
Business & Economics

Mississippi’s Tort Reform Triumph

For most of the past 30 years, Mississippi has ranked as one of the poorest as well as one of the most litigious states. The two statistics are related. I met with Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour recently, and this politician, best known for helping his state rebuild after Hurricane Katrina ...
Climate Change

Prosperity, growth improving our environment

Here’s good news that may have escaped attention. The environment worldwide is getting better and better, largely because of economic growth, efficiency and innovation. So says the 2008 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, an annual report on worldwide air and water quality and climate change by the Pacific Research Institute, ...
Climate Change

Grow green to go green

Orange County Register, May 8, 2008 Economic growth best way to aid environment Here’s good news that may have escaped attention. The environment worldwide is getting better and better, largely because of economic growth, efficiency and innovation. So says the 2008 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, an annual report on ...
Business & Economics

Conservative flat tax idea could serve liberal ends

Facing a shortfall that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has estimated at $20 billion, Democratic lawmakers in the Capitol are looking for a way to raise tax revenue. They might want to adopt and modify an idea advocated by a conservative think tank – and increase tax revenue while lowering tax rates. ...
Business & Economics

Excessive regulations a major barrier to business growth

The General Assembly has spent a great deal of time in recent years working on legislation that will help build a stronger business climate in Ohio. In 2005, we passed tax reform, which included a 21 percent income tax cut for Ohio taxpayers; the elimination of the state’s tangible personal ...
Climate Change

Thinking green

The Lima News (OH), May 7, 2008 – 5:05PM Annual report shows prosperity improves the environment The environment worldwide is getting better and better, largely because of economic growth, efficiency and innovation. So says the 2008 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, an annual report on worldwide air and water quality ...
Business & Economics

Actions Speak Louder than Words

A Contrarian column, as readers have come to know, is a relatively simple matter of refuting the latest foolishness from militant feminists and socialists, who are often the same people. In that cause, however, I have never attempted anything on the scale of Adam Shepard, author of Scratch Beginnings: Me, ...
Business & Economics

How a Flat Income Tax Can Help California Avoid Fiscal Crises

Californians may have paid their federal and state taxes last month but the Golden State remains in a fiscal crisis with a projected 2008-2009 fiscal year budget deficit as high as $20.2 billion, according to the governor’s estimate on April 29. Such budget crunches hit California because of its highly ...

Florida Frees up Hospital Market, at Least a Little

One of the dopiest rules that states impose on competition in health care is Certificate of Need (CON) laws for hospitals. Basically, CON allows entrenched hospitals to use political power to prevent new ones from opening up, in a futle attempt to contain costs. Roy Cordato of the John Locke ...

Testimony submitted to the CA Assembly Committee on Revenue and Taxation – AB-2605

Vicki E. Murray, Ph.D. and senior fellow in Education Studies, gave invited testimony on AB 2605, the Tax Credits for Non-Public School Families bill, at a meeting of the California Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee on May 6, 2008. Non-public schools are a vibrant and integral part of California’s educational ...
Business & Economics

Mississippi’s Tort Reform Triumph

For most of the past 30 years, Mississippi has ranked as one of the poorest as well as one of the most litigious states. The two statistics are related. I met with Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour recently, and this politician, best known for helping his state rebuild after Hurricane Katrina ...
Climate Change

Prosperity, growth improving our environment

Here’s good news that may have escaped attention. The environment worldwide is getting better and better, largely because of economic growth, efficiency and innovation. So says the 2008 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, an annual report on worldwide air and water quality and climate change by the Pacific Research Institute, ...
Climate Change

Grow green to go green

Orange County Register, May 8, 2008 Economic growth best way to aid environment Here’s good news that may have escaped attention. The environment worldwide is getting better and better, largely because of economic growth, efficiency and innovation. So says the 2008 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, an annual report on ...
Business & Economics

Conservative flat tax idea could serve liberal ends

Facing a shortfall that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has estimated at $20 billion, Democratic lawmakers in the Capitol are looking for a way to raise tax revenue. They might want to adopt and modify an idea advocated by a conservative think tank – and increase tax revenue while lowering tax rates. ...
Business & Economics

Excessive regulations a major barrier to business growth

The General Assembly has spent a great deal of time in recent years working on legislation that will help build a stronger business climate in Ohio. In 2005, we passed tax reform, which included a 21 percent income tax cut for Ohio taxpayers; the elimination of the state’s tangible personal ...
Climate Change

Thinking green

The Lima News (OH), May 7, 2008 – 5:05PM Annual report shows prosperity improves the environment The environment worldwide is getting better and better, largely because of economic growth, efficiency and innovation. So says the 2008 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, an annual report on worldwide air and water quality ...
Business & Economics

Actions Speak Louder than Words

A Contrarian column, as readers have come to know, is a relatively simple matter of refuting the latest foolishness from militant feminists and socialists, who are often the same people. In that cause, however, I have never attempted anything on the scale of Adam Shepard, author of Scratch Beginnings: Me, ...
Business & Economics

How a Flat Income Tax Can Help California Avoid Fiscal Crises

Californians may have paid their federal and state taxes last month but the Golden State remains in a fiscal crisis with a projected 2008-2009 fiscal year budget deficit as high as $20.2 billion, according to the governor’s estimate on April 29. Such budget crunches hit California because of its highly ...

Florida Frees up Hospital Market, at Least a Little

One of the dopiest rules that states impose on competition in health care is Certificate of Need (CON) laws for hospitals. Basically, CON allows entrenched hospitals to use political power to prevent new ones from opening up, in a futle attempt to contain costs. Roy Cordato of the John Locke ...

Testimony submitted to the CA Assembly Committee on Revenue and Taxation – AB-2605

Vicki E. Murray, Ph.D. and senior fellow in Education Studies, gave invited testimony on AB 2605, the Tax Credits for Non-Public School Families bill, at a meeting of the California Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee on May 6, 2008. Non-public schools are a vibrant and integral part of California’s educational ...
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