Gas Prices


What is Joe Biden’s Economic Plan?

During the first presidential debate in September, both candidates answered where they think the economy is headed. Trump believes in a V-shaped recovery, basically a quick rebound, while Biden prefers a K-shaped recovery, with the rich recovering while the rest of the country moves slower. Biden’s theory on where the ...

The Latest Buzz On Newsom’s Electric Car Mandate

To adequately cover all the angles, implications, and consequences of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s executive order to rid the state of gasoline and diesel cars and trucks and replace them with electric vehicles would require a short book, or a long policy paper. We’ve already covered a few points, primarily the ...

Newsom: If You Like Your Internal-Combustion Engine Car, You Can Keep It

When Barack Obama told the country that under Obamacare “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it,” he was dinged for telling the PolitiFact Lie of the Year. California Gov. Gavin Newsom made a similar promise when he signed last week an executive order that will outlaw ...

Gavin Newsom’s battery-powered virtue-signaling

A previous effort to ban automobiles that burn fossil fuel by 2040 was never able to gather enough support to be approved by the California legislature. Yet through the power of a pen, a phone, and a stylish California bear jacket, Gov. Gavin Newsom has decreed that they must be ...

Wildfires, Global Climate Change, And The Policy Environment

California is suffering from raging wildfires that, as of September 10th, have burned over 3.1 million acres, caused 12 fatalities, and destroyed over 3,900 structures. Residents are also enduring rolling electricity blackouts and unaffordable energy, yet California’s greenhouse gas emissions are now rising while the long-term national decline in emissions continues unabated. Connecting ...

Put a quarantine on California’s bad policy ideas

Los Angeles Times readers might think the first night of the Republican National Convention was nothing more than a non-stop attack on California. In its coverage of the first evening’s events, the paper posted the headline “RNC speakers paint California as a dangerous dystopia.” Missing from the report were rebuttals to ...

California Gas Prices Are Rising Again Thanks to Another Gas Tax Increase

Californians who are struggling to make ends meet during these tough economic times are going to be in for sticker shock come July 1:  gas prices will rise yet again. What’s behind the increase, you ask?  It’s not due to rising demand as people begin to slowly return to normalcy ...

Think July 1 Gas Tax Increase Will Fund Better Roads? Think Again.

On July 1, three days before we celebrate our American freedom, and while we’re still feeling the effects of a three-month loss of that liberty, the state tax on gasoline will increase by 3.2 cents per gallon. It should be enough to ensure California keeps its position as the state ...

Reducing Energy Mandates Could Help Fresno Save Big in Economic Downturn

Like the rest of the state, the Central Valley is experiencing a severe economic downturn. According to the latest figures, the Valley’s unemployment rate has risen to 17.8% – nearly two full points higher than the statewide average. Too many people living in working-class communities across the region were already struggling ...

Californians could save big if lawmakers legislate energy prosperity

The coronavirus has hit Southern California especially hard.  With businesses forced to close their doors to customers, many have shuttered for good unable to handle the sharp downturn in income.  As a result, more than 3.6 million Californians filed for unemployment over 8 weeks in March and April. Millions who are now ...

What is Joe Biden’s Economic Plan?

During the first presidential debate in September, both candidates answered where they think the economy is headed. Trump believes in a V-shaped recovery, basically a quick rebound, while Biden prefers a K-shaped recovery, with the rich recovering while the rest of the country moves slower. Biden’s theory on where the ...

The Latest Buzz On Newsom’s Electric Car Mandate

To adequately cover all the angles, implications, and consequences of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s executive order to rid the state of gasoline and diesel cars and trucks and replace them with electric vehicles would require a short book, or a long policy paper. We’ve already covered a few points, primarily the ...

Newsom: If You Like Your Internal-Combustion Engine Car, You Can Keep It

When Barack Obama told the country that under Obamacare “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it,” he was dinged for telling the PolitiFact Lie of the Year. California Gov. Gavin Newsom made a similar promise when he signed last week an executive order that will outlaw ...

Gavin Newsom’s battery-powered virtue-signaling

A previous effort to ban automobiles that burn fossil fuel by 2040 was never able to gather enough support to be approved by the California legislature. Yet through the power of a pen, a phone, and a stylish California bear jacket, Gov. Gavin Newsom has decreed that they must be ...

Wildfires, Global Climate Change, And The Policy Environment

California is suffering from raging wildfires that, as of September 10th, have burned over 3.1 million acres, caused 12 fatalities, and destroyed over 3,900 structures. Residents are also enduring rolling electricity blackouts and unaffordable energy, yet California’s greenhouse gas emissions are now rising while the long-term national decline in emissions continues unabated. Connecting ...

Put a quarantine on California’s bad policy ideas

Los Angeles Times readers might think the first night of the Republican National Convention was nothing more than a non-stop attack on California. In its coverage of the first evening’s events, the paper posted the headline “RNC speakers paint California as a dangerous dystopia.” Missing from the report were rebuttals to ...

California Gas Prices Are Rising Again Thanks to Another Gas Tax Increase

Californians who are struggling to make ends meet during these tough economic times are going to be in for sticker shock come July 1:  gas prices will rise yet again. What’s behind the increase, you ask?  It’s not due to rising demand as people begin to slowly return to normalcy ...

Think July 1 Gas Tax Increase Will Fund Better Roads? Think Again.

On July 1, three days before we celebrate our American freedom, and while we’re still feeling the effects of a three-month loss of that liberty, the state tax on gasoline will increase by 3.2 cents per gallon. It should be enough to ensure California keeps its position as the state ...

Reducing Energy Mandates Could Help Fresno Save Big in Economic Downturn

Like the rest of the state, the Central Valley is experiencing a severe economic downturn. According to the latest figures, the Valley’s unemployment rate has risen to 17.8% – nearly two full points higher than the statewide average. Too many people living in working-class communities across the region were already struggling ...

Californians could save big if lawmakers legislate energy prosperity

The coronavirus has hit Southern California especially hard.  With businesses forced to close their doors to customers, many have shuttered for good unable to handle the sharp downturn in income.  As a result, more than 3.6 million Californians filed for unemployment over 8 weeks in March and April. Millions who are now ...
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