
Business & Economics

Read Wayne Winegarden in SD Union-Tribune & LA Times on Growing San Diego Wealth Gap

Wealth gap grows in San Diego, report says By Phillip Molnar Also published in Los Angeles Times If you feel left behind in San Diego’s economy, you’re not alone. The gap between the have and have-not’s in San Diego was the ninth-highest out of 100 cities between 2011 to 2016, said ...

Not Much to Celebrate as California’s Economy Grows on Paper

California’s economy has now surpassed that of United Kingdom, making it the fifth-largest in the world if it were its own country. Despite this growth, and in contrast to the perception that all is well in California because the economy looks so robust, the Golden State’s economy is not quite ...

It’s 2018 and We’re Already Fighting About the Next Census

The battle over the 2020 census has already begun. No, your eyes are not deceiving you.  The calendar on the wall does say May 2018. The census is a multi-year process that involves lots of planning and organizing to design the survey and get all Americans to complete it.  In ...

Sally Pipes in CA Health News: Calif. Leads Nation In Pushing Back Against Trump Administration Health Policies

(Story also ran in Los Angeles Times) By Ana B. Ibarra These days, when the federal government turns in one direction, California veers in the other — and in the case of healthcare, it’s a sharp swerve. In the nation’s most populous state, lawmakers and other policymakers seemingly are not content ...

Will Sacramento Do Anything to Stop State’s “People Problem”?

To say that the Bay Area has problems would be like saying the universe has stars. There are too many to count and even trying to do so creates a cosmic headache. One of these innumerable problems recently caught the eyes of the Wall Street Journal, which tagged a late ...

Trump is right — California is out of control

When President Trump recently visited California, he came away with the sense that it “is totally out of control.” If he arrived at that conclusion from just a single visit, imagine how many who live in the state feel. To be fair, California itself isn’t out of control. There are ...

Mass Transit Ridership is Falling in Southern California, Study Finds

By Kenneth Artz A new study finds commuters are increasingly choosing to use cars over mass transit in Southern California. Mass transit use in six southern California counties declined significantly during the past decade, according to a new study by researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) ...

Single-Payer in California: Slowly, Slowly, Catchy Monkey

For now, California’s progressive politicians have judged single-payer as a bridge too far.  But that doesn’t mean they’ve given up trying to take over health care. As my Canadian mother used to say, “slowly, slowly, catchy monkey” – or be patient. On March 14, Assembly lawmakers released a report by ...

“Middle Class Tax Justice” is an 18.84% Corporate Tax Hike?

Thanks to Trump’s corporate tax cut, companies have become, well, more enterprising. Where a 31 percent federal tax rate ruled out many new ventures, a 21 percent tax rate makes them far more viable.  So, it’s no surprise that state officials have been working overtime to attract new businesses to ...

They’re Baaack! Higher Corporate Tax Rates on California Companies?

Just when hundreds of thousands of Californians have begun to enjoy their bonuses and raises thanks to the new tax law, the progressives in Sacramento are working on ways to crush workers’ newfound prosperity.  Just last week, Democratic Assemblymen Kevin McCarty of Sacramento and Phil Ting of San Francisco introduced ...
Business & Economics

Read Wayne Winegarden in SD Union-Tribune & LA Times on Growing San Diego Wealth Gap

Wealth gap grows in San Diego, report says By Phillip Molnar Also published in Los Angeles Times If you feel left behind in San Diego’s economy, you’re not alone. The gap between the have and have-not’s in San Diego was the ninth-highest out of 100 cities between 2011 to 2016, said ...

Not Much to Celebrate as California’s Economy Grows on Paper

California’s economy has now surpassed that of United Kingdom, making it the fifth-largest in the world if it were its own country. Despite this growth, and in contrast to the perception that all is well in California because the economy looks so robust, the Golden State’s economy is not quite ...

It’s 2018 and We’re Already Fighting About the Next Census

The battle over the 2020 census has already begun. No, your eyes are not deceiving you.  The calendar on the wall does say May 2018. The census is a multi-year process that involves lots of planning and organizing to design the survey and get all Americans to complete it.  In ...

Sally Pipes in CA Health News: Calif. Leads Nation In Pushing Back Against Trump Administration Health Policies

(Story also ran in Los Angeles Times) By Ana B. Ibarra These days, when the federal government turns in one direction, California veers in the other — and in the case of healthcare, it’s a sharp swerve. In the nation’s most populous state, lawmakers and other policymakers seemingly are not content ...

Will Sacramento Do Anything to Stop State’s “People Problem”?

To say that the Bay Area has problems would be like saying the universe has stars. There are too many to count and even trying to do so creates a cosmic headache. One of these innumerable problems recently caught the eyes of the Wall Street Journal, which tagged a late ...

Trump is right — California is out of control

When President Trump recently visited California, he came away with the sense that it “is totally out of control.” If he arrived at that conclusion from just a single visit, imagine how many who live in the state feel. To be fair, California itself isn’t out of control. There are ...

Mass Transit Ridership is Falling in Southern California, Study Finds

By Kenneth Artz A new study finds commuters are increasingly choosing to use cars over mass transit in Southern California. Mass transit use in six southern California counties declined significantly during the past decade, according to a new study by researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) ...

Single-Payer in California: Slowly, Slowly, Catchy Monkey

For now, California’s progressive politicians have judged single-payer as a bridge too far.  But that doesn’t mean they’ve given up trying to take over health care. As my Canadian mother used to say, “slowly, slowly, catchy monkey” – or be patient. On March 14, Assembly lawmakers released a report by ...

“Middle Class Tax Justice” is an 18.84% Corporate Tax Hike?

Thanks to Trump’s corporate tax cut, companies have become, well, more enterprising. Where a 31 percent federal tax rate ruled out many new ventures, a 21 percent tax rate makes them far more viable.  So, it’s no surprise that state officials have been working overtime to attract new businesses to ...

They’re Baaack! Higher Corporate Tax Rates on California Companies?

Just when hundreds of thousands of Californians have begun to enjoy their bonuses and raises thanks to the new tax law, the progressives in Sacramento are working on ways to crush workers’ newfound prosperity.  Just last week, Democratic Assemblymen Kevin McCarty of Sacramento and Phil Ting of San Francisco introduced ...
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