Kerry Jackson
State Fair High Speed Rail Exhibit Shows Project That May Never Materialize in our Lifetimes
An HSR official told Newsweek that the showcase is “the culmination of years of construction progress, outreach, and community collaboration to make sure these trains and this system mirrors the diversity and vibrancy of the people who’ll ride it.” Too bad this grand “culmination” arrived so late. The project was ...
Kerry Jackson
August 27, 2024
Read the latest about California's misguided energy policies
As Chevron Exits California, Will Still Attempt to Buy Its Oil Refineries?
It’s unlikely that was the plan. But it is interesting that at roughly the same time Chevron made its announcement, which was no surprise to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office, the California Energy Commission issued a staff report that includes a dedicated section (Chapter 3, page 7) on “State-Owned Refineries.” It’s ...
Kerry Jackson
August 21, 2024
Read the latest from PRI's Free Cities Center
States right to ‘pre-empt’ cities that violate citizens’ liberty
Conservatives and right-of-center types tend to believe in the Jeffersonian principle that “the government closest to the people serves the people best.” As brilliant as Thomas Jefferson was, he couldn’t possibly get everything right, and on this count, he’s only about half correct. Sure, it’s easier to march down to ...
Kerry Jackson
August 15, 2024
Business & Economics
Read the latest on gig work and worker freedom
Kamala Harris Is Bad News for Gig Workers
Two million independent contractors caught a break from the California supreme court when it recently upheld a ballot initiative that was intended to overcome Sacramento’s patently obvious effort to outlaw gig work. Any celebrations should wait, though. The administration wants to take California’s war on worker freedom national. The PRO ...
Kerry Jackson
August 6, 2024
Business & Economics
New study shows fast food minimum wage law already a disaster
Is it too soon to declare California’s $20-an-hour minimum wage for fast food workers a disaster? After all, it became law only four months ago. How much harm could have been done in such a narrow time frame? Short answer? Quite a bit. The results of a just-released business survey ...
Kerry Jackson
August 1, 2024
Californians Will Have to Use Less Water Under State Board’s New Rules
It’s been said in different ways by a variety of people, but there’s more than just a grain of truth in it: If the federal bureaucracy or a socialist regime were ever put in charge of the Sahara Desert, there would eventually be a shortage of sand. This helps explain ...
Kerry Jackson
July 30, 2024
Read about Kamala Harris' California crime record
Kamala Harris played a key role in California’s crime catastrophe — voters should be very worried
If what Kamala Harris helped do to California is an indication of what she’d do the nation, voters should be very, very worried. As state attorney general from 2011 to 2017, Harris refused to take a position on two ballot initiatives that have come to define modern California — but her office ...
Kerry Jackson
July 26, 2024
Business & Economics
Biden’s rent-control plan will only make America’s housing crisis worse
President Joe Biden is suggesting that a federal limit on annual rent increases in residential units will ease housing costs. This is what happens when economist Milton Friedman isn’t “running the show”: Policymakers follow ideas that make the problem they say they’re solving infinitely worse. “While the prior administration gave special ...
Kerry Jackson
July 22, 2024
Learn about the high costs of California's green mandates
Los Angeles’ Costly Path to an All “Clean Power” Future
California’s energy transition is moving along about as smoothly as Joe Biden’s reelection campaign. Both are incoherent, have encountered hurdles they can’t scale and have made promises that can’t be kept. California’s race to produce greenhouse-gas emission-free power by 2045, for instance, has hit a snag in Los Angeles, where ...
Kerry Jackson
July 22, 2024
Read the latest on CA outmigration
Is Atlas shrugging in California?
The working title for the Ayn Rand classic “Atlas Shrugged” was “The Strike.” Rand wanted to show what the world would be like if the competent, the rational, the men and women of excellence walked away from their work. It was a “rebellion of the unrecognized and often persecuted creative ...
Kerry Jackson
July 18, 2024
State Fair High Speed Rail Exhibit Shows Project That May Never Materialize in our Lifetimes
An HSR official told Newsweek that the showcase is “the culmination of years of construction progress, outreach, and community collaboration to make sure these trains and this system mirrors the diversity and vibrancy of the people who’ll ride it.” Too bad this grand “culmination” arrived so late. The project was ...
Read the latest about California's misguided energy policies
As Chevron Exits California, Will Still Attempt to Buy Its Oil Refineries?
It’s unlikely that was the plan. But it is interesting that at roughly the same time Chevron made its announcement, which was no surprise to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office, the California Energy Commission issued a staff report that includes a dedicated section (Chapter 3, page 7) on “State-Owned Refineries.” It’s ...
Read the latest from PRI's Free Cities Center
States right to ‘pre-empt’ cities that violate citizens’ liberty
Conservatives and right-of-center types tend to believe in the Jeffersonian principle that “the government closest to the people serves the people best.” As brilliant as Thomas Jefferson was, he couldn’t possibly get everything right, and on this count, he’s only about half correct. Sure, it’s easier to march down to ...
Read the latest on gig work and worker freedom
Kamala Harris Is Bad News for Gig Workers
Two million independent contractors caught a break from the California supreme court when it recently upheld a ballot initiative that was intended to overcome Sacramento’s patently obvious effort to outlaw gig work. Any celebrations should wait, though. The administration wants to take California’s war on worker freedom national. The PRO ...
New study shows fast food minimum wage law already a disaster
Is it too soon to declare California’s $20-an-hour minimum wage for fast food workers a disaster? After all, it became law only four months ago. How much harm could have been done in such a narrow time frame? Short answer? Quite a bit. The results of a just-released business survey ...
Californians Will Have to Use Less Water Under State Board’s New Rules
It’s been said in different ways by a variety of people, but there’s more than just a grain of truth in it: If the federal bureaucracy or a socialist regime were ever put in charge of the Sahara Desert, there would eventually be a shortage of sand. This helps explain ...
Read about Kamala Harris' California crime record
Kamala Harris played a key role in California’s crime catastrophe — voters should be very worried
If what Kamala Harris helped do to California is an indication of what she’d do the nation, voters should be very, very worried. As state attorney general from 2011 to 2017, Harris refused to take a position on two ballot initiatives that have come to define modern California — but her office ...
Biden’s rent-control plan will only make America’s housing crisis worse
President Joe Biden is suggesting that a federal limit on annual rent increases in residential units will ease housing costs. This is what happens when economist Milton Friedman isn’t “running the show”: Policymakers follow ideas that make the problem they say they’re solving infinitely worse. “While the prior administration gave special ...
Learn about the high costs of California's green mandates
Los Angeles’ Costly Path to an All “Clean Power” Future
California’s energy transition is moving along about as smoothly as Joe Biden’s reelection campaign. Both are incoherent, have encountered hurdles they can’t scale and have made promises that can’t be kept. California’s race to produce greenhouse-gas emission-free power by 2045, for instance, has hit a snag in Los Angeles, where ...
Read the latest on CA outmigration
Is Atlas shrugging in California?
The working title for the Ayn Rand classic “Atlas Shrugged” was “The Strike.” Rand wanted to show what the world would be like if the competent, the rational, the men and women of excellence walked away from their work. It was a “rebellion of the unrecognized and often persecuted creative ...