
New PRI Book Explores The Great Classroom Collapse Leaving Students Unprepared for College and the Workforce

SACRAMENTO – With student test scores showing that the academic performance of America’s school children in the basic subjects are at record lows, the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute today released The Great Classroom Collapse – a new book investigating the implosion of rigor and learning in schools nationwide and profiling courageous individuals who are fighting to change things so every student is prepared for college and the workforce. The Great Classroom Collapse is available now ...

Read new survey on public education

New PRI Poll: As New School Year Begins, Voters See Room for Improvement with Local Schools

SACRAMENTO – As students head back to school, a new national survey commissioned by the California-based, nonpartisan, free-market think tank, the Pacific Research Institute finds that voters are more dissatisfied with their local school boards than their neighborhood schools, and see room for improvement in public education. When asked how they rated their local public schools, 45 percent rated them as being excellent or good, compared to 47 percent who rated them as being fair, ...

Lance Izumi – The Great Classroom Collapse

Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, joins us to discuss his latest book The Great Classroom Collapse, which investigates the implosion of rigor and learning in America’s schools. He shares the stories of some of the parents, teachers, and policymakers he profiles in the book and discusses what can be done to improve classroom learning and give all students a greater opportunity for a successful future.

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