Despite Jones Act, Gas Prices Are Even Lower in High-Cost Hawaii Compared to California
Recently, I enjoyed a week-long vacation in Hawaii. One of the highlights of my trip was a circle island tour across Oahu. When driving through Waimanalo on our way to the Pali Lookout, I noticed a gas station selling regular unleaded for $5.08 per gallon. In fact, Hawaii’s price was ...
Tim Anaya
April 14, 2022
Business & Economics
Wayne Winegarden Discusses the Cost Benefits of Eliminating Wisconsin’s Minimum Markup Law in the Madison Reporter
PRI senior fellow in business and economics Wayne Winegarden was interviewed by the Madison Reporter on the cost benefits of eliminating Wisconsin’s minimum markup law than a gas tax holiday. “Eliminating the minimum markup law would create a healthier competitive environment and have beneficial cost implications in the longer-run than ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 12, 2022
To Give Californians Real Relief from High Gas Prices, Sacramento Must Legislate Energy Prosperity
By Tim Anaya and Wayne Winegarden As of April 5, average state gas prices in California were $5.84 per gallon for regular, according to AAA, which were the nation’s highest average gas prices. Previously on Right by the Bay, we wrote about the one-upmanship between Democrats and Republicans in the ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 7, 2022
Assembly Progressives’ Solution to Astronomical Gas Prices? Increase Taxes on Gas
Only in California will you witness Assembly progressives hijacking a bill that suspends a tax to gut-and-amend it with language that enacts a new tax. Assemblymember Kevin Kiley (R-Rocklin) introduced Assembly Bill 1638 at the beginning of this year in response to the considerable jump in gas prices following the ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 5, 2022
Who Will Benefit from the Great Gas Tax Rebate Debate of 2022?
By Tim Anaya and Wayne Winegarden The news that average gas prices per gallon in Los Angeles County have soared past $6 per gallon has triggered the “Great Gas Tax Rebate Debate of 2022.” Democrats and Republicans in Sacramento are pushing dueling gas tax relief proposals. Legislative Republicans have proposed ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 25, 2022
Business & Economics
Wealth Taxes are Economic Failures
By Wayne Winegarden and Kerry Jackson California Assemblymember Alex Lee should have studied Europe’s experiences before introducing his wealth tax proposal. Had he done so, he never would have introduced Assembly Bill 2289 that, if adopted, would impose 1% annual tax rate on couples with net worths exceeding $50 million and ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 11, 2022
Will Californians Ever See Relief from Rising Gas Prices?
On Feb. 21, the price of a gallon of gasoline reached $4.68 in Bakersfield, a record high for the city – which happens to sit almost in the middle of the county that pumps 75% of all oil produced in California. Not that Kern County motorists can drive to the ...
Kerry Jackson
March 1, 2022
No More Games – Return the Surplus to CA Taxpayers
Last year, I got a kick out of playing CalMatters’ Spend the Surplus Game. This year, not so much. CalMatters created a clever online game that lets you decide how California should spend its surplus. This year, it’s projected to be $45.7 billion. Of that amount however, I only get ...
Rowena Itchon
February 9, 2022
A Better California Doesn’t Require A Big-Government Budget
For most, “budget” means a set amount of money they’re able to spend over a defined period of time, such as the funds available in a household account. To California lawmakers, “budget” holds a different meaning. In their world, it typically defines an opportunity to freely spend a massive harvest ...
Kerry Jackson
January 21, 2022
Amid Inflation, Skyrocketing Prices, Will Sacramento Actually Cut Gas Taxes?
There has been much speculation on Right by the Bay and elsewhere about how Gov. Gavin Newsom will address surging state tax revenue to meet the requirements of the so-called Gann Limit. Newsom promised in his 3-hour marathon Jan. 10 budget press conference that details about potential tax relief for ...
Tim Anaya
January 20, 2022
Despite Jones Act, Gas Prices Are Even Lower in High-Cost Hawaii Compared to California
Recently, I enjoyed a week-long vacation in Hawaii. One of the highlights of my trip was a circle island tour across Oahu. When driving through Waimanalo on our way to the Pali Lookout, I noticed a gas station selling regular unleaded for $5.08 per gallon. In fact, Hawaii’s price was ...
Wayne Winegarden Discusses the Cost Benefits of Eliminating Wisconsin’s Minimum Markup Law in the Madison Reporter
PRI senior fellow in business and economics Wayne Winegarden was interviewed by the Madison Reporter on the cost benefits of eliminating Wisconsin’s minimum markup law than a gas tax holiday. “Eliminating the minimum markup law would create a healthier competitive environment and have beneficial cost implications in the longer-run than ...
To Give Californians Real Relief from High Gas Prices, Sacramento Must Legislate Energy Prosperity
By Tim Anaya and Wayne Winegarden As of April 5, average state gas prices in California were $5.84 per gallon for regular, according to AAA, which were the nation’s highest average gas prices. Previously on Right by the Bay, we wrote about the one-upmanship between Democrats and Republicans in the ...
Assembly Progressives’ Solution to Astronomical Gas Prices? Increase Taxes on Gas
Only in California will you witness Assembly progressives hijacking a bill that suspends a tax to gut-and-amend it with language that enacts a new tax. Assemblymember Kevin Kiley (R-Rocklin) introduced Assembly Bill 1638 at the beginning of this year in response to the considerable jump in gas prices following the ...
Who Will Benefit from the Great Gas Tax Rebate Debate of 2022?
By Tim Anaya and Wayne Winegarden The news that average gas prices per gallon in Los Angeles County have soared past $6 per gallon has triggered the “Great Gas Tax Rebate Debate of 2022.” Democrats and Republicans in Sacramento are pushing dueling gas tax relief proposals. Legislative Republicans have proposed ...
Wealth Taxes are Economic Failures
By Wayne Winegarden and Kerry Jackson California Assemblymember Alex Lee should have studied Europe’s experiences before introducing his wealth tax proposal. Had he done so, he never would have introduced Assembly Bill 2289 that, if adopted, would impose 1% annual tax rate on couples with net worths exceeding $50 million and ...
Will Californians Ever See Relief from Rising Gas Prices?
On Feb. 21, the price of a gallon of gasoline reached $4.68 in Bakersfield, a record high for the city – which happens to sit almost in the middle of the county that pumps 75% of all oil produced in California. Not that Kern County motorists can drive to the ...
No More Games – Return the Surplus to CA Taxpayers
Last year, I got a kick out of playing CalMatters’ Spend the Surplus Game. This year, not so much. CalMatters created a clever online game that lets you decide how California should spend its surplus. This year, it’s projected to be $45.7 billion. Of that amount however, I only get ...
A Better California Doesn’t Require A Big-Government Budget
For most, “budget” means a set amount of money they’re able to spend over a defined period of time, such as the funds available in a household account. To California lawmakers, “budget” holds a different meaning. In their world, it typically defines an opportunity to freely spend a massive harvest ...
Amid Inflation, Skyrocketing Prices, Will Sacramento Actually Cut Gas Taxes?
There has been much speculation on Right by the Bay and elsewhere about how Gov. Gavin Newsom will address surging state tax revenue to meet the requirements of the so-called Gann Limit. Newsom promised in his 3-hour marathon Jan. 10 budget press conference that details about potential tax relief for ...