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Drug Pricing


Lies, Damn Lies, and Drug Price Increases

As each new year begins, the increases in the list prices of drugs are announced. And, following these announcements, the political class complains that something must be done. This year, following the price announcements, Speaker Nancy Pelosi tweeted “Enough is enough” while Senator Grassley emphasized that a “call to action” ...
Drug Pricing

NEW STUDY shows that Reforming Supply Chain & Drug Pricing System Will Lower Health Care Costs

As Washington pushes for price caps and government controls to address prescription drug prices, a new issue brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the Pacific Research Institute argues that reforming the complex drug supply chain and ending the current drug pricing system that overcharges ...

Democrats’ health care mistakes of 2019 – five things they keep getting wrong

Whether on the debate stage or in the halls of Congress, over the past year Democrats have misled the public on just about every major health care issue. As 2019 draws to a close, let’s look at the five biggest things Democrats got wrong on health care this year. Supporters of “Medicare-for-all” routinely ...

To Help Patients, Reform The Drug Pricing System Don’t Impose Price Controls

Yesterday the House passed the ill-considered “Pelosi bill” that would impose draconian price controls on drugs. Ignoring the bill’s many adverse impacts, price control advocates like Speaker Pelosi appear to believe that these command and control schemes can solve the systemic health care affordability problem. But, as the latest government data illustrates, ...

USMCA Will Help American Patients

President Trump has often said that he wants to lower drug prices, in part by ending foreign “freeloading.” That’s a laudable goal. Through price controls and other ham-handed policies, too many nations undervalue medical innovation. This leaves Americans with the majority of the world’s research burden. Unfortunately, in an attempt ...

Trump drug pricing proposal would doom future cures

President Trump wants to make a deal on drug prices. But his latest proposal could grind medical innovation to a halt. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said last week that the president was looking for “most favored nation status,” whereby the United States got “the best deal among ...
Drug Pricing

Wayne Winegarden Discusses Drug Price controls on Jim Bohannon Show

Wayne Winegarden, Director for PRI’s Center for Medical Economics and Innovation, discusses the many problems with drug price controls on the nationally syndicated Jim Bohannon Show.

There Are High Costs From Implementing Drug Price Controls

Once wide coercive powers are given to government agencies…such powers cannot be effectively controlled. F.A. Hayek As part of the chorus calling for drug price controls, the New York Times editorial page has claimed that “Americans will need to accept a trade-off that other advanced nations long since come around to: Slightly ...
Drug Pricing

Wayne Winegarden Discusses Drug Price Controls on Lars Larson Show

Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, director of PRI’s Center for Medical Economics and Innovation, discuss his recent Forbes op-ed on prescription drug price controls and how they would threaten access to innovative cures for America’s patients on “The Lars Larson Show.”

We Need A Cure For The Arrogance Of Drug Price Control Advocates

“Three hundred forty-five billion dollars in savings versus the cost of eight to 15 fewer drugs over 10 years, I frankly think it’s worth it.” Rep. Darren Soto (D-FL), hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee In the above quote, Representative Soto is defending H.R. 3, the drug price control ...

Lies, Damn Lies, and Drug Price Increases

As each new year begins, the increases in the list prices of drugs are announced. And, following these announcements, the political class complains that something must be done. This year, following the price announcements, Speaker Nancy Pelosi tweeted “Enough is enough” while Senator Grassley emphasized that a “call to action” ...
Drug Pricing

NEW STUDY shows that Reforming Supply Chain & Drug Pricing System Will Lower Health Care Costs

As Washington pushes for price caps and government controls to address prescription drug prices, a new issue brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the Pacific Research Institute argues that reforming the complex drug supply chain and ending the current drug pricing system that overcharges ...

Democrats’ health care mistakes of 2019 – five things they keep getting wrong

Whether on the debate stage or in the halls of Congress, over the past year Democrats have misled the public on just about every major health care issue. As 2019 draws to a close, let’s look at the five biggest things Democrats got wrong on health care this year. Supporters of “Medicare-for-all” routinely ...

To Help Patients, Reform The Drug Pricing System Don’t Impose Price Controls

Yesterday the House passed the ill-considered “Pelosi bill” that would impose draconian price controls on drugs. Ignoring the bill’s many adverse impacts, price control advocates like Speaker Pelosi appear to believe that these command and control schemes can solve the systemic health care affordability problem. But, as the latest government data illustrates, ...

USMCA Will Help American Patients

President Trump has often said that he wants to lower drug prices, in part by ending foreign “freeloading.” That’s a laudable goal. Through price controls and other ham-handed policies, too many nations undervalue medical innovation. This leaves Americans with the majority of the world’s research burden. Unfortunately, in an attempt ...

Trump drug pricing proposal would doom future cures

President Trump wants to make a deal on drug prices. But his latest proposal could grind medical innovation to a halt. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said last week that the president was looking for “most favored nation status,” whereby the United States got “the best deal among ...
Drug Pricing

Wayne Winegarden Discusses Drug Price controls on Jim Bohannon Show

Wayne Winegarden, Director for PRI’s Center for Medical Economics and Innovation, discusses the many problems with drug price controls on the nationally syndicated Jim Bohannon Show.

There Are High Costs From Implementing Drug Price Controls

Once wide coercive powers are given to government agencies…such powers cannot be effectively controlled. F.A. Hayek As part of the chorus calling for drug price controls, the New York Times editorial page has claimed that “Americans will need to accept a trade-off that other advanced nations long since come around to: Slightly ...
Drug Pricing

Wayne Winegarden Discusses Drug Price Controls on Lars Larson Show

Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, director of PRI’s Center for Medical Economics and Innovation, discuss his recent Forbes op-ed on prescription drug price controls and how they would threaten access to innovative cures for America’s patients on “The Lars Larson Show.”

We Need A Cure For The Arrogance Of Drug Price Control Advocates

“Three hundred forty-five billion dollars in savings versus the cost of eight to 15 fewer drugs over 10 years, I frankly think it’s worth it.” Rep. Darren Soto (D-FL), hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee In the above quote, Representative Soto is defending H.R. 3, the drug price control ...
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