Gig Economy Firms Fight California Overreach with $110 Million Initiative
In a rational response to Assembly Bill 5, which in effect outlaws the gig economy, ride-share and delivery companies have proposed a November 2020 ballot measure aimed at protecting their businesses. But it wouldn’t repeal the law. Shouldn’t that have been the goal? AB 5 doesn’t leave businesses much time to adapt. It becomes law ...
Kerry Jackson
December 4, 2019
California’s Assembly Bill 5 Is A Virus Moving Across the Country
The flood of lousy legislation that has poured out of Sacramento for the last two decades or so truly astonishes in its volume. As fourth-rate as the lawmaking has been, though, nothing has been worse than Assembly Bill 5, an existential threat to both jobs and businesses because it requires ...
Kerry Jackson
December 2, 2019
California’s AB 5 will kill the gig economy and force more companies to leave
Proposition 13 was called the political equivalent of a sonic boom by economist Art Laffer. In limiting how much local governments could drain from Californians through property taxes, fed-up voters changed the political landscape with the 1978 ballot measure in a way that few state policies have, before or since. ...
Kerry Jackson
October 14, 2019
Is the Gig Up After Signing of AB 5?
Now that dust has settled after the signing of perhaps the hottest bill this legislative session – Assembly Bill 5 – what’s next for those who work in the gig economy? A panel of free-market advocates and subject matter experts recently got together to discuss the bill’s aftermath at Pacific ...
Evan Harris
October 9, 2019
Bill to Change Ballot Measure Process Could Complicate Uber Ballot Measure Push
One of the most contentious battles of this year’s legislative session was AB 5, with labor and gig economy companies duking out over the definition of who is an employee and who is an independent contractor. In this battle over the “new economy” and the “future of work,” there was ...
Tim Anaya
September 26, 2019
Kerry Jackson Comments on Gig Economy Bill in Forbes
The state of California recently passed a bill that mandates app-based companies such as Lyft and Uber should treat their workers like employees instead of entrepreneurs. This could set a precedent for other states to sign up their own similar legislation on these ride-sharing companies. . . . . .Kerry ...
Kerry Jackson
September 20, 2019
California — Still Crazy After All These Years
The California Legislature session has ended for the year, so there’s little it can wreck over the next few months. But enough damage was done since January to last beyond 2019 and deep into the Blue future. It’s easy for the rest of the country to dismiss Sacramento’s lawmaking. After ...
Kerry Jackson
September 17, 2019
Battle over “progressive” solutions leaves independent contractors on edge
As the final week of the legislative session was winding down, the Senate and Assembly in party-line votes approved Assembly Bill 5, which will codify the state Supreme Court’s Dynamex ruling, leaving as many as 2 million freelance workers with an unsure future. Gov. Gavin Newsom, who publicly endorsed the ...
Kerry Jackson
September 12, 2019
Kerry Jackson joins Dr. Drew on 790 KABC
Kerry Jackson, PRI’s Center for California Reform fellow, speaks with Dr. Drew and Leeann Tweeden about California’s public transportation woes on 790 KABC. The interview begins at the 21:20 mark.
Kerry Jackson
July 30, 2019
Californians’ Transportation Choices Should Be Left to Them—Not Bureaucrats
Last month, the Los Angeles Times reported that the Metro system “is hemorrhaging bus riders.” The news was presented as, if not a crisis, at least an urgent matter that needs to be promptly addressed. Yet that’s hardly the case. It’s troubling, we’re supposed to infer, that “passengers have fled” ...
Kerry Jackson
July 29, 2019
Gig Economy Firms Fight California Overreach with $110 Million Initiative
In a rational response to Assembly Bill 5, which in effect outlaws the gig economy, ride-share and delivery companies have proposed a November 2020 ballot measure aimed at protecting their businesses. But it wouldn’t repeal the law. Shouldn’t that have been the goal? AB 5 doesn’t leave businesses much time to adapt. It becomes law ...
California’s Assembly Bill 5 Is A Virus Moving Across the Country
The flood of lousy legislation that has poured out of Sacramento for the last two decades or so truly astonishes in its volume. As fourth-rate as the lawmaking has been, though, nothing has been worse than Assembly Bill 5, an existential threat to both jobs and businesses because it requires ...
California’s AB 5 will kill the gig economy and force more companies to leave
Proposition 13 was called the political equivalent of a sonic boom by economist Art Laffer. In limiting how much local governments could drain from Californians through property taxes, fed-up voters changed the political landscape with the 1978 ballot measure in a way that few state policies have, before or since. ...
Is the Gig Up After Signing of AB 5?
Now that dust has settled after the signing of perhaps the hottest bill this legislative session – Assembly Bill 5 – what’s next for those who work in the gig economy? A panel of free-market advocates and subject matter experts recently got together to discuss the bill’s aftermath at Pacific ...
Bill to Change Ballot Measure Process Could Complicate Uber Ballot Measure Push
One of the most contentious battles of this year’s legislative session was AB 5, with labor and gig economy companies duking out over the definition of who is an employee and who is an independent contractor. In this battle over the “new economy” and the “future of work,” there was ...
Kerry Jackson Comments on Gig Economy Bill in Forbes
The state of California recently passed a bill that mandates app-based companies such as Lyft and Uber should treat their workers like employees instead of entrepreneurs. This could set a precedent for other states to sign up their own similar legislation on these ride-sharing companies. . . . . .Kerry ...
California — Still Crazy After All These Years
The California Legislature session has ended for the year, so there’s little it can wreck over the next few months. But enough damage was done since January to last beyond 2019 and deep into the Blue future. It’s easy for the rest of the country to dismiss Sacramento’s lawmaking. After ...
Battle over “progressive” solutions leaves independent contractors on edge
As the final week of the legislative session was winding down, the Senate and Assembly in party-line votes approved Assembly Bill 5, which will codify the state Supreme Court’s Dynamex ruling, leaving as many as 2 million freelance workers with an unsure future. Gov. Gavin Newsom, who publicly endorsed the ...
Kerry Jackson joins Dr. Drew on 790 KABC
Kerry Jackson, PRI’s Center for California Reform fellow, speaks with Dr. Drew and Leeann Tweeden about California’s public transportation woes on 790 KABC. The interview begins at the 21:20 mark.
Californians’ Transportation Choices Should Be Left to Them—Not Bureaucrats
Last month, the Los Angeles Times reported that the Metro system “is hemorrhaging bus riders.” The news was presented as, if not a crisis, at least an urgent matter that needs to be promptly addressed. Yet that’s hardly the case. It’s troubling, we’re supposed to infer, that “passengers have fled” ...