U.S. Index of Health Ownership 2nd Edition Is Here
Alabama up, Utah down, New York still in the basement: Where’s your state? Pacific Research Instite has published the 2nd edition of the U.S. Index of Health Ownership, the only ranking of health care in the states that uses criteria of individual choice. Americans lack the basic freedom to make ...
John R. Graham
August 15, 2008
Business & Economics
Tort abuse is costing California billions of dollars
The number of California homes in foreclosure surged 327 percent in the first quarter of this year, to an average of more than 500 foreclosures per day. The state unemployment rate is at a nearly five-year high of 6.9 percent. And the budget deficit for the upcoming fiscal year is ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
August 15, 2008
Business & Economics
Vive la Reagan Revolution
Dressed in jeans, a denim jacket, and cowboy boots, President Ronald Reagan emerged from his humble, hacienda-style adobe ranch house located high in the mountains of Santa Barbara, Calif. With his dog “Millie” by his side, the president walked to the leather covered patio table, sat down in a chair ...
Andrew P. McIndoe
August 15, 2008
WSJ Examines Recent Ruling Strengthening Legal Job Protections For Women Seeking Fertility Treatment
Wall Street Journal on Wednesday examined a recent ruling by a three-judge panel of the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that could strengthen legal job protections for women undergoing fertility treatments. The ruling, the first of its kind at the federal appeals-court level, stated that women who need time ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 15, 2008
Business & Economics
The Internet – Should Feds Be Involved?
Net neutrality and regulating the internet. The Fairness Doctrine for bloggers. PRI’s Dr. Daniel Ballon discusses the implications of these issues on the Andrea Shea King Radio show. (Please wait for interview to load. Click on left arrow to start.)
Daniel R. Ballon
August 14, 2008
Expel ‘Promote Now, Pay Later’
Last month, Californians were stunned to learn that around one in four high school students drops out, almost twice as many as the state previously reported. In districts like Grant Joint Union High, more than one in three dropout. Yet even when students stay in school, the question is how ...
Vicki E. Murray
August 14, 2008
National Think Tank Releases State Rankings on Health Ownership
National Think Tank Releases State Rankings on Health Ownership Alabama Comes Out on Top, New York Finishes Last San Francisco-Americans lack the basic freedom to make their own health care decisions according to the second edition of the U.S. Index of Health Ownership, an annual report by the Pacific Research ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 14, 2008
Climate Change
Brown Blocks Bottled Water Over Global Warming
On July 29, California’s Attorney General Jerry Brown said he will sue to block a proposed water-bottling operation in Northern California, unless its effects on global warming are evaluated. Nestlé Waters North America wants to pump 200 million gallons of water a year from three natural springs that supply McCloud, ...
Thomas Tanton
August 14, 2008
Business & Economics
Crist’s court appointments can end ‘lawsuit lottery’
As the media fixate on Sen. John McCain’s short list of potential running mates, the eye of America is focused on Gov. Charlie Crist. But as Crist’s attention is increasingly lured toward the presidential campaign, he must not fail to recognize his responsibility to the people of Florida. Florida is ...
Carlos Muhletaler
August 14, 2008
The Real Cost of Mandated Infertility Treatment is Increasing
One of the most expensive benefits mandated by some states is infertility treatment. I was pleased to be interviewed by Sue Shellenbarger of the Wall Street Journal for her article on the issue. Ms. Shellenbarger quotes me as noting that 13 states mandate treatment for in vitro fertilization. Not reported ...
John R. Graham
August 13, 2008
U.S. Index of Health Ownership 2nd Edition Is Here
Alabama up, Utah down, New York still in the basement: Where’s your state? Pacific Research Instite has published the 2nd edition of the U.S. Index of Health Ownership, the only ranking of health care in the states that uses criteria of individual choice. Americans lack the basic freedom to make ...
Tort abuse is costing California billions of dollars
The number of California homes in foreclosure surged 327 percent in the first quarter of this year, to an average of more than 500 foreclosures per day. The state unemployment rate is at a nearly five-year high of 6.9 percent. And the budget deficit for the upcoming fiscal year is ...
Vive la Reagan Revolution
Dressed in jeans, a denim jacket, and cowboy boots, President Ronald Reagan emerged from his humble, hacienda-style adobe ranch house located high in the mountains of Santa Barbara, Calif. With his dog “Millie” by his side, the president walked to the leather covered patio table, sat down in a chair ...
WSJ Examines Recent Ruling Strengthening Legal Job Protections For Women Seeking Fertility Treatment
Wall Street Journal on Wednesday examined a recent ruling by a three-judge panel of the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that could strengthen legal job protections for women undergoing fertility treatments. The ruling, the first of its kind at the federal appeals-court level, stated that women who need time ...
The Internet – Should Feds Be Involved?
Net neutrality and regulating the internet. The Fairness Doctrine for bloggers. PRI’s Dr. Daniel Ballon discusses the implications of these issues on the Andrea Shea King Radio show. (Please wait for interview to load. Click on left arrow to start.)
Expel ‘Promote Now, Pay Later’
Last month, Californians were stunned to learn that around one in four high school students drops out, almost twice as many as the state previously reported. In districts like Grant Joint Union High, more than one in three dropout. Yet even when students stay in school, the question is how ...
National Think Tank Releases State Rankings on Health Ownership
National Think Tank Releases State Rankings on Health Ownership Alabama Comes Out on Top, New York Finishes Last San Francisco-Americans lack the basic freedom to make their own health care decisions according to the second edition of the U.S. Index of Health Ownership, an annual report by the Pacific Research ...
Brown Blocks Bottled Water Over Global Warming
On July 29, California’s Attorney General Jerry Brown said he will sue to block a proposed water-bottling operation in Northern California, unless its effects on global warming are evaluated. Nestlé Waters North America wants to pump 200 million gallons of water a year from three natural springs that supply McCloud, ...
Crist’s court appointments can end ‘lawsuit lottery’
As the media fixate on Sen. John McCain’s short list of potential running mates, the eye of America is focused on Gov. Charlie Crist. But as Crist’s attention is increasingly lured toward the presidential campaign, he must not fail to recognize his responsibility to the people of Florida. Florida is ...
The Real Cost of Mandated Infertility Treatment is Increasing
One of the most expensive benefits mandated by some states is infertility treatment. I was pleased to be interviewed by Sue Shellenbarger of the Wall Street Journal for her article on the issue. Ms. Shellenbarger quotes me as noting that 13 states mandate treatment for in vitro fertilization. Not reported ...