The Gordon Chang Report: China and the Age of Nuclear Coercion

PRI is pleased to launch the new monthly “The Gordon Chang Report.” Every month, you’ll be able to read his latest reports on the growing threats from China and North Korea and learn how Americans should be preparing and responding ...

Read about PRI’s big victory in the Supreme Court

PRI Wins Big Victory in Supreme Court in Key Homelessness Case

PRI filed an amicus curiae brief in the case, which you can read by clicking here. The case involves efforts by the city of Grants Pass, Oregon to discourage sleeping and camping in public spaces.  Homeless advocates sued the city, ...

The Prop 47 Budgetary Shell Game – Who you Gonna Believe? Them, or your Lying Eyes?

In 2014, Californians voted overwhelmingly to pass Proposition 47, known by its supporters title the “Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act.” Prop 47’s advocates made a strong case, promising that both crime and incarceration rates would decline. At the same time, ...

NEW BRIEF: Washington Must End Physician Price Controls, Reform Medicare Payment System to Prevent Doctor Shortages

SACRAMENTO – A new brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute finds that artificially low reimbursement rates used by Medicare to contain costs are threatening patient care, and reform is ...

The good, bad and ugly: Lessons from India’s private city

The good, bad and ugly: Lessons from India’s private city Gurgaon, the large satellite city outside New Delhi, shows the tremendous upside, and a few pitfalls, of privatization. by Scott Beyer  |  July 24, 2024 Urban privatization – via “startup ...
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Todd Myers - Time to Think Small
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text
It has survived not only five centuries

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U.S. Left Take Note: UK’s Healthcare an Unending Nightmare

Great Britain has new leadership. The Labour Party rode dissatisfaction with the Conservative Party, and in particular its stewardship of the country’s National Health Service, ...

Read the latest on Project Homekey

Disregard the spin. Project Roomkey is failing

In a blatant attempt to rewrite history, Gov. Gavin Newsom claims that Project Roomkey was a great success, which provides important lessons for other states. ...
Those Released Committing New Crimes

Read about rising juvenile crime rates

California’s Lost Boys – On California’s Juvenile Crime Problem

On May 18, Monterey couple Curt and Shelley Chaffee were visiting San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park.  Shelley is an artist and was taking photographs of ...

About PRI

The Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy promotes the principles of individual freedom and personal responsibility. The Institute believes these principles are best encouraged through policies that emphasize a free economy, private initiative, and limited government.

Worthy policy goals with such broad impact are not easily attained, and they require sustained effort and struggle. Together with its alliance of dedicated supporters, PRI is committed to leading the way toward a more free and prosperous future for all.

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