to 47 million fellow citizens but the Washington Times carried an article by Sally Pipes, of the Pacific Research Institute, and presented facts that indicate political debaters try ...
Dr. Randolph M. Howes
April 29, 2008
Five myths of health care
Fictions don’t become facts through repetition. Keep that in mind next time you hear a politician breathlessly decry the horrors of the American health-care system and then explain how he intends to fix it. Some of the most popular talking points in the health-care debate pass as the gospel truth ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 18, 2008
San Francisco Surcharge Covers Health Care
There’s a new line item on many restaurant bills in San Francisco: the “surcharge,” ranging from a flat per-person fee to a percentage of the bill. Why? To cover the cost of universal health care for employees. Stacey Delo reports. John R. Graham appeared in this video on the Wall ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 2, 2008
State should look east for affordable health insurance
One of Sacramento’s great laments is the number of Californians without health insurance. The predictable bad solution has been to propose billions in additional taxes. California has been spared so far from this counterintuitive, costly “solution.” Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and legislators ought to look eastward for a better idea. But ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 6, 2008
Intelligence Squared U.S. Moves to Rockefeller University to Accommodate Sold Out Audiences
Marketwire, June 16, 2008 NEW YORK, NY–(Marketwire – June 16, 2008) – Intelligence Squared U.S., the Oxford style debate series sponsored by The Rosenkranz Foundation, today announced that its third year of sold out public debates will move to Rockefeller University’s Caspary Auditorium beginning with the fall season in September ...
Russia’s Failed Universal Health Care Program Exposes the Perils of Single-Payer Systems
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2008 Despite doubling government spending, Russian system remains a model of what not to do Despite outgoing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s doubling of state spending on health care over the past two years, complaints about crumbling infrastructure, poor quality of medical services, and ...
Study Doubts Benefits of Insurance Regulation
Although the number of state initiatives intended to improve access to affordable health care has been rising, it is not clear what effect the proposed programs will have on the health status of the newly insured population or the population in general, says a report from the American Enterprise Institute. ...
Massachusetts proves the folly of universal health insurance
Universal health care recently celebrated its second — and perhaps final — birthday in Massachusetts. There’s not a lot of cause for celebration. Although a success in the media and a blueprint for other politicians seeking solutions to health care — including Democratic presidential hopefuls Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton ...
CNN – The Glenn Beck Show
Transcript Aired May 21, 2008 – 19:00:00 ET … Up next, as Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy begins his battle, he is lucky to have one of the best health-care plans available. Reality is, not a lot of people in that state are as fortunate. I`ll explain in tonight`s “Real Story.” ...
Escaping From Unhealthy Health Care Dependency: Lessons from Down Under
Many politicos advocate more government as the “solution” du jour for American health care – as if we don’t have enough already. But government interference could come at the expense of new medical technology and competitive ventures that promise to improve quality, reduce costs, and increase choices for individuals. Americans ...
Health-care system needs more caring (LA), April 29, 2008 Daily Comet, (Lafourche Parish, LA), April 29, 2008 Presidential candidates condemn Americans for not providing health insurance to 47 million fellow citizens but the Washington Times carried an article by Sally Pipes, of the Pacific Research Institute, and presented facts that indicate political debaters try ...
Five myths of health care
Fictions don’t become facts through repetition. Keep that in mind next time you hear a politician breathlessly decry the horrors of the American health-care system and then explain how he intends to fix it. Some of the most popular talking points in the health-care debate pass as the gospel truth ...
San Francisco Surcharge Covers Health Care
There’s a new line item on many restaurant bills in San Francisco: the “surcharge,” ranging from a flat per-person fee to a percentage of the bill. Why? To cover the cost of universal health care for employees. Stacey Delo reports. John R. Graham appeared in this video on the Wall ...
State should look east for affordable health insurance
One of Sacramento’s great laments is the number of Californians without health insurance. The predictable bad solution has been to propose billions in additional taxes. California has been spared so far from this counterintuitive, costly “solution.” Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and legislators ought to look eastward for a better idea. But ...