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Katy Grimes

Charter Schools

PRI’s Lance Izumi Featured in Article on DeVos Interview

Lance Izumi, senior director of the Pacific Research Institute’s Center for Education, recently interviewed U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, and covered the importance of expanding school choice opportunities for every student in America, school re-openings following the COVID-19 pandemic, and the President’s education reform agenda. Izumi is the author ...

California Globe Article on Charter Schools Features Lance Izumi

Gov. Gavin Newsom sent out a press release Wednesday announcing that he will sign “the first major overhaul to the charter schools law since its enactment 27 years ago, and will address longstanding challenges for both traditional public school districts and charter schools.” . . . . . .“’Taken together,’ says ...

Teacher Union “Mo’ Money” Show

Last week teacher union activists descended upon the Capitol but education reform was not on their agenda. The priority was lobbying legislators to vote in favor of Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax extensions‚ and avoid a vote of the people on the tax increases. The activists also targeted two education reform ...

Lax CPUC oversight lets PG&E gouge ratepayer

As the price of natural gas has fallen to a decade low, utility ratepayers wouldn’t know it. Utility costs continue to explode. Given the low cost of natural gas, Pacific Gas & Electric’s latest request to increase utility rates by more than 15 percent by 2016 is causing many to ...

Professors at legislative hearing push more government

The rich are getting richer and everyone else is losing wealth. This phenomenon supposedly would justify more aggressive government policies redistributing wealth. At an Assembly hearing Wednesday about whether the state of California should be actively pursuing additional wealth redistribution policies, Legislators and academics said that the highest degree of ...

California’s costly green subsidies

If there was any doubt about the economic success of state-mandated green programs, it was erased this week after a state Senate hearing about the future of alternate fuels. By the end of the four-hour session, it was clear that environmental special interests are thriving in California. At the hearing, ...

Dems Slash Business-Saving Bills

Long before any of 800 bills passed by the Legislature reached Gov. Jerry Brown’s desk this legislative session, partisan politics took precedence over repairing the state’s economy. Apparently restoring confidence and faith in California’s residents and businesses was less important than party politics and flexing muscle. In early 2011, Republicans ...

California’s Governor Brown Delivers for Labor Unions

According to Katy Grimes of the Sacramento-based investigative reporting website Cal Watchdog for October 19, “For unions, Governor Jerry Brown is the governor who keeps on giving.” Over the weekend, the California Governor signed into law Senate Bill 922, which will prevent cities from banning union-supported “project labor agreements” that ...
Business & Economics

Union ‘Gut and Amend’ Bills Slice Open CA

It’s “gut and amend” season in the California Legislature. More like shuck and jive and obfuscate. Last week, I received information that another bill had been gutted of its original intent, and new language added to greatly benefit labor unions. By the end of the day, two additional bills were ...

Villaraigosa’s Whistle Stop

Offering up what appeared to be a campaign speech, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa addressed the Sacramento Press Club today, repeatedly blasting the Tea Party and Republicans, and even went after California’s Proposition 13 with a vengeance. What was interesting is that Villaraigosa spent an inordinate amount of time talking ...
Charter Schools

PRI’s Lance Izumi Featured in Article on DeVos Interview

Lance Izumi, senior director of the Pacific Research Institute’s Center for Education, recently interviewed U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, and covered the importance of expanding school choice opportunities for every student in America, school re-openings following the COVID-19 pandemic, and the President’s education reform agenda. Izumi is the author ...

California Globe Article on Charter Schools Features Lance Izumi

Gov. Gavin Newsom sent out a press release Wednesday announcing that he will sign “the first major overhaul to the charter schools law since its enactment 27 years ago, and will address longstanding challenges for both traditional public school districts and charter schools.” . . . . . .“’Taken together,’ says ...

Teacher Union “Mo’ Money” Show

Last week teacher union activists descended upon the Capitol but education reform was not on their agenda. The priority was lobbying legislators to vote in favor of Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax extensions‚ and avoid a vote of the people on the tax increases. The activists also targeted two education reform ...

Lax CPUC oversight lets PG&E gouge ratepayer

As the price of natural gas has fallen to a decade low, utility ratepayers wouldn’t know it. Utility costs continue to explode. Given the low cost of natural gas, Pacific Gas & Electric’s latest request to increase utility rates by more than 15 percent by 2016 is causing many to ...

Professors at legislative hearing push more government

The rich are getting richer and everyone else is losing wealth. This phenomenon supposedly would justify more aggressive government policies redistributing wealth. At an Assembly hearing Wednesday about whether the state of California should be actively pursuing additional wealth redistribution policies, Legislators and academics said that the highest degree of ...

California’s costly green subsidies

If there was any doubt about the economic success of state-mandated green programs, it was erased this week after a state Senate hearing about the future of alternate fuels. By the end of the four-hour session, it was clear that environmental special interests are thriving in California. At the hearing, ...

Dems Slash Business-Saving Bills

Long before any of 800 bills passed by the Legislature reached Gov. Jerry Brown’s desk this legislative session, partisan politics took precedence over repairing the state’s economy. Apparently restoring confidence and faith in California’s residents and businesses was less important than party politics and flexing muscle. In early 2011, Republicans ...

California’s Governor Brown Delivers for Labor Unions

According to Katy Grimes of the Sacramento-based investigative reporting website Cal Watchdog for October 19, “For unions, Governor Jerry Brown is the governor who keeps on giving.” Over the weekend, the California Governor signed into law Senate Bill 922, which will prevent cities from banning union-supported “project labor agreements” that ...
Business & Economics

Union ‘Gut and Amend’ Bills Slice Open CA

It’s “gut and amend” season in the California Legislature. More like shuck and jive and obfuscate. Last week, I received information that another bill had been gutted of its original intent, and new language added to greatly benefit labor unions. By the end of the day, two additional bills were ...

Villaraigosa’s Whistle Stop

Offering up what appeared to be a campaign speech, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa addressed the Sacramento Press Club today, repeatedly blasting the Tea Party and Republicans, and even went after California’s Proposition 13 with a vengeance. What was interesting is that Villaraigosa spent an inordinate amount of time talking ...
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