Kerry Jackson


Lawmakers are pushing again to ban plastic bags

The Plastic Bag Nags Are Still Wrong

Golden State policymakers seem to fear the strangest things. While they constantly go on about how they’re going to solve the housing crisis, end homelessness, fight crime, restore previous generations’ quality of life and steady an economy that has a shaky outlook, they don’t appear to be moved by the ...

Read latest on push for more government housing

Renaming ‘public housing’ doesn’t alter its sordid history

Politicians and activists have long tried to dress old, failed, sometimes contentious and often intrusive ideas in new clothing. Gun control has become “gun safety.” Illegal aliens are “undocumented immigrants.” The politically charged term abortion has been softened for the palate to “women’s reproductive health.” Often labels are changed due ...
Business & Economics

Read on the negative effects of raising minimum wage

$20 Minimum Wage for Restaurant Workers is Only the Beginning

It was bound to happen. Less than a month after the $20-an-hour fast-food restaurant minimum wage kicked in, activists are demanding that all other minimum-wage workers, who got a bump to $16 an hour on Jan. 1, which will be elevated to $18 an hour if voters approve November’s Minimum ...

Read about the latest attack on fossil fuels

Designated For Destruction: California’s Economic Oxygen

The Polluters Pay Climate Cost Recovery Act, Senate Bill 1497, requires “fossil fuel polluters to pay their fair share of the damage caused by the sale of their products.” The “responsible parties” are defined as entities that between the 2000 and 2020 calendar years, did business in the state or ...

Why turn off lights for Earth Day when California is already growing dark?

Earth Day 2024 is today and Californians are being encouraged to turn off their lights. For now, it would be a voluntary exercise in futility. In a few years, though, maybe even this summer, the lights will go out on their own, as the grid becomes shakier while the state ...

Read latest about push for electric vehicles

Will Electric Vehicle Push Make Any Difference In Lowering Emissions? Science Says Probably Not.

Let’s first look at indisputable facts. Carbon dioxide level as a portion of our atmosphere is now 425 parts per million (or 0.0425%), as measured at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, up from 317 PPM in 1960. (About 500 million years ago, CO2 reached 7,000 PPM.) To understand just how ...

Read the latest on CA's energy policy

Can California Really Power 25 Million Homes Via Offshore Wind Farms By 2045?

California is relying heavily on offshore wind to take it to the nirvana of a carbon-neutral power grid in 2045. Sacramento believes so intensely in the concept that lawmakers recently introduced a bill that would allow voters to decide in the fall of 2024 if a $1 billion bond should be ...

Learn how much more you'll pay under $20 restaurant minimum wage

How Much Will Your Favorite Hamburger Cost After Minimum Wage Hike?

Didn’t someone say that raising the minimum wage would hurt most those it is intended to help? Yes, yes they did. And it’s been said many times. Yet here we are in the just-begun era of the $20-an-hour minimum wage and residents in the low-income district of South Los Angeles ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Hey, Californians, How Do You Like the Governor’s EV Mandate Now?

A poll taken in the fall of 2022 found that 55% of registered California voters favored the state’s zero-emission vehicle mandate, which outlaws the sale of new fossil fuel-burning cars and light trucks beginning in 2035. Only 39% opposed it. While electric vehicles are being shunned in other states, EV ...

Read about latest anti-business mandate from Sacramento

In California, You Can Self-Checkout Any Time You Want – For Now

Self-checkout seems to have reached a peak. Some retailers are pulling back on the systems, apparently due to intentional and unintentional thefts, and there are signs that customers have grown weary of scanning their own purchases and waiting in long, slow lines while a single attendant tries to manage the ...

Lawmakers are pushing again to ban plastic bags

The Plastic Bag Nags Are Still Wrong

Golden State policymakers seem to fear the strangest things. While they constantly go on about how they’re going to solve the housing crisis, end homelessness, fight crime, restore previous generations’ quality of life and steady an economy that has a shaky outlook, they don’t appear to be moved by the ...

Read latest on push for more government housing

Renaming ‘public housing’ doesn’t alter its sordid history

Politicians and activists have long tried to dress old, failed, sometimes contentious and often intrusive ideas in new clothing. Gun control has become “gun safety.” Illegal aliens are “undocumented immigrants.” The politically charged term abortion has been softened for the palate to “women’s reproductive health.” Often labels are changed due ...
Business & Economics

Read on the negative effects of raising minimum wage

$20 Minimum Wage for Restaurant Workers is Only the Beginning

It was bound to happen. Less than a month after the $20-an-hour fast-food restaurant minimum wage kicked in, activists are demanding that all other minimum-wage workers, who got a bump to $16 an hour on Jan. 1, which will be elevated to $18 an hour if voters approve November’s Minimum ...

Read about the latest attack on fossil fuels

Designated For Destruction: California’s Economic Oxygen

The Polluters Pay Climate Cost Recovery Act, Senate Bill 1497, requires “fossil fuel polluters to pay their fair share of the damage caused by the sale of their products.” The “responsible parties” are defined as entities that between the 2000 and 2020 calendar years, did business in the state or ...

Why turn off lights for Earth Day when California is already growing dark?

Earth Day 2024 is today and Californians are being encouraged to turn off their lights. For now, it would be a voluntary exercise in futility. In a few years, though, maybe even this summer, the lights will go out on their own, as the grid becomes shakier while the state ...

Read latest about push for electric vehicles

Will Electric Vehicle Push Make Any Difference In Lowering Emissions? Science Says Probably Not.

Let’s first look at indisputable facts. Carbon dioxide level as a portion of our atmosphere is now 425 parts per million (or 0.0425%), as measured at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, up from 317 PPM in 1960. (About 500 million years ago, CO2 reached 7,000 PPM.) To understand just how ...

Read the latest on CA's energy policy

Can California Really Power 25 Million Homes Via Offshore Wind Farms By 2045?

California is relying heavily on offshore wind to take it to the nirvana of a carbon-neutral power grid in 2045. Sacramento believes so intensely in the concept that lawmakers recently introduced a bill that would allow voters to decide in the fall of 2024 if a $1 billion bond should be ...

Learn how much more you'll pay under $20 restaurant minimum wage

How Much Will Your Favorite Hamburger Cost After Minimum Wage Hike?

Didn’t someone say that raising the minimum wage would hurt most those it is intended to help? Yes, yes they did. And it’s been said many times. Yet here we are in the just-begun era of the $20-an-hour minimum wage and residents in the low-income district of South Los Angeles ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Hey, Californians, How Do You Like the Governor’s EV Mandate Now?

A poll taken in the fall of 2022 found that 55% of registered California voters favored the state’s zero-emission vehicle mandate, which outlaws the sale of new fossil fuel-burning cars and light trucks beginning in 2035. Only 39% opposed it. While electric vehicles are being shunned in other states, EV ...

Read about latest anti-business mandate from Sacramento

In California, You Can Self-Checkout Any Time You Want – For Now

Self-checkout seems to have reached a peak. Some retailers are pulling back on the systems, apparently due to intentional and unintentional thefts, and there are signs that customers have grown weary of scanning their own purchases and waiting in long, slow lines while a single attendant tries to manage the ...
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