

Sally Pipes Responds to CA Push to Expand Medicaid for Undocumented in Daily Signal

California Lawmakers Move to Expand Medicaid for Illegal Immigrants By Kaylee Greenlee The California Assembly voted 44-11 in favor of a bill last week that broadens state Medicaid coverage to include illegal immigrants to the tune of more than $3 billion annually. Under federal law, Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program, provides ...

Sally Pipes in Sacramento Bee story on push to expand Medi-cal for the undocumented

Undocumented kids can get health care in California. Gavin Newsom wants it for young adults, too By Sophia Bollag . . . Gov. Gavin Newsom has proposed expanding Medi-Cal to undocumented adults younger than 26. That would help young people like Lopez, who lost her eligibility this year when she turned ...

Left vs. Left Round 2: Teach for America and the Unions

When Right by the Bay heard that Assemblyman Kevin Kiley’s vigorous defense of Teach for America (TFA) landed him in the “dog house” (the smallest office at the Capitol), we couldn’t help but be intrigued, for nothing in politics is worse than being caught eating one’s own. But we don’t ...

Don’t Scapegoat Charter Schools For School Districts’ Fiscal Woes

Governor Gavin Newsom’s move to have State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond create an expert panel to review the financial impact of charter schools on regular public schools, and put out a report by July, smells like an attempt to scapegoat charter schools. First, comments by the governor’s office ...

Former Speechwriters Take On The 2019 State of the Union

PRI’s Lance Izumi and Tim Anaya – both former speechwriters – weigh in on this week’s State of the Union address by President Trump and the Democratic response by Stacey Abrams.  They discuss the impact of the one-week delay, whether the President and Democrats were effective in messaging the shutdown ...

California’s Doomsday Clock Getting Closer to Midnight

In 1947 a group of scientists unveiled the Doomsday Clock to show how near civilization was to a man-made catastrophic end. Maybe California should have its own doomsday clock, since it seems headed for a wreck. Today’s official Doomsday Clock reads 11:58 pm, two minutes before disaster. The Bulletin of ...

Did Millennials Fuel 2018’s “Blue Wave”?

By Makaila Warga Move over baby boomers, millennials are on the cusp of becoming the nation’s largest adult generation – and with that comes a significant opportunity to influence the public policy debate. Based on data recently collected by Pew Research, millennials, already the largest generation in the labor force, ...

Free Markets 101: My Story Shows You Can Get Ahead by Adding New Skills

This essay is meant to be a simple and straight forward look at how adding specific skill sets allowed me to have socioeconomic mobility and earn wages that allow me to send my daughter to private school, own a home, and enjoy a better present and future for my family. ...

Assembly Offers $120 million Bait to UC to Stop 401(k) plans

The great investor Warren Buffett once said, “Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.”  UC President Janet Napolitano probably had similar thoughts when she wrote to the Assembly opposing their offer ...

New Solar Mandate Latest Chapter in ‘California Craziness’ Story

Making housing more affordable in California has been at the top of the agenda in Sacramento for more than a year. Unfortunately, lawmakers have mishandled the opportunity to pass meaningful reforms and now a new solar energy mandate will soon force homes prices even higher. The Energy Commission, whose five ...

Sally Pipes Responds to CA Push to Expand Medicaid for Undocumented in Daily Signal

California Lawmakers Move to Expand Medicaid for Illegal Immigrants By Kaylee Greenlee The California Assembly voted 44-11 in favor of a bill last week that broadens state Medicaid coverage to include illegal immigrants to the tune of more than $3 billion annually. Under federal law, Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program, provides ...

Sally Pipes in Sacramento Bee story on push to expand Medi-cal for the undocumented

Undocumented kids can get health care in California. Gavin Newsom wants it for young adults, too By Sophia Bollag . . . Gov. Gavin Newsom has proposed expanding Medi-Cal to undocumented adults younger than 26. That would help young people like Lopez, who lost her eligibility this year when she turned ...

Left vs. Left Round 2: Teach for America and the Unions

When Right by the Bay heard that Assemblyman Kevin Kiley’s vigorous defense of Teach for America (TFA) landed him in the “dog house” (the smallest office at the Capitol), we couldn’t help but be intrigued, for nothing in politics is worse than being caught eating one’s own. But we don’t ...

Don’t Scapegoat Charter Schools For School Districts’ Fiscal Woes

Governor Gavin Newsom’s move to have State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond create an expert panel to review the financial impact of charter schools on regular public schools, and put out a report by July, smells like an attempt to scapegoat charter schools. First, comments by the governor’s office ...

Former Speechwriters Take On The 2019 State of the Union

PRI’s Lance Izumi and Tim Anaya – both former speechwriters – weigh in on this week’s State of the Union address by President Trump and the Democratic response by Stacey Abrams.  They discuss the impact of the one-week delay, whether the President and Democrats were effective in messaging the shutdown ...

California’s Doomsday Clock Getting Closer to Midnight

In 1947 a group of scientists unveiled the Doomsday Clock to show how near civilization was to a man-made catastrophic end. Maybe California should have its own doomsday clock, since it seems headed for a wreck. Today’s official Doomsday Clock reads 11:58 pm, two minutes before disaster. The Bulletin of ...

Did Millennials Fuel 2018’s “Blue Wave”?

By Makaila Warga Move over baby boomers, millennials are on the cusp of becoming the nation’s largest adult generation – and with that comes a significant opportunity to influence the public policy debate. Based on data recently collected by Pew Research, millennials, already the largest generation in the labor force, ...

Free Markets 101: My Story Shows You Can Get Ahead by Adding New Skills

This essay is meant to be a simple and straight forward look at how adding specific skill sets allowed me to have socioeconomic mobility and earn wages that allow me to send my daughter to private school, own a home, and enjoy a better present and future for my family. ...

Assembly Offers $120 million Bait to UC to Stop 401(k) plans

The great investor Warren Buffett once said, “Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.”  UC President Janet Napolitano probably had similar thoughts when she wrote to the Assembly opposing their offer ...

New Solar Mandate Latest Chapter in ‘California Craziness’ Story

Making housing more affordable in California has been at the top of the agenda in Sacramento for more than a year. Unfortunately, lawmakers have mishandled the opportunity to pass meaningful reforms and now a new solar energy mandate will soon force homes prices even higher. The Energy Commission, whose five ...
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