Plastic Bag Ban


Read about Sacramento's latest push to ban plastic bags

Latest Effort to Ban Plastic Bags Also Doomed to Fail

California’s long statewide nightmare might soon be over. The current generation of plastic bags are in line to be banned just as their predecessors were. Ten years after Sacramento outlawed single-use plastic bags (with the help of a majority of voters two years later in a referendum), legislators have approved ...

Lawmakers are pushing again to ban plastic bags

The Plastic Bag Nags Are Still Wrong

Golden State policymakers seem to fear the strangest things. While they constantly go on about how they’re going to solve the housing crisis, end homelessness, fight crime, restore previous generations’ quality of life and steady an economy that has a shaky outlook, they don’t appear to be moved by the ...

The Data is In: California No Better Off Under Plastic Bag Ban

Newton’s third law says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Politicians know this as the law of unintended consequences. They are well aware of its existence and have seen up close the damage it can do. Still, they make laws they know they shouldn’t. The ...

Read about Sacramento's latest push to ban plastic bags

Latest Effort to Ban Plastic Bags Also Doomed to Fail

California’s long statewide nightmare might soon be over. The current generation of plastic bags are in line to be banned just as their predecessors were. Ten years after Sacramento outlawed single-use plastic bags (with the help of a majority of voters two years later in a referendum), legislators have approved ...

Lawmakers are pushing again to ban plastic bags

The Plastic Bag Nags Are Still Wrong

Golden State policymakers seem to fear the strangest things. While they constantly go on about how they’re going to solve the housing crisis, end homelessness, fight crime, restore previous generations’ quality of life and steady an economy that has a shaky outlook, they don’t appear to be moved by the ...

The Data is In: California No Better Off Under Plastic Bag Ban

Newton’s third law says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Politicians know this as the law of unintended consequences. They are well aware of its existence and have seen up close the damage it can do. Still, they make laws they know they shouldn’t. The ...
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