

Democratic Socialists Are Painting the Roses Red

We’re painting the roses red, Painting the roses red, And many a tear we shed, Because we know, They’ll cease to grow, In fact, they’ll soon be dead. And yet we go ahead, Painting the roses red Just like the characters in Alice in Wonderland, Representative Ocasio-Cortez apparently knows that ...

2019’s Best Staged Press Conference Masks Legislation’s Silliness

Assemblyman Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, wins the award for the best staged press conference of 2019. Not since Governor Schwarzenegger brought out the infamous “Count Cartaxula” (played by my good friend Walter von Huene) have we seen anything like a tall staffer wearing a giant, mock grocery store receipt around ...

What We’re Watching – Dutch Steals the Show

Tim Anaya – Dutch Newsom Upstages His Dad’s Inauguration We’ve had plenty to say this week about Gavin Newsom’s inauguration and his first proposals as Governor. We suspect he’ll keep us talking – and writing – quite a bit over the next four years. But the real star of the ...

If Only Brown Had Left His Copy Of ‘Atlas Shrugged’ On Newsom’s Desk

In what amounts to an exit interview with the New York Times, former California Gov. Jerry Brown complained the state has “too many damn laws” and argued “the coercive power of the state should be invoked sparingly.” We’ll never see another Democratic governor like him again in California. But then ...

Federal Lawsuit Filed Over Biased Curriculum

Policy debates over curriculum often center on test scores and other student performance indicators.  However, according to a recent lawsuit filed in federal court, curricular bias and indoctrination have reached shocking levels that raise serious constitutional concerns. The lawsuit was filed by Fair Education Santa Barbara, whose members include parents ...

Firing the Deep State

Irate over plummeting stock prices in recent weeks, the media reported that President Trump wanted to fire his appointed Fed Chairman Jerome Powell.  But can he really fire him?  It turns out that the law is murky in this area.  Trump can fire Powell, but only “for cause.” And that ...

Out with The Old . . . In with The New

California’s 40th governor – Gavin Newsom – will be sworn in this morning on the steps of the State Capitol, at a ceremony filled with pomp-and-circumstance. The tradition of an inauguration is America’s version of the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace.  The new chief executive takes the reins ...

What We’re Watching – January 4

Tim Anaya – A Trip Down California Inaugural History Lane On Monday, Gavin Newsom will be sworn in as California’s next governor. If, like me, you enjoy the ceremony and pageantry of inaugurations, check out this Huell Howser special from the mid-1990’s exploring the history of California’s inaugurals and ...

Meet the Trumpelschumers

Reality TV doesn’t get any better than the recent Oval Office brawl with Trump, Pelosi, and Schumer duking it out over border security. The media made much of it: “pitched partisan argument” (Politico), “testy confrontation” (New York Times), “political fireworks” (ABC).  The days of smiling, comfy, fireside photo-ops may be ...

Do We Have a Right to Shelter?

Does everyone by virtue of their existence have a right to shelter? It’s a question the California legislature will consider in 2019. Earlier this month, Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, introduced Senate Bill 48. This Right to Shelter Bill “aims to ensure that homeless individuals and families throughout California have ...

Democratic Socialists Are Painting the Roses Red

We’re painting the roses red, Painting the roses red, And many a tear we shed, Because we know, They’ll cease to grow, In fact, they’ll soon be dead. And yet we go ahead, Painting the roses red Just like the characters in Alice in Wonderland, Representative Ocasio-Cortez apparently knows that ...

2019’s Best Staged Press Conference Masks Legislation’s Silliness

Assemblyman Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, wins the award for the best staged press conference of 2019. Not since Governor Schwarzenegger brought out the infamous “Count Cartaxula” (played by my good friend Walter von Huene) have we seen anything like a tall staffer wearing a giant, mock grocery store receipt around ...

What We’re Watching – Dutch Steals the Show

Tim Anaya – Dutch Newsom Upstages His Dad’s Inauguration We’ve had plenty to say this week about Gavin Newsom’s inauguration and his first proposals as Governor. We suspect he’ll keep us talking – and writing – quite a bit over the next four years. But the real star of the ...

If Only Brown Had Left His Copy Of ‘Atlas Shrugged’ On Newsom’s Desk

In what amounts to an exit interview with the New York Times, former California Gov. Jerry Brown complained the state has “too many damn laws” and argued “the coercive power of the state should be invoked sparingly.” We’ll never see another Democratic governor like him again in California. But then ...

Federal Lawsuit Filed Over Biased Curriculum

Policy debates over curriculum often center on test scores and other student performance indicators.  However, according to a recent lawsuit filed in federal court, curricular bias and indoctrination have reached shocking levels that raise serious constitutional concerns. The lawsuit was filed by Fair Education Santa Barbara, whose members include parents ...

Firing the Deep State

Irate over plummeting stock prices in recent weeks, the media reported that President Trump wanted to fire his appointed Fed Chairman Jerome Powell.  But can he really fire him?  It turns out that the law is murky in this area.  Trump can fire Powell, but only “for cause.” And that ...

Out with The Old . . . In with The New

California’s 40th governor – Gavin Newsom – will be sworn in this morning on the steps of the State Capitol, at a ceremony filled with pomp-and-circumstance. The tradition of an inauguration is America’s version of the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace.  The new chief executive takes the reins ...

What We’re Watching – January 4

Tim Anaya – A Trip Down California Inaugural History Lane On Monday, Gavin Newsom will be sworn in as California’s next governor. If, like me, you enjoy the ceremony and pageantry of inaugurations, check out this Huell Howser special from the mid-1990’s exploring the history of California’s inaugurals and ...

Meet the Trumpelschumers

Reality TV doesn’t get any better than the recent Oval Office brawl with Trump, Pelosi, and Schumer duking it out over border security. The media made much of it: “pitched partisan argument” (Politico), “testy confrontation” (New York Times), “political fireworks” (ABC).  The days of smiling, comfy, fireside photo-ops may be ...

Do We Have a Right to Shelter?

Does everyone by virtue of their existence have a right to shelter? It’s a question the California legislature will consider in 2019. Earlier this month, Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, introduced Senate Bill 48. This Right to Shelter Bill “aims to ensure that homeless individuals and families throughout California have ...
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