Gas Prices

Climate Change

Phil Goldberg – On State and Local Climate Change Litigation

Phil Goldberg, special counsel with the Manufacturers Accountability Project of the National Association of Manufacturers, joins us to discuss a key upcoming Supreme Court case that could impact the future of state and local climate change litigation.  We discuss with Phil why these lawsuits drive up energy costs and hurt ...

Spending Watch

The Governor’s Special Session Will Worsen Gasoline Affordability

The Governor’s Special Session Will Worsen Gasoline Affordability Wayne Winegarden and Kerry Jackson September 2024 The special session called by Governor Gavin Newsom is supposed to save Californians from price gasoline spikes. The governor wants to blame the price spikes on greedy corporations. His accusations are merely a diversion from ...

Read the latest on the new PRI book

Adopting policies the ‘California Way’ could skyrocket energy costs

Ask any Californian paying their summer power bills and they’ll tell you a different story. Government data also offers a fact check – Energy Information Administration figures show the average monthly price of electricity was 34.3 cents per kilowatt hour in May (second to Hawaii), compared to 14.7 cents in ...

Read the latest about California's misguided energy policies

As Chevron Exits California, Will Still Attempt to Buy Its Oil Refineries?

It’s unlikely that was the plan. But it is interesting that at roughly the same time Chevron made its announcement, which was no surprise to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office, the California Energy Commission issued a staff report that includes a dedicated section (Chapter 3, page 7) on “State-Owned Refineries.” It’s ...

Read why latest employer is leaving California

Chevron’s Departure Highlights California’s Risky Economic Future

Companies have been decamping from California for greener pastures so frequently that, in some ways, Chevron’s announcement is barely newsworthy. The particulars of Chevron’s decision are important, however, because they exemplify the large economic risks California’s policymakers are taking. Judged by their actions, California’s political leaders, including Governor Newsom, have ...

Read about push to increase driving costs

Is It A War On Traffic … Or A War On Cars?

It’s expected that the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority will release a study this summer that will offer, reports the Los Angeles Times, “a blueprint for a congestion pricing scheme similar to ones in cities such as London, Stockholm and Singapore, where commuters pay to drive in city centers.” ...

Read about Biden electric vehicle mandates

Biden Administration Takes California’s Electric Vehicle Mandate National

The Biden Administration has announced new automobile emission limits that amount to the government forcing a massive increase in U.S. electric vehicle sales.  By 2032, at least two of every three cars sold would be required to be electric vehicles. As the New York Times reports, “experts say the proposed ...

Read about new plan to raise gas prices

Californians – Not Big Oil – Lose Under Newsom Excess Profits Tax

Thanks to the Governor’s actions, Californians lost good paying jobs. Facing the risk that they may have to pay an excess profits tax (whatever excess profits are), the energy industry now has even fewer reasons to invest in the state and even more reasons to relocate its current activities away ...

A Most Wearisome Task

The average price of a gallon of regular unleaded in California was $4.60 on Dec. 9. The week before it was ​​$4.86, and a month earlier, it was $5.45. The current price, roughly the same as a year ago, when it was $4.68, is likely to fall even lower. Yes, ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden – A To Do List for the Next Congress

Our guest this week is Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics.  The new members of Congress will take office in January in the midst of high inflation and economic uncertainty.  PRI has developed a To Do List of reforms for both Washington and Sacramento.  Wayne discusses some ...
Climate Change

Phil Goldberg – On State and Local Climate Change Litigation

Phil Goldberg, special counsel with the Manufacturers Accountability Project of the National Association of Manufacturers, joins us to discuss a key upcoming Supreme Court case that could impact the future of state and local climate change litigation.  We discuss with Phil why these lawsuits drive up energy costs and hurt ...

Spending Watch

The Governor’s Special Session Will Worsen Gasoline Affordability

The Governor’s Special Session Will Worsen Gasoline Affordability Wayne Winegarden and Kerry Jackson September 2024 The special session called by Governor Gavin Newsom is supposed to save Californians from price gasoline spikes. The governor wants to blame the price spikes on greedy corporations. His accusations are merely a diversion from ...

Read the latest on the new PRI book

Adopting policies the ‘California Way’ could skyrocket energy costs

Ask any Californian paying their summer power bills and they’ll tell you a different story. Government data also offers a fact check – Energy Information Administration figures show the average monthly price of electricity was 34.3 cents per kilowatt hour in May (second to Hawaii), compared to 14.7 cents in ...

Read the latest about California's misguided energy policies

As Chevron Exits California, Will Still Attempt to Buy Its Oil Refineries?

It’s unlikely that was the plan. But it is interesting that at roughly the same time Chevron made its announcement, which was no surprise to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office, the California Energy Commission issued a staff report that includes a dedicated section (Chapter 3, page 7) on “State-Owned Refineries.” It’s ...

Read why latest employer is leaving California

Chevron’s Departure Highlights California’s Risky Economic Future

Companies have been decamping from California for greener pastures so frequently that, in some ways, Chevron’s announcement is barely newsworthy. The particulars of Chevron’s decision are important, however, because they exemplify the large economic risks California’s policymakers are taking. Judged by their actions, California’s political leaders, including Governor Newsom, have ...

Read about push to increase driving costs

Is It A War On Traffic … Or A War On Cars?

It’s expected that the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority will release a study this summer that will offer, reports the Los Angeles Times, “a blueprint for a congestion pricing scheme similar to ones in cities such as London, Stockholm and Singapore, where commuters pay to drive in city centers.” ...

Read about Biden electric vehicle mandates

Biden Administration Takes California’s Electric Vehicle Mandate National

The Biden Administration has announced new automobile emission limits that amount to the government forcing a massive increase in U.S. electric vehicle sales.  By 2032, at least two of every three cars sold would be required to be electric vehicles. As the New York Times reports, “experts say the proposed ...

Read about new plan to raise gas prices

Californians – Not Big Oil – Lose Under Newsom Excess Profits Tax

Thanks to the Governor’s actions, Californians lost good paying jobs. Facing the risk that they may have to pay an excess profits tax (whatever excess profits are), the energy industry now has even fewer reasons to invest in the state and even more reasons to relocate its current activities away ...

A Most Wearisome Task

The average price of a gallon of regular unleaded in California was $4.60 on Dec. 9. The week before it was ​​$4.86, and a month earlier, it was $5.45. The current price, roughly the same as a year ago, when it was $4.68, is likely to fall even lower. Yes, ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden – A To Do List for the Next Congress

Our guest this week is Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics.  The new members of Congress will take office in January in the midst of high inflation and economic uncertainty.  PRI has developed a To Do List of reforms for both Washington and Sacramento.  Wayne discusses some ...
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