Give Me Liberty or Give Me Debt
Lunch with Deroy Murdock
Thursday, September 14, 2017
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Gibson Dunn
555 Mission Street, 30th Floor
San Francisco, California 94105-0921
Tickets: $10
Please RSVP by September 8, 2017
The Pacific Research Institute and the Federalist Society invite you to a brown bag lunch with Deroy Murdock, Manhattan-based Fox News contributor, contributing editor of National Review Online, a former Media Fellow with the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University, and a Senior Fellow with the Atlas Network, which supports and connects some 462 free-market think tanks in the U.S. and some 95 countries world-wide.
Mr. Murdock will discuss how the national debt ballooned nearly 88 percent under Obama, why this is bad news today and tomorrow, and what specific steps America should follow to restore fiscal sanity to Washington. Mr. Murdock’s weekly column – “This Opinion Just In” – appears in the New York Post, the Dallas Morning News, the Boston Herald, and other newspapers across America. He has been a frequent guest on CNBC, CNN, C-Span, MSNBC, and other TV and radio outlets.
As a popular public speaker, Mr. Murdock has lectured or debated at the Cato Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations; Harvard Medical School, the Heritage Foundation; the National Academy of Sciences; Dartmouth, Stanford, and Tulane universities; and various fora, from Bogotá to Buenos Aires to Budapest. He is a native of Los Angeles, a graduate of Georgetown University, and a resident of Manhattan, where he earned an MBA from New York University. His program included a semester of study at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
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