

Wayne Winegarden’s Comments Regarding California’s Population Declining for Second Year Featured in Associated Press

California’s population declined again in 2021 for the second consecutive year. Wayne Winegarden’s comments were featured in the Associated Press story, “California’s population fell again amid pandemic’s 2nd year”: “The migration is a manifestation of a lot of the problems that people face,” said Wayne Winegarden, a senior fellow with ...
Business & Economics

California Migrating – Panel Discussion

This podcast is a recorded panel discussion from PRI’s annual Ideas in Action conference in February. Californians and California businesses have been moving out of the state in droves. This panel discusses the causes of outmigration and what we can do to stem the tide.
Business & Economics

Wealth Taxes are Economic Failures

By Wayne Winegarden and Kerry Jackson California Assemblymember Alex Lee should have studied Europe’s experiences before introducing his wealth tax proposal. Had he done so, he never would have introduced Assembly Bill 2289 that, if adopted, would impose 1% annual tax rate on couples with net worths exceeding $50 million and ...

Watch Videos from 2022 PRI California Ideas in Action Conference

Conference Theme:  Saving California As PRI’s new book Saving California suggests, market-based reforms can help solve California’s biggest policy problems and even advance the goals of the state’s most progressive legislators. Come hear policy experts and real life changemakers discuss reforms that could push the state onto a better track and ...

A Better California Doesn’t Require A Big-Government Budget

For most, “budget” means a set amount of money they’re able to spend over a defined period of time, such as the funds available in a household account. To California lawmakers, “budget” holds a different meaning. In their world, it typically defines an opportunity to freely spend a massive harvest ...

America’s Cities in Decline

Go Downtown Things will be great when you’re — Downtown No finer place for sure — Downtown Everything’s waiting for you – Petula Clark, 1964  Perhaps I date myself, but I can still remember this 1960s song that captured the allure of the city.   Back then, downtown, the proverbial “engine ...

California Continued to Shrink in 2021

In 2021, as in 2020, the Golden State only continued to shrink. According to new data from the Department of Finance, California lost a startling 173,000 residents last year. As reported in the Los Angeles Times, 55,000 of those lost residents were victims of the pandemic, while a further 53,000 ...

Reform Misguided Laws, Don’t Raise Minimum Wage, to Address California’s High Cost of Living

California isn’t yet finished hiking the minimum wage from the last bill that increased it to $15 an hour starting in 2023 for all businesses, and now comes another proposal to move it to $18. Imagine the response from companies struggling to keep up with current payrolls when they hear ...

The California Cost Of Thanksgiving

All Californians traveling this Thanksgiving by automobile will be paying steep prices for gasoline. Those who have a little cash left over after filling up can indulge in a meager (compared to last year) turkey day meal. As of Nov. 22, California had the highest gasoline prices in the country. ...

Millionaire Migration: Exhibit A – California

Some years ago — not long after the debt crisis in Greece – I took a cruise around the Greek Isles.  As we drove past rows of villas and yachts outside of Athens, our tour guide made this snarky comment: according to the country’s tax rolls, there was only one ...

Wayne Winegarden’s Comments Regarding California’s Population Declining for Second Year Featured in Associated Press

California’s population declined again in 2021 for the second consecutive year. Wayne Winegarden’s comments were featured in the Associated Press story, “California’s population fell again amid pandemic’s 2nd year”: “The migration is a manifestation of a lot of the problems that people face,” said Wayne Winegarden, a senior fellow with ...
Business & Economics

California Migrating – Panel Discussion

This podcast is a recorded panel discussion from PRI’s annual Ideas in Action conference in February. Californians and California businesses have been moving out of the state in droves. This panel discusses the causes of outmigration and what we can do to stem the tide.
Business & Economics

Wealth Taxes are Economic Failures

By Wayne Winegarden and Kerry Jackson California Assemblymember Alex Lee should have studied Europe’s experiences before introducing his wealth tax proposal. Had he done so, he never would have introduced Assembly Bill 2289 that, if adopted, would impose 1% annual tax rate on couples with net worths exceeding $50 million and ...

Watch Videos from 2022 PRI California Ideas in Action Conference

Conference Theme:  Saving California As PRI’s new book Saving California suggests, market-based reforms can help solve California’s biggest policy problems and even advance the goals of the state’s most progressive legislators. Come hear policy experts and real life changemakers discuss reforms that could push the state onto a better track and ...

A Better California Doesn’t Require A Big-Government Budget

For most, “budget” means a set amount of money they’re able to spend over a defined period of time, such as the funds available in a household account. To California lawmakers, “budget” holds a different meaning. In their world, it typically defines an opportunity to freely spend a massive harvest ...

America’s Cities in Decline

Go Downtown Things will be great when you’re — Downtown No finer place for sure — Downtown Everything’s waiting for you – Petula Clark, 1964  Perhaps I date myself, but I can still remember this 1960s song that captured the allure of the city.   Back then, downtown, the proverbial “engine ...

California Continued to Shrink in 2021

In 2021, as in 2020, the Golden State only continued to shrink. According to new data from the Department of Finance, California lost a startling 173,000 residents last year. As reported in the Los Angeles Times, 55,000 of those lost residents were victims of the pandemic, while a further 53,000 ...

Reform Misguided Laws, Don’t Raise Minimum Wage, to Address California’s High Cost of Living

California isn’t yet finished hiking the minimum wage from the last bill that increased it to $15 an hour starting in 2023 for all businesses, and now comes another proposal to move it to $18. Imagine the response from companies struggling to keep up with current payrolls when they hear ...

The California Cost Of Thanksgiving

All Californians traveling this Thanksgiving by automobile will be paying steep prices for gasoline. Those who have a little cash left over after filling up can indulge in a meager (compared to last year) turkey day meal. As of Nov. 22, California had the highest gasoline prices in the country. ...

Millionaire Migration: Exhibit A – California

Some years ago — not long after the debt crisis in Greece – I took a cruise around the Greek Isles.  As we drove past rows of villas and yachts outside of Athens, our tour guide made this snarky comment: according to the country’s tax rolls, there was only one ...
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