Green Energy

Climate Change

Read about state & local climate change lawsuits

California Is Abusing The Legal System To Set Energy Policy

These claims are an end-run around the proper democratic process and, if successful, would be economically destructive. Making these costs harder to bear, the lawsuits are a futile exercise in hypocrisy. Federal courts have already dismissed similar claims against the automobile and electric power industries. Essentially the courts have stated ...

Read about reversal of state green mandate

California Reverses Itself in its Latest ‘Turf War’

Nearly a decade (more than eight years) ago, the international media dedicated a lengthy ode to artificial turf. “The benefits of fake grass are hard to deny. Live grass guzzles some 2,200 liters per square meter annually, making the all-American lawn increasingly untenable in an era of skyrocketing water rates ...

Read about latest CA green mandate

California Is Throwing Kids, Parents and Taxpayers Under The E-Bus

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed into law Assembly Bill 579, which requires that, by Jan. 1, 2035, “all newly purchased or contracted school buses of a local educational agency (LEA) to be zero-emission.” Read the full article at GV Wire

Read about latest Sacramento green overreach

Is Sacramento Going to Ban Classic Cars? Recent History Suggests It Might.

California, according to the Capitol Museum in Sacramento, “is the world’s first auto-civilization.” A PBS affiliate says “as an innovator and early adopter of freeways, California became the symbolic capital of car culture.” Just five years ago, Jalopnik reported that “California is one of the hottest beds of car culture ...

Read about latest costly green mandate

New Climate Disclosure Laws Will Hurt Business, Won’t Help Planet

When author and journalist Tom Wolfe coined the term “statusphere” – in which participants compete for prestige within a groupthink bubble – he didn’t have the California Legislature of the 21st century in mind. But he could have. In California, it’s routine for lawmakers to pass bills that have little ...

Read about Sacramento offshore power deal

Deal on Offshore Power is Latest Fool’s Game on Green Energy

Wind farms will supposedly produce 25% (or 25 gigawatts, which would be enough power for 25 million homes) of California’s electricity after the state completes its 2045 transition to an energy grid free of fossil fuels and nuclear power. As the Times story indicates, there are zero offshore wind turbines ...

Read latest on California's ill fated hydrogen push

California’s Hydrogen Bomb

CalMatters reported in August that even “as California steers away from the internal combustion engine, the rapid transition is fueling a fight in the Capitol over how large a role hydrogen fuel cells will play in powering the clean cars of the future.” The only question, then, is how much ...

Read about latest CA green subsidies

PRI comments featured in SD Union-Tribune story on State Funding More EV Chargers

California spending $38M in rebates for EV chargers in low-income areas, including San Diego By Rob Nikolewski If you run an organization in a low-income area of San Diego County and are contemplating building electric vehicle charging stations, you can apply to receive a rebate from the state . . ...

Read about latest green mandate failure

Failure of Electric Bus Maker Latest Sign of Trouble in Path to State’s All-EV Future

The wheels on the bus go ‘round and ‘round but it’s not a smooth ride when the powerplant is a battery. Proterra, the Burlingame, California, company that makes electric buses as well as large trucks, vans and components for other manufacturers, has filed for bankruptcy. Just as Barack Obama hyped ...

Read latest on California's green mandates

Here’s Another Reason Why Electric Cars Will Cost You More: Repair Costs

Because they have a history of self-arson, EVs are an “insurance concern,” says Duggan Flanakin of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. But when they’re not burning on the street, in garages, setting homes ablaze, or making cargo ship fires far worse than they otherwise would have been (and sometimes ...
Climate Change

Read about state & local climate change lawsuits

California Is Abusing The Legal System To Set Energy Policy

These claims are an end-run around the proper democratic process and, if successful, would be economically destructive. Making these costs harder to bear, the lawsuits are a futile exercise in hypocrisy. Federal courts have already dismissed similar claims against the automobile and electric power industries. Essentially the courts have stated ...

Read about reversal of state green mandate

California Reverses Itself in its Latest ‘Turf War’

Nearly a decade (more than eight years) ago, the international media dedicated a lengthy ode to artificial turf. “The benefits of fake grass are hard to deny. Live grass guzzles some 2,200 liters per square meter annually, making the all-American lawn increasingly untenable in an era of skyrocketing water rates ...

Read about latest CA green mandate

California Is Throwing Kids, Parents and Taxpayers Under The E-Bus

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed into law Assembly Bill 579, which requires that, by Jan. 1, 2035, “all newly purchased or contracted school buses of a local educational agency (LEA) to be zero-emission.” Read the full article at GV Wire

Read about latest Sacramento green overreach

Is Sacramento Going to Ban Classic Cars? Recent History Suggests It Might.

California, according to the Capitol Museum in Sacramento, “is the world’s first auto-civilization.” A PBS affiliate says “as an innovator and early adopter of freeways, California became the symbolic capital of car culture.” Just five years ago, Jalopnik reported that “California is one of the hottest beds of car culture ...

Read about latest costly green mandate

New Climate Disclosure Laws Will Hurt Business, Won’t Help Planet

When author and journalist Tom Wolfe coined the term “statusphere” – in which participants compete for prestige within a groupthink bubble – he didn’t have the California Legislature of the 21st century in mind. But he could have. In California, it’s routine for lawmakers to pass bills that have little ...

Read about Sacramento offshore power deal

Deal on Offshore Power is Latest Fool’s Game on Green Energy

Wind farms will supposedly produce 25% (or 25 gigawatts, which would be enough power for 25 million homes) of California’s electricity after the state completes its 2045 transition to an energy grid free of fossil fuels and nuclear power. As the Times story indicates, there are zero offshore wind turbines ...

Read latest on California's ill fated hydrogen push

California’s Hydrogen Bomb

CalMatters reported in August that even “as California steers away from the internal combustion engine, the rapid transition is fueling a fight in the Capitol over how large a role hydrogen fuel cells will play in powering the clean cars of the future.” The only question, then, is how much ...

Read about latest CA green subsidies

PRI comments featured in SD Union-Tribune story on State Funding More EV Chargers

California spending $38M in rebates for EV chargers in low-income areas, including San Diego By Rob Nikolewski If you run an organization in a low-income area of San Diego County and are contemplating building electric vehicle charging stations, you can apply to receive a rebate from the state . . ...

Read about latest green mandate failure

Failure of Electric Bus Maker Latest Sign of Trouble in Path to State’s All-EV Future

The wheels on the bus go ‘round and ‘round but it’s not a smooth ride when the powerplant is a battery. Proterra, the Burlingame, California, company that makes electric buses as well as large trucks, vans and components for other manufacturers, has filed for bankruptcy. Just as Barack Obama hyped ...

Read latest on California's green mandates

Here’s Another Reason Why Electric Cars Will Cost You More: Repair Costs

Because they have a history of self-arson, EVs are an “insurance concern,” says Duggan Flanakin of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. But when they’re not burning on the street, in garages, setting homes ablaze, or making cargo ship fires far worse than they otherwise would have been (and sometimes ...
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