The strange hypocrisy of the ‘just build housing’ YIMBYs

The strange hypocrisy of the ‘just build housing’ YIMBYs Steven Greenhut | October 2, 2024 Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from the Free Cities Center’s forthcoming booklet (“Building New Cities from Scratch: America’s Long History of Urban Experimentation”) about ...

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Democratic plan would bring turmoil to housing markets

A century ago, the federal government involved itself hardly at all in housing, leaving that to state and local governments, and the market. The major exception was housing on federal land, including the District of Columbia, other territories and military ...

Women, Children, Disabled Pay The Price For Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion

Obamacare greatly expanded Medicaid eligibility. As a result, about 20 million able-bodied, working-age adults who were previously ineligible are now enrolled in the program. But as a new report from the Paragon Health Institute makes clear, their gains have come ...

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All Crime is Local – Why National Crime Statistics Don’t Matter

The FBI doesn’t receive individual reports of crimes, rather, they aggregate the crime statistics reported by thousands of law enforcement agencies who, for ease of ...
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Kamala Harris’ worst plan yet: bringing the NHS to America

Something, of course, must be done. Less than one in four people are satisfied with the NHS and its outdated centralised system of universal coverage, ...
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A Cruel Moment of Clarity

The police as of this writing have not identified the 17 year-old suspect who was arrested immediately after the shooting, saying only that he is ...

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The Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy promotes the principles of individual freedom and personal responsibility. The Institute believes these principles are best encouraged through policies that emphasize a free economy, private initiative, and limited government.

Worthy policy goals with such broad impact are not easily attained, and they require sustained effort and struggle. Together with its alliance of dedicated supporters, PRI is committed to leading the way toward a more free and prosperous future for all.

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