

30 Million Real Men Don’t Have Jobs

I recently read an eye-popping article by business writer Andy Serwer, who reported that nearly one-third of working-age men in America “aren’t doing diddly squat. They don’t have a job, and they aren’t looking for one either.”  All total, that’s nearly 30 million men. “How do they live? What are ...

PRI’s 2021 Summer Reading List

Today marks the unofficial start of the summer season.  Unlike last year, Americans might be able to take a vacation and go somewhere this summer as we begin to turn the corner on the Covid-19 pandemic.  What’s one of the most important things you’ll need for your summer vacation planning ...

Latest Rankings Further Proof California Must Remove Barriers to Opportunity

Recently, I attended a webinar hosted by the Legatum Institute, a UK-based think tank, where they discussed the results of their latest “Prosperity Index”. According to the Index’s executive summary, Legatum hopes that “nations around the world (will) assess their strengths and weaknesses (in the rankings) to determine the economic ...

Telehealth’s Success During COVID-19 Shows Need to Empower Health Care Innovators

The COVID-19 crisis has tested America’s health care system like no other event in recent memory. One irony during this pandemic is that America has actually experienced the promise of health care innovation in an important way, namely through telehealth. Telehealth allows patients to talk with their doctors online using ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: Future Medical Innovation Will Be Hindered Unless Elected Officials Embrace Health Care Entrepreneurship

As Americans have benefited from tele-health and other innovations thanks to COVID-19 regulatory relief, future medical advances will be stymied unless policymakers remove road blocks that make it difficult for entrepreneurs to develop new technology and for patients to access it, finds the latest study in the Breaking Down Barriers ...

Coronavirus Chronicles: A Small Business Recession Could Turn into a Depression

Year to date, the Dow Index of the U.S.’s 30 largest companies is down 14 percent; the S&P 500, which tracks 500 large-cap companies, is down 8 percent; and the NASDAQ, an electronic system that trades many of the world’s fastest growing companies, is up more than 4 percent.  Clearly, ...

Sweeping Expansion of Workers Comp Benefits Could Hit Struggling CA Businesses Hard

There’s been a growing debate in California and nationally about extending workers’ compensation benefits for workers who are impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Some states are moving to make front line workers battling COVID-19 to be eligible for workers’ comp.  Politico reports that “at least five smaller states have made ...
Business & Economics

Watch Video: Entrepreneurship Key for America’s Economic Recovery

By eliminating government-created barriers to opportunity, state and federal lawmakers can make it easier for those who are suddenly unemployed to earn a living from home or start a new home-based business.   To learn more about reforms to empower entrepreneurs in these tough economic times, read Dr. Wayne Winegarden’s Breaking Down ...

Amidst Coronavirus-Fueled Economic Downturn, State Leaders Must Suspend Government Barriers to Opportunity

In his “Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity” series, PRI’s Dr. Wayne Winegarden has argued that one of the most important ways that elected officials can help to lift people up the economy ladder is by embracing policies that encourage entrepreneurship. As many Californians struggle to stay afloat financially during the ...

Enjoy 2019’s Best of “Next Round” and “Right by the Bay”

The last week of December is naturally a time to look back on the year that was.  Here at PRI, we are particularly proud of the growing popularity of our weekly “Next Round with PRI” podcast and our daily “Right by the Bay” blog.  Thanks to you, our podcast had ...

30 Million Real Men Don’t Have Jobs

I recently read an eye-popping article by business writer Andy Serwer, who reported that nearly one-third of working-age men in America “aren’t doing diddly squat. They don’t have a job, and they aren’t looking for one either.”  All total, that’s nearly 30 million men. “How do they live? What are ...

PRI’s 2021 Summer Reading List

Today marks the unofficial start of the summer season.  Unlike last year, Americans might be able to take a vacation and go somewhere this summer as we begin to turn the corner on the Covid-19 pandemic.  What’s one of the most important things you’ll need for your summer vacation planning ...

Latest Rankings Further Proof California Must Remove Barriers to Opportunity

Recently, I attended a webinar hosted by the Legatum Institute, a UK-based think tank, where they discussed the results of their latest “Prosperity Index”. According to the Index’s executive summary, Legatum hopes that “nations around the world (will) assess their strengths and weaknesses (in the rankings) to determine the economic ...

Telehealth’s Success During COVID-19 Shows Need to Empower Health Care Innovators

The COVID-19 crisis has tested America’s health care system like no other event in recent memory. One irony during this pandemic is that America has actually experienced the promise of health care innovation in an important way, namely through telehealth. Telehealth allows patients to talk with their doctors online using ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: Future Medical Innovation Will Be Hindered Unless Elected Officials Embrace Health Care Entrepreneurship

As Americans have benefited from tele-health and other innovations thanks to COVID-19 regulatory relief, future medical advances will be stymied unless policymakers remove road blocks that make it difficult for entrepreneurs to develop new technology and for patients to access it, finds the latest study in the Breaking Down Barriers ...

Coronavirus Chronicles: A Small Business Recession Could Turn into a Depression

Year to date, the Dow Index of the U.S.’s 30 largest companies is down 14 percent; the S&P 500, which tracks 500 large-cap companies, is down 8 percent; and the NASDAQ, an electronic system that trades many of the world’s fastest growing companies, is up more than 4 percent.  Clearly, ...

Sweeping Expansion of Workers Comp Benefits Could Hit Struggling CA Businesses Hard

There’s been a growing debate in California and nationally about extending workers’ compensation benefits for workers who are impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Some states are moving to make front line workers battling COVID-19 to be eligible for workers’ comp.  Politico reports that “at least five smaller states have made ...
Business & Economics

Watch Video: Entrepreneurship Key for America’s Economic Recovery

By eliminating government-created barriers to opportunity, state and federal lawmakers can make it easier for those who are suddenly unemployed to earn a living from home or start a new home-based business.   To learn more about reforms to empower entrepreneurs in these tough economic times, read Dr. Wayne Winegarden’s Breaking Down ...

Amidst Coronavirus-Fueled Economic Downturn, State Leaders Must Suspend Government Barriers to Opportunity

In his “Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity” series, PRI’s Dr. Wayne Winegarden has argued that one of the most important ways that elected officials can help to lift people up the economy ladder is by embracing policies that encourage entrepreneurship. As many Californians struggle to stay afloat financially during the ...

Enjoy 2019’s Best of “Next Round” and “Right by the Bay”

The last week of December is naturally a time to look back on the year that was.  Here at PRI, we are particularly proud of the growing popularity of our weekly “Next Round with PRI” podcast and our daily “Right by the Bay” blog.  Thanks to you, our podcast had ...
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