5th Annual “California Ideas in Action” Sacramento Conference

February 15, 2023
The Sutter Club
1220 9th Street, Sacramento, CA, USA

2023 5th Annual “California Ideas In Action” Sacramento Conference

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This event is sold out. If you’d like to be added to the waitlist, please contact Laura Dannerbeck at [email protected]  or call her at (415) 250-9206.


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You are invited to attend PRI’s 5th Annual
“California Ideas in Action” Sacramento Conference
“Launching an Urban Comeback in California”


Featuring Keynote Speaker
Keith Knopf
President and Chief Executive Officer
The Raley’s Companies



And closing remarks by
Michael Shellenberger
National bestselling author of San Fransicko


Moderated by
Steven Greenhut
PRI’s Free Cities Center and
R Street Institute Western Region Director


Wednesday, February 15, 2023
The Sutter Club
California Room

1220 9th Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

Doors Open:  11:30 AM
Luncheon and Keynote Speaker:  Noon
Panel Discussions:  1:15 to 4:30 PM


Turn on any newscast, and you’ll undoubtedly see a story about the problems plaguing California’s cities – including lack of economic opportunity, failing schools, out-of-control crime, rampant homelessness, reduced access to health care, and unaffordable housing.  Policymakers typically address these and other urban problems in a piecemeal fashion, failing to understand what make great cities thrive and ignoring the big reforms required to restore our urban centers as livable communities again.


The fifth annual PRI “California Ideas in Action” conference will explore market-based ideas to launch an urban comeback in our state, based upon the work of PRI’s new Free Cities Center – which cultivates innovative ideas to improve urban life based around freedom and property rights.  Policy experts, elected officials and those on the front lines offer their perspectives on the real challenges facing urban California and what can be done to improve our cities so residents will feel safe and will want to plant roots in healthy communities rather than flee to safer cities, particularly those in other states.


Featured panelists:

  • Sally C. Pipes, PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy
  • The Hon. Tom Tait, Former Mayor of Anaheim
  • Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics
  • Sal Rodriguez, Southern California News Group and PRI Senior Fellow
  • Lance Izumi, Senior Director, PRI’s Center for Education
  • The Hon. Steve McShane, Salinas City Councilmember and CEO, Salinas Valley Chamber of Commerce
  • The Hon. Dan Kolkey, PRI Board Member and Chair of PRI’s California Reform Committee
  • Steve Smith, PRI Senior Fellow in Urban Studies
  • Margaret “Marjy” Stagmeier, Tristar Real Estate Investment and author of Blighted: A Story of People, Politics and American Housing


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About Keith Knopf:

Keith Knopf is a senior retail executive who brings deep expertise in strategic leadership, business transformation, consumer insights, sustainability and governance.  Keith served in an executive capacity in three Fortune 200 companies (May Co., Victoria’s Secret, Kohl’s) before joining Raley’s.


As President and CEO, Keith empowers his leadership team to undertake business transformation initiatives that have both anticipated and reacted to fundamental changes in retail.  As a purpose driven leader, he believes in multiple bottom lines, respect and inclusion.


Keith earned a Master’s in Business Administration, Finance from Saint Louis University. He annually attends Stanford’s Board of Director College. Additionally, he Chairs the Management Board for Super Store Industries, a wholesale grocery distributor and full-service supply chain partner.

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2023 5th Annual “California Ideas In Action” Sacramento Conference

Flickr Album Gallery Pro Powered By: Weblizar



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